Digimon Cybersleuth Hacker's Memory

Gonna try this again hopefully more people respond. Kinda wanna get the game since I have PSN credit to spend anyway and nothing else is coming out that catches my eye. Did they fix some of the problems from the first? Mainly the leveling system? Are the pre-order bonuses cool?

Yeah, they overhauled everything and the entire game is a total rebalance, they're even patching the first game to be in sync with it. I don't know the extent of the balancong since I haven't played it yet but everything has been balanced towards multiplayer.

That's kind of a red flag since I don't plan on even clicking on the multiplayer option once. Does that mean Digimon are gonna be OP against regular mobs?

No, that means pierce moves aren't the only effective moves.

I hear they reuse the battle music. it wasn't bad but it seems lazy. I'll wait to catch it on a good sale.

Fucking MC's eyes on the cover there are spooky as hell dude.

Mind explaining what that means a bit? I actually never got far enough into the first one because of that bug that affected PS4 slims, and then my save file wasn't able to transfer onto the vita version I bought because my PS4 save had the day one dlc bullshit.

I can't even remember the battle music. I mean I'd not buy the game for full price. I waited till the first was $20 physical before I bit. But like I said I have PSN credit because of christmas and nothing else to really spend it on.

Yeah not a fan of the guy. Too bad there's no gender option this time round.

In CS pierce moves were the only reliable way to deal damage in hard mode because it was a rush job that they didn't put a lot of thought into.

Where is the FUCKING PC version

Preorder bonuses aren't a deal breaker, but they're kind of okay. Basically just DotAgumon level Digimon, accessories/outfits, two Not-Nun's-Anymoremons and possibly some bonus starter item packs like Friendship DX/Meat sort of stuff.
Shitty picture because I don't want to search.

Personally I'm really excited and I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.

Oh alright. Sounds like a welcome change.

On the PS4.

It comes out the day after tomorrow

Honestly the preorder bonuses aren't that great but it's definitely making me want to pull the trigger a bit more.

Most mom and pop games probably broke the street date. I could probably get it tomorrow if I didn't wanna get it for practically free.

Preordered on Amazon. I hope it arrives early.

Isn't the release date the 19th? That's what it said in store and that's tomorrow, unless they've got the date for another timezone listed.

They're really not that great and the blue Nunmon is retarded, but it's not that bad either. Honestly I'm not going to use any of them though.

>can't play as a cute grill in this one
what doth life

That's true. I like having my own team and that's mainly gonna be niggas from the first two seasons. Also tomorrow isn't the 19th, time traveling user.

That was my excuse to cancel my preorder. To be honesty I don't really care about being stuck playing as the male character but my backlog is already huge and MHW and DW9 are both coming out very soon.

>but my backlog is already huge
That's literally the reason I haven't bought it yet. I'm still only halfway through XC2 and need to get to Nier after that.

This. I live 20 minutes away from a fulfillment center, so fingers crossed.

>Digimon Cyberslut

>Also tomorrow isn't the 19th, time traveling user.
Today is the 18th and going by the widely used calendar system and progression of numbers in general, that makes tomorrow the 19th.
I hate it when they don't say the timezone, I'm always so confused.

1 week to powergame through the story before MHW drops. There's also the god damn Nergigante beta out at the same time

It's like they want this game to fail

I mean you've got a point but at the same time I just assume everyone is in NA by default seeing as this is an american site.

Since this already exists I want to know something about Amazon's Prime discount. How do I know I qualify for it? I see the discount applied before preordering, but in checkout I still see 59.99. Does it only display the reduced price after preordering?

I'm just gonna go through both casually, I also have Dragonball Fighter Z to worry about.

I don't think it being an American site means anything at all, given how widely varied internet usage is nowadays. But then again I just assume that you're all white males from america most of the time too.

But anyway, I'm just Australian.

That's weird, the discount should already show by checkout. Worst case scenario is you can preorder and then bitch at them to not only get your discount refunded, but a gift card on top of that.

>But anyway, I'm just Australian.
So I was right. Thanks for the confirmation.

>I'm just gonna go through both casually, I also have Dragonball Fighter Z to worry about.
That and SC6 are the first time I've ever remotely cared about a fighting game.

>So I was right.
About what? Have I been posting from a different timeline all this time?

I know. I checked the reasons they list to see what could cause the lack of discount, but I don't see anything that might not apply. I am in Puerto Rico, but there's no clause for Hawaii, Alaska or PR.

i really dont care about the chibi digimon

Oh no. I assumed you were Australian for some reason and you confirmed it for me.

>I am in Puerto Rico
Either you're the same user from that other thread or a lot of you guys are interested in this game.

I thought I was typing pretty normally though, I even corrected my sentences when I inadvertently typed out slang like mate, and I'm not even shitposting either.

The game undersold in Japan, asin they pretty much expected it to sell around a bit less than half the amount the first Cyber Sleuth did and it didn't do that (since its an "enhancement" game disguised as an interlude/gaiden game) so its all up to us to make sure Digimon doesn't die overseas... again.
So buy it, buy it for yourself, buy it for a friend, buy it to put it in a giveaway.

i'm not paying full price for these games again. Maybe when they drop to 20-30 dollar.

Nah it just made the most sense. I know you guys are 12 hours ahead of us time zone wise which explained why it's the 18th for you, and it's far too early in Yurp for people to be reasonably posting.

You're making a pretty solid case. I mean CS1 and 2 are literally the kind of digimon game I've wanted since I was a kid.

Nope, just joined on this one, must be someone else. How long is the new part of the story, anyway?

I meant a few days ago. And I don't understand your question.

How long is Hackers Memory?

Probably just as long as the original, which means if you're like me you'll squeeze about 200 hours from it.

Oh? I mean probably the same length I'd wager. No idea.

Fair point, I suppose. We're still a bit away from when the user base seems to switch over, after all.

Well it's this or Digimon games become 100% mobage.

Oh shit, just realized there's no vita version on psn.

Yep. I wonder if nighttime Sup Forums is less shitposty because there's less Europeans.

>tfw play Digimon Linkz
Give me Imperialdramon PM already damn it.

It's not really much better though, but it does seem to slow down in general. At least in the amount of new threads being made.

Always seems to be about the same to me, but I've never bothered to browse Sup Forums when it was like midnight to 7am before though, so maybe it's much better during that time.

Early morning Sup Forums is the best

Which morning?

God no.

Early morning by who's timezone though?

7 hours from now morning

I've never experienced it. Mainly because I've never been up that early when on my days off.

Are these bonus retailer exclusive?
Was gonna pre-order from BestBuy but they don't list them, only GameStop does.

Amazon has them. And I think PSN too since I just bit the bullet and preordered. I downloaded all of those icons just now.
They were all 1.1 mb big. Essentially disc locked content.

That's like the middle of the night for me, I can see that. Still got plenty of horrible threads all day long though.

I think the Chibi versions were retail exclusives or something like that in Japan, but are included in Preorder bonuses together in Western release. Not 100% certain about the first part though.
Should just come with the game in both formats, provided you get it new near release.

Is that guy in the back the MC from Devil Survivor 2?


>no sluts

Only game I really am hyped about besides Ace Combat 7 which comes god knows when. I've yet to complete the DLC missions on the original though, but I guess it wont matter when importing the save

>played Cyber Sleuth until the laboratory hub
>enjoyed it
>just never went back to it

Should I buy this one instead of restarting the old one? I had the Vita version and was shocked at how good it looked and ran for a handheld coming from a 3DS.

I can't wait to pick this up on the Vita

>Devil Survivor 2 MC

Im sorry what

There's a vita version? Import only I'm guessing? I didn't see it on psn when I got it just now.

I had to send my original PS4 in for repair because it kept spitting discs out while playing it. When I got the system back a bit later I never went back to it either. Shame because I fucking loved it.

Vita PSN doesn't have preorders for some fucking reason. It'll go up on launch day and the pre-order DLC will be a "First Week" bonus.

ayyy I had the same problem with my PS4 too, bit it went away on it's own. Mine randomly powered on and off, ejected discs when playing and blocked discs from going back in after.

It's a launch PS4.

$50 say's the Vita version is digital only again.

user they already said it'll be digital only, though they do have an english physical version should one want it.

Oh. Well fuck me. I'll just remote play it then.

Very common issue apparently.



>favourite baby
>favourite rookie
>favourite champion
>favourite ultimate
>favourite mega


That's Devil Survivor 2 official art, is that cover even real?

Is bunny ears from devil survivor 2 in that digimon game?

also did i foget to use protection while fucking fumi? because that looks like our bastard son

I have no idea. It was like the first box art I saved from google.

IGN used that picture as a thumbnail for their video on it and never fixed it.

>favourite baby
>favourite rookie
>favourite champion
>favourite ultimate
>favourite mega
Cherubimon, I guess.
Not that anyone reads these.

It's just Yasuda at work, you'll find more similarities in stuff like Durarara and the Digimon Lab Girl/Autistic bunny's text buddy(the other autistic bunny) comparison. Don't have the Yasuda grouping photo as an example though.

This is not the first time a digimon game has crossover characters

There's plenty already though

>you'll find more similarities in stuff like Durarara and the Digimon Lab Girl/Autistic bunny's text buddy(the other autistic bunny) comparison
The lab girl looks like a cross between girl Tico and Saiduq.

Everything in the guilmon line


He was practically in the original Cyber Sleuth.

I don't think it's a crossover, I think someone just slapped a random Yasuda character on a mock cover. If there were a Digimon x SMT crossover people would be making a big deal of it.

Is that thing still totally useless? In CS you had to jump through hoops to get that thing and it was laughably weak.

Skipped the first cyber sleuth and just read the plot summary and watched youtube videos of how the story progresses.
How fucked am I if I jump straight into Hackers Memory?

You shouldn't be too fucked if you read plot summaries. The story takes place alongside the first game, sort of like a pseudo sequel but not really.

neat. Havent seen or played anything digimon related in over a decade.
Only thing that throws me off is how every monster ends with -mon. Not really digging it

I can understand that, but yeah you're good to go in terms of being able to play the game without being confused. If anything, they just might be some side quests that hint towards events in the first game.

Mine is supposedly getting delivered on Friday but it hasn't shipped yet, so... cutting it a bit close...

How did Next Order do?

Well canonically Flamedramon is comparable to champion stength

Everything in Infermon line, god I just love the virus bug aesthetic

Veemon is my boy

Flamedramon is not a slut! He is a pure boy loyal to his trainer. Exveemon's the slutty one. So sluttt he'll resort to fucking buildings.

everything in the gabumon line

Stop before this thread turns to digi-bara-porn thread

Baby is Tokomon and his huge chompers.

Flamedramon is bottomless blue twink, not bara!

Where's the PM

He's off founding another organization.

I have a lot of favourites though