What do you do when it rains?

what do you do when it rains?

eat some delicious tide pods

Sing and play

Try to drown all my pigs

>playing outside

For what reason?

why are you outside retard?

>plane suddenly turns to avoid thunderstorm
>switch flies out window
>cardboard gets ruined in the rain
That'll be 69.99 + tip

what happens when the icecubes in the joy cons melt?

>Nintendo reminds Sup Forums that video games are toys
>Sup Forums flips out

wtf I love Nintendo now

What did OP mean by this

>you can only use our product if you're indoors

dads drunk again and hes hitting mom

Put it in the freezer, retard.

You can play PS4 outside?

i can hook it up outside, yes

>tfw hyperhidrosis

It's a portable device.

>game meant for outdoors can only be played indoors

There is always a risk for rain....

Get out my umbrella


what do you do when it rains?

>walk home from school in rain
>all your textbooks get drenched

my ps4 wont dissolve if it gets wet

>Haha! Look at retarded user! Can you believe his family is so poor they can't afford umbrellas?

how can you hold an umbrella as a make without being called a homosexual

Truthfully? Don't be an autistic social retard and think that anyone actually looks at you strange for using an umbrella. I hope you don't look at the ground when you walk user

Ever hear of a short circuit?


use an umbrella, stupid

i'll be impressed if someone gets the reference, it's from something very recent


Better question: Why would you be taking your cardboard structures outside when it's raining?

was OP even thinking

I knew a guy in highschool that had hyperhidrosis and he always wanted to shake peoples hands

It's waterproof.

t. has never flown in a plane

clearly not if he bought that garbage


I'm the complete opposite. I try to not touch anyone with my hands

You would fuck your wife but she's left you for a nigger

That shitty movie that stole the robot from wall-e

>Why would you take a peripheral for a portable handheld out of your house

why would you take them outside when it's raining though

actually why would you take it outside in general

yh, it will just fry
what are you even trying to prove?

Taking extra peripherals with a portable handheld diminishes it's portability, I wouldn't.

But neither will the Switch itself.

>tfw tears hit the cardboard and ruin my piano
t-thanks nintendo