When was the last time video-game graphics genuinely wowed you?


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probably horizon zd

They haven't stopped wowing me and will continue to get better and better.

For me it was the first trailer for Ground Zeroes back in 2012.




The game has a pretty art style, but let's not act it's anything special technology-wise. Looks like a PS3/360 game at times.

Who keeps spamming this ignorant image?


Probably Zelda BOTW

Forza 6 and Bloodborne

I don't get impressed by graphics anymore. Art style execution and detailing is more important, I think.

Who gives a fuck. I want to be wowed by gameplay.

>this picture again

Anyone have this image but where they just keep smoothing the model on the left?

prolly star wars battlefront give that game all the shit you want about content and gameplay but it looks hella good

The only game I've ever played that actually had "realistic" graphics, graphics I could hardly distinguish between real ad fake was "PT". Still got it on my PS4 too.

Honestly this probably. When I got the game on PS3 I could not fucking believe what I was looking at. I guess the FFXV trailers would also count those were mighty fine looking.

Bloodborne looks ugly as sin because of the shitty AA.

GZ marked true next gen ... I miss being so hyped for a game. Nothing has come close since

I don't even think the artstyle is good. Overworld is washed out and everything else has oversaturated mediocre cel shading.

>You will never get a Morrowind remake with graphics such as Uncharted 4, Horizon and MGSV

Half Life 2, it was the last time I felt there was a big jump in graphics, ever since then everything seemed linear changes and while it's true a 2017 game looks way better than unpatched HL2 I still feel a little disappointed in current graphics

Jesus fuck, it's a great game but let's stop pretending that it looks good. Fucking cum filter on everything and cell shading with minimal detail.

Back in 2002 when I played a kiosk demo of Wind Waker. I love how smoke was stylized in that game

Most recently? The vistas in Origins. Those got a "woah" out of me once or twice.

Seeing the old trailers for ff versus 13 back when they first showed them

Doom 3.

Red Dead Redemption has a lot of wow moments. Metroid Prime had its moments. Shadow of the Colossus is still wowing. Vagrant Story has some of the most impressive character models for the PS1. Haven't played anything from current gen for more than a while but other than Battlefront 2 there hasn't been anything really wow inducing.


Lego Marvel Superheores 2, they really upped the graphics in those games (last lego game played was lego lord of the rings)

The first time I saw that modded Battlefront I genuinely thought it was real life.

Art direction has always been what's wowed me, never "graphics." When Doom 3 came out I still thought it looked like dogshit despite being technically impressive as shit.

I think the last time a game's art direction blew me away was Bioshock Infinite. That game fell short in a few areas, but it was fucking gorgeous right from the outset. I was really taken in by the world. Before that it was deadspace.

It's been a while since something knocked me off my feet, but there have been plenty of games with worlds I thought were beautiful.

As much as I like those games I really hate that they go realistic on the environments. They look like dogshit. The Lego Movie Video game has that whole all lego aesthetic look and it looks fucking great.

I agree and disagree. The thing is they shouldn't mix them. If the team just made an all realistic graphic game it would be good, and as you said all lego is great. When mixed it's weird.

When I said dogshit I meant the non lego parts.

When I saw the new labo game

I honestly can't say I've ever been like "wow these graphics are amazing!". They're always been an accessory I pay little attention to and at best I expect some base level for certain genres.

Graphics only "Wow" me stylistically. Shit like Prince of Persia 2008 looked fucking amazing for example. Don't give 2 fucks about realism.

Lost Planets texture detail

Devil may cry 4 was ahead of it's time.

GameCube was when 3D graphics first wowed me, and nothing has been as impactful since. The Resident Evil remake was astonishing.

>pic related
On the PS2. FFXIII wewed me a little on the PS3.

The Witcher 3

Probably Crysis

Battlefront. The game is shit obviously, but it looks beautiful. The forest map never fails at blowing my mind every time I see it.

>volumetric lighting
>scale of the levels and detail
>interactivity with the environment
still looks pretty good 10 years later

The last time a game really blew my mind visually was rome total war. Seeing all those guys on screen was fucking awesome. I wish I could relive that moment.


Dead Rising

I used component cables for a 720p output and was amazed I could see the wrinkles in Frank's leather jacket.

I'm gonna add Bionic Commando which looks great as well despite not being made with the MT Framework engine.

Very good graphics only make me go like "oh no, this is going to be extremely shallow and unenjoyable gaming experience for sure" and drop it.

Yoshi's Woolly World

Fallout 4 trailer. The game itself is a different story but that trailer was fucking hype, Jesus Christ

I've been in awe ever since I got a 1070.

RE:make is just pre-rendered backrounds and characters on top of them.
Great game though.

If you honestly believe this you are as retarded as the people who say that fighting characters are only functions.

That was literally ALL the old RE games, though.
Even the improvement in the character models was very dramatic.

And Alien Isolation. Well optimized games are always best.

It still has a great art design and was a huge step up from DSII

That was the trick though, they could spend all their polys on characters. And it showed.

This trailer?


Why? The game looked ugly as fuck even back then.

unironically Minecraft with SEUS
that shit with the default texture pack is gorgeous

They really nailed the aesthetics and style. I'd say the biggest thing that makes graphics wow you isn't the fidelity, but having a good and most importantly consistent style.

Probably MGSV. I remember way back when I first played Heavy Rain it made me go "god damn, them graphics" as well.

My most memorable "holy shit those graphics" moment was playing Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast for the first time.

I don't know what you're trying to say, maybe because I don't play fighting games.
I just think that the effort you spend on trying to WOW a potential buyer with graphics is inevitably going to be out of something else.
Unless it's some very simple genre with relatively simple mechanics by nature.

sonic generations wowed me, and it was the first game I played on pc when I got a gaming pc

melee got me hyped too, and metroid prime

witcher 3 is probably the most recent one, even with the downgrade

It's the chromatic abberation that really sickens me in bloodborne

>is inevitably going to be out of something else.
Different aspects of a game are usually made by different people. Just because the graphics guys spend a ton of time on their shit, doesn't mean it takes away from the programmers and designers.

Yeah, my first run was 80 hours. At least 10 of those hours was just me admiring the late 70s retrofuture look of the space station. I didn't want to leave the station. The environment felt like a character itself.

Dreamcast Shenmue blew my mind at the time especially coming from a N64. HL2 was a similar feeling but didn't have as big of an impact in comparison. After HL2 I was less impressed by graphical advancements.

Agree. The game looks like shit because of it and the horrible aliasing. The image quality is just abysmal.


>Alien Isolation

Yep. The PBR rendering looked fantastic.

this is probably bait but the 6k one and 60k one is just a 2k model smoothed

the last night trailer

>probably horizon zd
that fire on the water is just so photorealistic


I honestly hate ultra realistic graphics because it's hard to locate relevant information in the game. For example, I was playing whatever newest COD game was out and kept thinking "it's hard as hell to tell whether that's a guy or just part of the environment". Same reason people play PUBG on lowest settings besides draw distance so they can tell when people are in bushes and shit. Also in the newest Halo trying to tell where guns and shit are on the ground is hard cause everything just blurs together, you basically have to make shit glow for it to be readily distinguishable. Compare that to Goldeneye or Doom where it's easy as fuck to tell what's what, although those games do have their random walls being a door if you press interact. Still better than trying to find the computer console you need to activate in modern FPS single player games where every fucking part of the underground base you're infiltrating looks like it could be said console, even random parts of the walls and shit.

Vanishing of Ethan Carter took me aback a few times for a "game"

Pretty great for a handheld game.



Except for the grass near Link this looks like a distance shot from WoW

The game was a complete disappointment, but probably GTA V.

>a year later and you still can't mention this game without someone comparing it to BotW


i was still in awe when i ran the game. it was so amazingly well optimized, all of those real-time rendered cutscenes full of effects that perfectly mask places where graphics is lacking. GZ was essence of good jap code work, it was same as with dmc4 (which also looked amazing and was optimized so it ran smoothly on anything).

MGS5 also looked good, but it was rushed and too free-world, you could see lots of little imperfections in various places. GZ was small, but absolutely perfected. When i feel like replaying mgs5, i usually just download GZ.

blame sonyfags for digging their own grave

this unironically
The whole look is fantastic especially with all the different environmental effects

I took more screenshots in BOTW than I have in any other game, and the game looked ugly as sin to me when I first started playing it. After about five or six hours the art style totally gels into a beautifully immersive experience. The first time you see the sunset glinting off the glass from a narrow wedge of light piercing through the split mountains by Kakariko.. Goddamn.

Also the Witcher 3 is pretty incredible.

This image is cancer

God of War 3

honestly, high quality sprite work impresses me more than most 3D graphics

>The draw distance in horizon
That is why I'll never play that game. I will play god of war 2018 though

PS4 Pro practically fixes the aliasing and I never noticed the CA. Wonder if its there or not.

When was the last time anybody believed this bait picture?

looked more like the whole image flickering at first than rain

>pretty art style

>I never noticed the CA
>Posts a picture chock full of CA
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