DBZ Fighters Showdown
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I am ready, but seriously though
(spoiler)When's Broly(/spoiler)
Can't believe I redownloaded it again.
>The #DBFighterzBETA test is about to begin! Thanks to everyone who participated in the 1st beta. Our dev team is working to ensure an optimal experience for all platforms on Jan. 26 (Launch Day). So, enjoy this open beta w/ online battles on PS4 and an offline trial mode for X1.
>offline trial mode
>post yfw failed to initialize network
almost as if its not up for six more minutes or something
5 minutes AHHHHH!
I just wish there was a legit training mode. I wanna have a basic grasp of move lists so I don't get immediately blown up online trying to figure out what to do
>they have a 1 hour maintenance 30 minutes into the beta
What the fuck is going on? Somebody give me a quick run down
beta coming back in 2 min for 24 hours once more.
maintenance is great because you can just constantly play the computer
what is there another beta or something?
>its up
time to visit some graves
this is my first time touching the beta and I'm so scared, I've never played a tag fighter and I've barely played a regular fighter
>implying you will be able to log in right away
Same here, but it's just a beta so it doesn't matter. Play the battle tutorials and have fun
>im so scared
Its a fucking game faggot
Scared of what? The worst that could happen is some anonymous person makes fun of you.
Alright, own both xbox one and ps4
Xbox version, online is down, but the game lets you have a Trial battle.
PS4 version, online is up and I've gotten matches pretty easily.
What is a trial battle? just a vs. match against PC or what?
Holy shit thanks to that guy who told me to watch BotG instead of that shitty super show
the pacing and animation were great, in the show everything is so unbearably slow and they milk it so hard you can practically smell cow shit
A Vs match against the PC with random characters.
you gon' get claimed senpai
>in the show everything is so unbearably slow and they milk it so hard you can practically smell cow shit
Toei's specialty. They have been doing that since the beginning of time my friend.
>playing crygeta
Is it me or is it a lot more laggy this time?
How do I git gud at this game? I just keep getting pummeled with 16 hit combos and can't break out of them. These people don't even use specials, just combos over and over.
>These people don't even need to use specials. I just keep getting hit by limbs over and over again.
How are my Kid Buu bros doin?
Piccolo's are fucking destroying me.
While pretty, it doesn't have anywhere near the same level of character development that Super has.
"Just because action starts, plot shouldn't stop."
People who post wojak edits need to taken behind the shed and shot in the back of the head. How mods haven't bad this god awful dogshit a bannable offense by now is beyond me.
>console fags
>Download the beta
>Play one match
>Getting bodied
>Oh wait, all these inputs and combos seem to be really easy
>Hadouken for endless beams
>Press square and any direction constantly to pop off a full combo
>End up beating him with an extra character remaining
>Turn off PS4 so I can never lose
I gotta get to sleep fuck you guys for enjoying this without me
Super doesn't have development. Everyone is flanderized. Fuck right off.
Sorry whomever I just fought. Pressing square is the shortcut to a guaranteed win and I wasn't actually paying attention. Didn't mean to press square while petting my cat and not looking at the screen.
>Get orange square
>No one wants to fight you in casual play now
I just want to practice other characters without getting fucked
Wow, this is actually really fucking informational, I've been trying to write a series and this just helped me a bunch, thanks senpai
I know it's crazy how good people are already at this game. I don't even stand a chance to fucking learn moves.
I don't even know what I'm doing wrong, I'm just getting destroyed
How is the network so far? Is it still japanese game tier bad?
What is this autism screaming
So I played 2 matches and both opponents either rage quit or got disconnected.
>rage quit
I love this why are you complaining
Just played against a 40/49 player that is worse than most players I've seen. How is that possible?
On ps4 it's amazing. I haven't gone more than a minute without a match
What do the squares mean?
Maybe more than one guy playing on the same account
This game is really fun when drunk
This game is fun as fuck while the bf sucks your dick
Represents your rank. Starts off white, then changes color as your rank goes up
is the beta up?
So will 21 be based off of someone related to Gero? Being a biological unit like 17, 18, and Cell rather than a mech would point to no, but she does have the same hair and eye color as 16 (who is based off of Gero's son).
Man, I feel like I made a mistake when I lost interest in DBZ at the end of Frieza. Cell and the Buus look cool as fuck.
>I don't even know what I'm doing wrong, I'm just getting destroyed
>I don't even stand a chance to fucking learn moves.
If you don't even know your character moves you shouldnt be competing.
no. Check back in 2 days.
This game is unironically too fast for me. I'll stick with Jive and Tekken.
>tfw Goku/Vegeta/Beerus
Every fucking person
Will she defeat Beerus?
>hit android rank
>getting bodied by people that can do 50 % combos
It's been fun but I think I'm done until I can learn proper combos in training mode. I have been doing LMH dash LMH special combos or autocombos. I can win 50/50 in the neutral but I'm just getting outdamaged at this point
daily reminder this is the future of Super Dragon Ball Heroes
>Tfw super pumped by winning by an inch, hit rematch instantly
>Other guy always goes to lobby
Why bros, do they hate fun.
I guess I'll try and learn some Frieza and Goku on Xbox before jumping over to my Playstation
Every time I try to attack out of blockstun I whiff. Every single time. How do I punish autcomboers if their attacks reset them to neutral after block?
No, but Blue Vegito must stop Champa and mind-controlled A21.
would vegeta just quit like a pussy? enjoy what you can after that it goes to release
>Win by a hair
>Rematch for best out of three
>The guy bolts the second he gets a win
Because it's only fun if you're winning, apparently.
you mean game searching begin.
Hell, even if i play nonstop, i can only play 48 matches max at this rate of finding a game.
So with the state of the last beta and this beta being offline only for Xbox, should I wait and see how the servers are before picking the game up? It is fun, but man am I worried about online.
streaming for fun
>Absolutely demolish a nerd
>They just go back to lobby
Well you're still getting experience by playing. Even if you don't know the combos your neutral and MU knowledge would still improve.
>would vegeta just quit like a pussy?
yeah youtube.com
I want to chanel people and use other man's because no tutorial
Don't take it personal
tfw autistic and I made a webm comparing autocombo damage and a really babby manual combo to compare damage because I remember people flipping shit over autocombo damage
>adult gohans everywhere
I thought we were having fun.
It's just like Xenoverse 2
Wonderful job user. Your manual combo example is super simple too, just a jump cancel, special cancel, super cancel.
the fuck are cancels?
Did we get one of these portraits for 21 yet?
the doctor
i don't need anyone else
Vegeta Blue/Goku Black/Vegeta
How the fuck do I fight Frieza? He's ridiculous
Yeah , playing better people instead of me just uppercutting a dude smashing super dash is way more fun. This game is great, it really gets my heart pumping. I've never played an anime fighter but the neutral game with all these dashes and shit is fun as fuck
Vegeta would if he had class in the morning. I've played like a 100 matches. I've had enough. Can't wait to get into training mode when the game comes out. I don't understand how people find combos like that while just having online. I have to train first.
When you cancel your pre-order because you play XV and can't into fighting games
This was before the beta but Piccolo has grown on me. But still have yet to play Yamcha and Gotenks.
is there any followup to a hit overhead? a standing L feels too slow
sorry Kush_God727 i just wanted to go train with goku in tutorial :/
I think vanish works
canceling an action into another, it's extremely common in fighting games. Like, in that third manual combo in that webm, Goku cancels his standing medium into a jump, then another air normal into his midair jump. Eventually he cancels his j.S into his lunge punch special, which he cancels into Instant Transmission Kamehameha. MvC-style games use a lot of cancels for simplicity's sake; knowing the order of inputs in a combo is more important than the timing unless you get way up there and start doing particular juggles or tight links.
Can you use snapback in DBFZ? Force Frieza to be your opponent, so he isn't the triumph card in your opponent's team. Same with Adult Gohan.
Do you want tips on fighting Frieza? _________________________________Git gud