So people are mad at Nintendo for making a lets call cute product...

So people are mad at Nintendo for making a lets call cute product. They prefaced it as a interaction both kids and kids at heart will enjoy.

And now people are mad (or just trollin) at the people who are mad for a game they dont need to buy or give service to.

I genuinely believe that those who are really mad at the product are just a very vocal minority. I'm sure the majority of the public will lose interest or even forget this shit even exists two weeks from now.

Its kinda cute but not much more than that. Like seeing a pet at a shop.

Other urls found in this thread:

>cute $80 cardboard

you're mostly paying for the game, you can even get the cardboard for free and build it yourself using instructions and printouts on their site.

>So people are mad at Nintendo
More like people are laughing at shiteating Soyboys like you.

Not him, but still 80 dollars.

whats even funnier is that all these neetendo fans were hyping this announcement up literally all day. Now here they are defending it. It's like a grown man defending a fisherprice toy or a barbie doll. Sad.

jesus, the soy in this post, it's overwhelming

That poor, dumb negroid.


>$80 for mobile-tier shovelware and cute cardboard

You’re paying 60 -80 dollars for a mini game, at best.

Would you pay $60+ for a “game” with two buttons for control?

Its not if you only buy the game, you can print the cardboard for free

I agree that its kinda stupid but its just a cute novel idea. But it isnt anything more than that.

I aint going to buy it so whats it to me

post source that the game standalone (not as a full package with the cardboard shit) still costs $80

p. Soyboy

Neck yourself anytime.

>all that shitposting hyping

post source that it doesn't
post source that it's even available without the $80 cute cardboard


This shit is for the people who buy IKEA products and not get mad

Do you have a printer than can print on cardboard?
Otherwise that’s another investment just for Labo alone.

I could just buy the game standalone from ebay tbqh

>printing cardboard is the only way

Can you believe these retards

Why would you want to?
You could get the same thing on your phone for free

shut up, soyim

People who are mad at Nintendo for any reason are just bitter jealous pseudo gamers who got kicked off the fun wagon years ago.

>printing on paper

t. true unironic soyboy

Or pay someone?
>Nintendo: Here is a game with cardboard
>user: I dont want to pay for cardboard
>Nintendo: Ok, you can also only pay for the game, and get the cardboard yourself
>user: Wait a minute!! I dont like that option.

what do you want? you want them to give you the cardboard for free?

These are resources wasted on useless garbage that could be better allocated to making good fucking games.

no you can't

/vp/ was hoping for a new Pokemon game announcement, so them getting cardboard instead was just magical.

Aren't you afraid that your soy milk will permanently damage the Labo?

>... mad...
first sign you're dealing with a shill


why the hell were they expecting Pokemon? Are they dumb?

If you have to buy 3rd party cardboard then it’s not free.

>not making it out of acrylic

>ITT: Heheheh SOY heheheh soy soy soyboy soy...heheheh Sssssoooooy. Hehehehehe soy soyboy soy....SOOOOOOY SOY

>having a printer that can print on cardboard is the only way

Isnt autism supposed to make you smart at this kind of thing?

How many people actually own printers that can print on thick cardboard?

He told the guy he can print his own cardboard
Fuck outta here

>target Labo audience

Negro are you really this retarded??? I mean I know that Sup Forums is full of autists and retards but surely you must be joking right ?

Have I spent the last few years of my life shitposting alogside literal retards? I sincerely thought you faggots were all pretending

Holy shit, I just saw this on another board and had to come to Sup Forums. The commercial comes off like a parody.

t. brainlet
most people on Sup Forums genuinely are this stupid, trust me I've been here long enough.

Dude. They could have made a new F-Zero game.

Where is less retarded then? is Something Awful still alive?

nowhere, it's still the best there is. You just have to filter the shitposts (borderline impossible with how quickly new memes/shitposting phrases crop up) or deal with it

What the fuck did I miss?

see that's what happens when you pretend to be retarded. you just invite the real retards

Stop forcing your stupid drawing, its way too obvious that its one person, nerd.

This will be great for kids. Can't understand the hate.

I'm mad because they are going to shoehorn this shit into games that don't need it

Hey is that a Labo focus group?

Nintendo made a gimmick where you IKEA build a game and play it.

Lel, am I meant to draw on the cardboard or some shit??

I saw it here It's not my drawing but it's hilarious. That shit is the most ridiculous garbage I've ever seen.

>they dont need to buy or give service to.
But it's a hot, trendy thing to act like you're forced to buy things, (like lootboxes) which in millennials' minds justifies banning products they don't personally like from everyone else.

Just like if I don't have a gambling problem, I'm not allowed to gamble ever, because someone else has a gambling problem.

what kind of household in the era of free shipping isnt swamped with cardboard every month

>That shit is the most ridiculous garbage I've ever seen.
Its for kids, whats wrong with this? Kids go crazy for shit like this.

Most sites are vastly less retarded than Sup Forums, but also completely castrated by moderation. So you can either have mostly unrestricted video game conversations on the stupidest board on Sup Forums (and with toilets like Sup Forums, /soc/, Sup Forums, [s4s], and /r9k/, that's saying something) or you can discuss whatever the moderati of ReshitEra or NeoFAG want you to.

t. soyboy

>defend $80 cardboard
>pretend other people are stupid

somebody taking their soystrogen injections i see.

Not everyone works at taco bell, people dont like to say it but it is completely true. maybe if you dont have the money its not for you, no one else fault that you are poor.
Not even a richfag but if you can't afford 80$ in a vidya you shouldn't be playing vidya in the first place, recreation is a luxury.


Sup Forums is a soyboy website

I never defended the cardboard. If you think Sup Forums isn't mongoloid teenager central then I have bad news: you've got a few extra chromosomes.


except its not shit, and even if it is im gonna throw it away instead of defend it. price complaining is very dumb, if you think its too expensive dont buy it and they will be forced to reduce the price, but i know that wont happen because most people dont work minimum wage

A fool and his money are soon parted, I guess.

I am a married man with a job and I don't understand why anyone would have any sort of negative emotional reaction to this at all.

It's expensive and it's aimed at a new target market but there are lots of things in this world like that and it's not really important.

Ok this is too deep don't you just want to step back a little bit?

Kek, 10/10

Can anyone tell me how does this thing work? Aren't Joy-cons just controllers? How do you manipulate the Joy-cons in this case?

You can make them rumble via remote control. I guarantee it's not going to work as advertised.

Eh, I don't really give a fuck about the cardboard shit, but it will definitely attract normies - it's a toy, but it's also novel, so most people will want to at least try it.
And that's what matter - more console sales = more support.

Also, it really showcases the HD rumble nicely (among other things) I wonder what great things we can achieve once homebrew is here.


Nah, the HD rumble is really precise (unlike normal motors in say DS4), it could work.
There was a guy that used joycon as a speaker (same way as normal speakers vibrate to generate waves).

Keep believing that, it is bullshit. 80$ are not gonna hurt me, I don't have a gambling addiction like my uncle nor I am naive enough to fall into a scam.
I don't waste my money in avocado toasts or change phone every 6 months, neither use the ac all night, neither use hot water. I don't agree to what a lot of people use their money on and yet it doesn't bother me.
God forbid if i buy a die cut box because its not cheap enough for someone that works minimum wage.