>YFW you realize CROWNED is a remix of the Nightmare battle theme

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if the Robobot will make some sort of cameo, like it's crashed in the background or something.

When will the new Kirby game to be release?

I hope it never comes back, giving Kirby a robot powered by Kirby's modern brokenness was a retarded idea. Giving him the ability to make friends easily is much more in-line with what his character should be.

Nah, the Robobot was great and it showed that it developed some measure of care for Kirby in the end, and was one of the best parts gameplay wise of a great game. I just want to see what happened to it rather than floating for eternity

>in the end
It was an immediate transformation, he only cries in the end because it's an easy way to make you sympathetic for the mediocre gimmick.

There's only so much emotion a robot with a static face can show mate, I think it was done rather well and was a pretty nice farewell to the thing. It was a great gimmick though, and led to a great finale.

Also, Under my Control is a remix too according to the wiki it "starts with a heavy remix of Dark Matter's theme from Kirby's Dream Land 3, followed by a portion of the dimensional rift theme from Kirby's Return to Dream Land and finally ending with the first few bars of 02's battle theme from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards."

>There's only so much emotion a robot with a static face can show mate

So then it was perfect for a robotic character that you could control. Did you not like PR or something?

I wonder what the world acronym will be?

Bagel Bluff
Eclair Era
Frappe Freezers
Radish Ridge
Inkblot Isles
Eerie Eclipse
Neverend Nightmare
Darkness Dynasty

>like 80% of robobot's ost are remixes of songs from previous games
>around 15% are remixes of the title theme

>around 15% are remixes of the title theme
That's called leitmotif

I'm not a fan of it.

>Cookie Crusades
>Umami Utopia
>Crispy Almonds
>Kale Kingdom

March 16

This is a fun topic

Soothing Savannas
Orange Oasis
Rocky Ravine
Raspberry Ridge
Obscure Occult
Wretched Wilds


>Popstar Pathway
>Love-Love Lake
>Undersea Umbrage
>Ginormous Gulch
>Grim Guardian

Post your top ten boss themes

1. Fountain of Dreams
2. Zero-Two
3. C-R-O-W-N-E-D
4. Moonstruck Blossom
5. DeDeDe's Theme
6. Meta Knight's Revenge
7. Star Dream OS
8. Duel in the Sky Phase 2
9. Hyper Zone Part 1
10. Nightmare's Theme

Sheikah clan confirmed for Zero fanboys?

Dream Land
Eternity Acres
Vivid Islands
Open Stretch
Top Tract
Icebox Bluff
Obelisk Earth
Never Grounds

1. Zero-Two
2. Moonstruck Blossom
3. Darkness Returns
4. Dedede's theme
5. C-R-O-W-N-E-D
6. Hyper Zone phase 2
7. Marx's theme
8. Galacta Knight's theme
9. Hyper Zone phase 1
10. Sullied Grace

>Plugg is the final boss
>Plugg Soul is the secret boss

Happy Hills
Orange Ocean
Loopty-Loop Land
Lyre Lake
Opulent Orbit
Withered World


Crepe Country
Rhubarb Rodeo
Indigo Igloo
Scallop Savannah
Peanut Pelago
Yellow Yacht
Acorn Acreage
Lentil Land
Mallow Marsh
Omelette Orchestra
Nuttier Noon
Donut Dynasty
Sesame Street
Icetea Island
Soup Swamp
Nougat Nook
Tangelo Town
Almond Alcove
Lavender Lake
Lost Labortory
Icy It
Thyme Tostop
Eclair Era
Radish Ruin
Alright Area
Tofu Territory
Inkblot Isles
Velvet Veranda
Eggplant Eon


>Mind in a Program/Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection (P.R.O.G.R.A.M.)
>Dededestoyer Z
>Zero Two
>Moonstruck Blossom
>Dark Mind Phase 2
>Nightmare Battle
>Fountain of Dreams
>Drawcia Soul
>Vs. Marx

Oh fugg!

You stumped me.

What's the last word? I think I got all of it but that.



Ah, I see. I thought it was ISNT ALL IT.

If there's a reference in that I clearly didn't catch it.

pretty sure it's a reference to this

>Doesn't like the Robobot
What a fag

5. Star Dream (Kirby Planet Robobot)
4. Meta Knight (Revenge of Meta Knight)
3. Dirty and Beauty (Kirby: Triple Deluxe)
2. Zero-Two (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
1. Dedede (Kirby's Dream Land)

Broccoli Breeze
Olive Orchard
Radish Ramparts
Bamboo Bazaar

It's the worst and dullest Kirby helper by far. I prefer living things.


>Multiple uses
>Great puzzles
>Had it's own abilities
More proof you're a fag

don't be robo-racist


>loves pigeonholed nearly scripted sequences
>loves how the game takes away your freedom and won't let you use it anywhere, it only lets you use it exactly when, where, and how the game wants you too
>loves how the game doesn't even have a single real boss that lets you use the damn thing
Robobotfags are the dumbest and faggiest fags of all.

>act 2 of a stage or continuation of an area
>music is a remix of that area's theme

Few things get me more hard than this in vidya

>doesn't like the thing that's strong because you can't use it forever
Man, bet you hate the Mega Mushroom as well
>Puzzles are scripted
>Super weapon needs a boss
But Hypernova didn't have a boss

There is no challenge to using the Robobot Armor. There is no give and take, this is not an interesting alternate style of play, it's just an upgrade in every way. The puzzles may as well be scripted with how obvious and spelled-out they are, you never have to actually try, or go out of your way for anything, or have to think back on previous areas to progress, and in normal gameplay there is no benefit to getting a super powerful upgrade in a game where any ability already makes you far more powerful than any enemy. The power the game wants you to use is always placed right where they want you to get it, and then you run through a corridor of pathetic targets to "make you feel strong" even though Kirby already feels too strong. Enemies are sitting ducks and platforming is non-existent, every other Kirby game has been always been a walk in the park, but never this completely brainless. It may as well play itself.
It doesn't even have any big bosses designed around its capabilities, something that could actually be creative and challenge this thing. And apparently you faggots don't even want to be challenged as the Robobot armor, you just like the "I run throo woddle dees im strong! so hype hype!!" It never feels like Kirby needs this thing or its skillset, it's just a shitty gimmick, or that they have. Star Allies helpers and their weird little Epic Yarn-esque gimmick sections will be better than the Robobot, in concept and in execution, in every single way.


Posting best Dedede robot.