Why didn't anyone buy this? This game was original and fantastic.
>Fun gameplay
>A smart plot
>Actually likable characters
>Good humor
Why haven't you played Binary Domain?
Why didn't anyone buy this? This game was original and fantastic.
>Fun gameplay
>A smart plot
>Actually likable characters
>Good humor
Why haven't you played Binary Domain?
Nu/v/ would bitch and moan about sjws and diversity if it were released today
Well, that sucks. The cast was really well done, and didn't feel forced at all. This came from a magical time, where making good characters is what mattered. Not pushing an agenda. I miss those days.
it was a neat game, but the voice command system was pretty clunky. also laura bailey trying to sound asian was hilariously bad.
>Why haven't you played Binary Domain?
But I did, faggot. It was free on Steam at one point.
Yeah, the voice control wasn't great, but thankfully it wasn't forced to be used.
That box art is terrible how would this stand out on a retail self no wonder no one played it
>where making good characters is what mattered. Not pushing an agenda. I miss those days.
Dem tinfoil hats
I have it. It was fun for a while, but then it started to drag on and really bored me later on in the campaign.
>wasn't forced to be used.
You do have to use it to get the best ending.
Compare carl johnson and augustus cole to any black protagonist in any game released after 2015, it's all virtue signaling and MUH DICK CRY WHITE BOI instead of good writing.
>Even Darth Vader fears her
You're fucking joking right
also Sup Forums would call it reddit the game because of the french robot and it would be memed into the ground.
No, I am not. In the campaign of Battlefront 2, she supposedly makes Darth Vader tremble in his boots... It was a fucking stupid, and short ass campaign.
We were already calling things reddit at the time
I have. Grabbed it on sale on Steam and never looked back. It was a serious hidden gem.
It wasn't marketed well which is a shame because its really one of the best games on ps3.
I bought it twice. Once on the 360 and again when that piece of shit broke down and I got a PS3. Fantastic fucking game. It's like they took Mass Effect and went "why not make it more like an arcade experience?" I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Especially the bosses that SEGA was once known for. I love Binary Domain and it's very depressing that we will probably never see a sequel.
>could pull her colon out of her and make her eat it with the force
>afraid of her
Feminism was a good idea, right guys?
>smart plot
>durrr fucking robots is bad guise
Fucking fags all of them
I'll play it when it comes to Xbox one via backward compatibility.
you joking, right?
thats the Sup Forums kids
That being said, its a fuckin shame theres no sequel.
Also, imagine a Yakuza Dead Souls sequel, but with the gunplay of this BD.
Its funny how nu-writers just go for straight up racist stereotypes for minority characters.
I mean the robot was a straight up frog
>A smart plot
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I assume it was considered to be a Mass Effect clone when it was new, and being japanese means it must've faced a strong brick wall of anti-japanese sentiment that the "critics" (bribed shills) were being paid to peddle as the major western AAA publishers tried to assert dominance and drive their eastern rivals' games out of the fucking Gamestop. As we know big pubs like EA exists not by making actual good games, but by making their shit the only shit anybody sees.
>tfw no one to play with it on PS3
Yeah but he wasn't like ridiculous. He was the one of the best characters and an important part of the story. You could explain him being hammy as he
I liked it.
How many black protagonists post 2015 can you remember? Marcus from WD2 comes to mind but he's fine
>Buy the game years after it came out.
>No one online but like 3 japanese people.
>Mfw one guy sends me invites to a game but its all in moon speak
This i stopped liking them after that scene the old man was right.
> smart plot
> likable characters
it was a fun robot shooting game, but jesus these two couldn't be more wrong. A CHING CHONG NIP NONG, GIMME THE PUSSI YOU RICE PADDY CHINK SLUT
The rbots have realistic skin. Aslo, the game somehow ((((((((((((((implied)))))))))))))) that the tech was advanced enough that the people who were actually robots fully believed they were human. Like that scene in Ghost in the Shell where the guy thinks he has a daughter but hasn't had one for 10 years or never did
>not communicating in broken english with them
Playing with japs is always hilarious
Cain was the best squad member, prove me wrong.
imagine terminators but they tricked them into thinking they are humans
Big Bo exists
Before I played it I thought it was a generic ”give me that gaijin money” 3rd person shooter.
I want to say I liked it more than Vanquish which it’s somewhat similar to.
I remember Cain being kind of shit in combat. Good bantz, though.