>friends tell me nonstop to play DS3 >its a great game so hard but so fun >buy DS3 on holiday sale, beat it solo >first DS game >Ending: set self onfire and thats it >"Hey friends, i beat DS3 solo, set myself on fire" >they say >..."buy the dlc" >o-oh...ok
So i finally get and beat DS3 and all my DS 'friends' just say buy more dlc and play more. Ending was shit and 90% of the game is just going from area to area and suffering. No NPC interactions, no story...just... suffering.
Was i just tricked into playing something with no real satisfaction? No comradery...no great revelations...no nothing. You set yourself on fire...the end. I feel like im playing an NES classic and getting to the end of the grind and am being greeted with a misspelled congratulations.
Brody Russell
Benjamin Nguyen
>suffering Theres your problame Das 2 and 3 arent the greatest though to be fair
Isaiah Bennett
Yeah, pretty much. 3 games and 6 DLCs where nothing happens compared to the vanilla ending. BB has a better narrative in one game and one DLC, and it's complete.
Gabriel Wright
Thank you friend.
Grayson Lopez
Neither is DS1, has worse gameplay then even Demon's Souls.
Anthony Robinson
>playing weeb games for the story Do you watch anime for the story as well?
Brandon Lewis
DS3 is easy as fuck. Also, I appreciate not have to watch an hour of cutscenes when starting a game.
Christopher Rodriguez
Gabriel White
If you didn't enjoy it you didn't enjoy it nothing wrong with that but you don't need to start a thread here about it.
Chase Howard
Bleach and Naruto were pretty gud...
English sub of course.
William Cox
I don't mind the bare minimum story, but I dearly wish that they wouldn't lock stuff behind stupidly obscure events all the time.
Jonathan Gomez
>feel like im playing an NES classi Exactly, that's the point. Play the superior game also faggot, or wait for the remastered edition.
Gavin Walker
You realize it's shit once you grow up
Daniel Edwards
Austin Barnes
Are you literally brain dead? can you not think and look at things beyond their face value?
Cameron Perez
> no story
well i would expect no less from someone who started a series on the third game.
The story is fascinating. You pick it up and piece it together from item descriptions and environmental storytelling. It's very special for people who are into lore.
Go to youtube and look around to see how much you missed.
David Roberts
this is a b8 thread nad all the retards are clamoring to "correct" like every fucking b8 dark souls. fuck are you guys needy as shit to "correct" bullshit that doesnt will be deleted in half a day at most.
Cameron Gray
Daniel Davis
The entire game is like...
Oh? You didnt go back to firelink after breaking the hymen of the catacombs while wearing the black knight armor? Well there goes that entire narrative....
Asher Long
Obscure lore and back seat storytelling is fine, but I don't want stuff like being locked out of an entire ending and a shop because I didn't use this one easy to miss NPC's mechanic enough times (that's never explained in any degree) before entering an area that's never spoken about as a possible deadline for anything.
Jordan Morgan
I particularly like the game because of the suffering. In both the atmosphere and difficulty. Not many games have "despair" as one of their themes and it's very refreshing, and I love the feeling I get from it.
Ian Wilson
That's fucking dumb.
When I play Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne and try out different builds and weapons and play each encounter through new eyes, it feels good.