How do I play video games after Windows 7 becomes obsolete next year?

How do I play video games after Windows 7 becomes obsolete next year?
Windows 10 is spyware in permanent beta and Linux has no games.

Will I have to become a console pleb?

install Win10 and use ShutUp10

Linux has plenty of good games.

Stop playing AAA trash and be part of the market share that is growing so that way publishers will send games to us faggot.

The only permanent beta here is u lmao.

>Windows 7 becomes obsolete next year

it is?

support won't end until 2020, if that's what he means

Xbox one S has yet to dissapoint me. Just don't get a play station unless you like niggers blasting shitty trap music through potato microphones. Join us, user. The controller feels great in your hands. Keyboards were made for typing, silly.

I really dislike xbox controllers.

well the ones Microsoft makes kinda blow so if you want to be competitive you gotta go for an elite controller or a scuf. You could even plug a keyboard in if you port it correctly. I love my scuf for sweaty dropshotting.

You can't fool me, Microshill. Even my 13-year-old cousin knows the XB1 is shit.
Besides, I already have a PS4. I just don't want it to be my primary system.

the bing bing machine currently has 3 really good games, more depending on what your tastes are

Which? Not him but the only things I'd get for it would be zelda and octopath.

zelda, odyssey, and xenoblade

i'd maybe suggest splatoon as well, but I actually didn't really like the multiplayer of the game that much and got bored of it quickly. I haven't heard the single player from 2 being as good as the one from 1 and that was pretty much the only thing I really liked.
Plus yea octopath is coming out, among others, but I was just going for things that are currently out.

Splat isn't my thing, I think mario looks pretty boring. Xeno would be a maybe but I had trouble finishing the first. Loved Gears though.

I have that too, actually, and I expect it to end up with the best library of this generation.
But PC will always be the ideal platform for shooters and the only one for strategy games like Civ and Total War.

>support won't end until 2020, if that's what he means
>mfw I've disabled windows update like a year ago permanently

I'm rocking win7 till the universe explodes


>I think mario looks pretty boring.
i mean, tastes and all, but it's without a doubt my favorite mario game in at least 10 years. it's got some issues but it's pretty great overall
I didn't really hate the return to '2d' mario games but I'm glad we got another one in the vein of 64/sunshine and galaxy to a lesser extent.

linux gay

They haven't been my thing since the snes. 64 was pretty good for the time. The only platformers I like are more combat focused ones like megaman and castlevania. Nothing wrong with mario, just puts me to sleep.

There is literally nothing wrong with win 10 unless you are a complete brainlet.

They don't force the upgrade anymore, that was the free thing, now you have to pay fr win 10 license. Support ending just means there will be no more updates for it, whatever bugs and exploits are in the system at that point are your problem now.

You won't 'have' to. People still use XP, though they do tend to struggle with a lot of current games last I asked my tech buddy. Seven will likely be totally fine beyond MS store games for a good few years, at least. However, like always ingenuity and cleverness will take you far.

Sure thing microshill

Assuming you using your PC for actually playing games (a novel concept I know, as both of us are on Sup Forums right now complaining about games instead of playing them), you can continue to run Windows 7 until new hardware stops supporting it. Once security updates stop just don't use a web browser on your win7 PC. Realistically you've got at least 7 years before the majority of hardware is win10+ only. Who knows what will happen in that time? When Vista came out everyone bemoaned the loss of XP and then we got 7. Maybe Windows 11 will be the new 7.

just wait for windows 11

Problem is, as of right now, Microsoft's official plan is to update Windows 10 literally forever. If the market allows them to do this, and that seems to be the case, there will be no Windows 11.
It's possible that Microsoft's flagrant abuse of their nigh-monopoly on operating systems will open the door for competition, but
1) Normies don't care if their OS is spyware because they only use their computer to look at porn and print documents, and normies are most of the market
2) Unless Vulkan support becomes standard, most games will still be tied to Windows

*keylogs you*
*forces updates on you*
*install candy crush and other shitware on a new install*
Heh, nothing personnell....kid


Like I said, unless you are a complete brainlet.

Sure Rajeesh

This the slam i've been craving for a while

>implying it wont just be called Windows

>he doesn't have a Linux computer with a Qemu/KVM virtualized setup for games


>I'm rocking winxp till the universe explodes
>what do you mean 64bit only game?
>what do you mean dx10 only game?

7 for lyfe!

Windows One.

>tfw retards will willingly not download the patch that fixes meltdown and spectre

I'm pretty sure microsoft stated 10 would be the last version and will just be forced updated constantly from then on.

Jew pls go. I wont let some bullshit scare make you slow down my pc to jumpstart your stale cpu sales.

>tfw underage think meltdown and spectre are the first major overblown exploit to hit any OS

But that's wrong, meltdown and spectre are hardware based backdoors.