is this series any good
Is this series any good
yes i loved IV.
get it and enjoy.
Yeah I like it
>Making your own maps is fun
>Hazards on the maps to avoid, not just walking around getting into a random encounters
>Combat is more strategic than most turn-based RPGs, poison and similar effects are useful or even absolutely crucial
>Need good team structure to succeed
>Doesn't burden you with extensive narrative, throws you right into the game
It's like Final Fantasy but better.
I've been taking my time with 5 but it's been fun. At third stratum boss with chain fencer, deathbringer harbinger, cannon dragoon, healing herbalist, and broker necro.
This. I've dabbled in all of them, but IV was the only one that held my attention until the end.
I can only play these games with jap voices english is a complete turn off. I can't find an undub for The Millennium Girl so I never started.
fuck yes it is. only monster hunter is a better series on the 3DS
What's the point of the character art when you don't even see it outside of menus
You also see it in battle.
Just turn voices off you pussy.
>waifu maker 3DS
I played the demon and I already love it
When should I tackle the big elephant on the second stratum? The request to beat the guards at killing monsters was a joke, and the monkeys haven't given me any real trouble.
fuck this boss and fuck this whole strata
>It's like Final Fantasy but better.
It's wizardry lite
Only if you like first person dungeon crawling jrpgs. People will meme you into thinking it has deep combat or endless customization but that's fucking bullshit.
IV is great, not so sure about V though. I loved the airship overworld and the subclassing of IV and felt that V was a step back by changing these two mechanics.
final fantasy is a poor man's wizardry
Going from IV to V is awkward. The difficulty ramped up so much that I wasn't expecting it. The skill tree is no longer 3 / 4 menus that you earn by leveling up, but simply a one-page list that's ALL you get. (Unless you unlock more during the late-game)
The race skills are interesting, but not quite great(?). Based on how the difficulty went in IV, I was at least expecting to be able to put up a fight, but damn, I was hard-pressed to get an instance where my team didn't get killed in one hit by the weakest shit.
This is primarily an issue because I'm an autist when it comes to exp distribution - I want everyone to get the same exp and level at the same time. (Persona Q has already made me cringe because of the forced EXP gain)
How do strong team / not dying fast and simple?
I accidentally got gud in IV because I had a Nightseeker / Dancer / Landsknecht / Medic / Sniper team, and subclasses just made it so much more fun with Bushi / Nightseeker / Fortress / Arcanist / Runemaster.
I forgot about the Primordiphant until I got a sidequest to kill it with Egar while exploring the postgame stratum. I killed it with ease at that point, both with Egar helping the party and without him afterwards., So, maybe you could take it on somewhere in the late lv50s with a good party?
Oh, sounds like it could be a while then. It did catch up to me but missed every hit so I had no way to gauge its strength.
>(Unless you unlock more during the late-game)
Why wouldn't you expect to open up more skills to spend points on? If you wouldn't then many classes would run out skills to spend points on before the level cap.
You unlock 'specialisations' after the second major boss. Things will start making sense then.
If you want your party to stop dying in one hit, get them some armor. Even the weakest enemies on the 1st floor hit hard if your guys aren't equipping something in all three slots. Consider the VIT+ accessories in the earlygame instead of helmets/gloves/boots for the third slot, you forgo a little magic defense as a tradeoff but that felt like a nonissue.
The series is great, though I'm playing 5 right now and not enjoying it as much as the other entries for some reason.
Based Whirlwind.
I figured more skills would be likely, but from the onset, it's just awkward.
I wasn't aware that armor made such a difference - I guess it's either because my team in IV had been fully geared before I ventured out beyond the first tutorial really.
If you wanna get into the series and test it, you could always grab the demo of IV off the eShop (if it's still available) and test it out yourself - there's some semblance of customization, but I found mapping to be really enjoyable because it's YOUR map. The icon you use for a transition between maps could be totally different than what someone else did, and it's really cool. Touching on the customization, you can pick 1/8 specific images that represent the character you pick, but half of those pictures are just the same image / pose just reskinned. With V, you're still kinda locked into the 1/8 choice, but they give you the race default to pick from, plus you can add voices to them (They have 25 Male, 25 Female, which means you can pick someone that looks masculine and go for little girly girl based on voice alone). On top of that, you can play with skin tone, hair color, the shading of the hair, and eye color, so you can really give your characters personality. If you aren't into turn-based RPGs, then that's where you'll dislike the genre.
Maybe burnout?
I burned myself playing Untold right before V came out, so I haven't gotten too far in it. Seems like a pretty good game so far. Only complaint I have is the map icons (that aren't visible) are harder to access now. Kind of a pain in the ass.
its a dungeon crawler with nameless heroes and basically no real story
you progress just for the sake of progressing
it entertained me for a bit, but I prefer more stuff going on in a game, it felt like terraria in that you progress just for the sake of progressing with no other reason (obviously not the same gameplay at all)
maybe i just need to give dungeon crawlers more time but it doesn't really seem like my type of game
Did you know about the part where you can extend the window?
I agree, it's a bit more of a pain to get to them, but you technically can access everything at once without switching out your hot-bar of icons.
Yes. Stoked for the last 3DS game.
Shouldn't be burnout, it's been months since I last played 2U. I don't know, something about the game just doesn't set right with me, and it's bugging me that I can't pinpoint why.
Well you can extend the window, but that's for swapping out the accessible icons, I though.
I'll go back and check it.
I don't like the race system compared to 3/4's.
It's a great series, but I gave up halfway through 5. This is coming from someone that's been playing and done almost all the content every game has offered since 2008. I guess I'm just sick of the formula by now but they've already confirmed the next game is the last 3DS game and the last game to feature mapping
Nah, you can actually drag it out on the touch screen and just pull from those icons. You have your readily-accessible ones that're the ones you see when it's the 3x5? or so grid, but then if you pull it out as much as possible, you can grab anything. The only downside is you have to pull out the bar and it obscures about 50% of your map. But they're 100% usable.
Agreed. I get the idea they were going for, but the system feels like a step back in most regards.
I liked the story in EO1.
1 or 1U? There is a correct answer.
I thought I was already specific enough.
Good man.
>party is Barrage Brawler/Deathguard/Spirit Broker/Elemancer/Merciful Healer
>still feels weak as hell
Am I missing something important?
>no real story
Someone hasn't played 3.
I don't even know where to begin with this shitty team comp.
By all means, go ahead. I went into 5 completely blind and went with what felt best at the time.
>this is primarily an issue because I'm an autist when it comes to exp distribution
Im exactly the same. I let one character die and not gain xp if theyre too far ahead of the group and its also why I havent reclassed or added new classes yet.
I'm so bad that I basically treat the death as a restart, because there's no point in continuing the battle(s) since one person will be behind. It's also not worth running out of the stratum, staying at the inn, wasting gold (and time) just to start again.
I don't even bother with letting anyone get ahead or anything. If they're even 1 xp off I get stupidly OCD over it.
To be fair, both have their roots in DnD, FFI was basically a JRPG DnD.
Eh, not really. FF, if anything, stripped out the more AD&D-esque aspects of Wizardry, like lockpicking, traps, and large groups of monsters.
>one hit by the weakest shit.
I felt this is only true for like the first stratum. Then again I had both a Necro and a Dragoon so I could divert damage quite well.
>How do strong team / not dying fast and simple?
Depends on who're you using. I found out myself that in the case. Pick like 3 or 4 classes you want to use an make pick the last one to synergyze everything. Since you get quite the good experience playing the game before you get master classes you'll get a good idea of what you want in your team.
the god damn Rover passsive healing is so powerful for grinding.
I'm playing EO3 blind and it's my first game in the series
Please teach me how to party composition, I've made it to the second stratum but I'm spooked that I might be a complete fuckup. I'm running Prince-Hoplite-Gladiator in the first row, and Monk-Zodiac in the back.
Was going full sword for the gladiator a mistake? Now that I've tried it a bit it's kinda underwhelming with the amount of TP they chug.
Endless amounts of fan made porn.
Party looks fine on first glance. It's all about the skills you put on them from here. You can always rest the character if what you're going for seems underwhelming like your sword glad, 5 levels sounds like a lot but it really isn't if what you're getting out of it is a more efficient character.
What are the good skills for Gladiator? I went all-in on swords but Blade Rave doesn't seem nearly as strong as I hoped it would be.
EO is actually pretty low on lewds (good ones anyway.) Minami Star is the only one that has a style similar to the official art, anything else is blej
My big problem with V is that my cookie cutter party utterly went to shit in the third stratum. You'd think that cookie cutter would get you through any game, but no, you need to do weird shit with a Harbinger or a Necromancer. Fuck this game.
Fubuki Poni
So amm...
Good starting classes/party for EQ3 for first time player?
Newfag please go.
If you aren't impressed with sword you really won't be a fan of "5-misses" for clubs.
That's not even why you would want to go maces but yeah, it still needs some acc accessories
I dropped eo5 in the 2nd stratum, the party I chose was boring and the game seems phoned in
Currently at 2U with prot/sov/wm/gun/hex, much more fun