Nintendo Labo Announced

What's with all the hate guys?

Can you really look a kid in the eye & think that they won't think this is the coolest thing they've ever seen?

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bumping for interest

why not just buy them a fucking keyboard?

>$1500 literal-who keyboard vs $80 Nintendo brand one

Why would you waist money on a keyboard if you could buy cardboard and satisfy the just as well

Fun part is building it. Take little Timmy to a hobby store and build a better one, though.

Why not just take a carboard box out of your garage and throw it at them while yelling "THIS IS YOUR NEW TOY"

because Sony makes real keyboards

they do?

Why buy a kid a garbage non-game when I could get him an actual compelling game to play through like Dark Souls?

Do you hate children enough to give them literal shit like LABO?

Man, you guys are really butt mad about people building models with their children. Did you guys not have dads?

IDK, seems like an educational toy.
don't buy it if you don't want to

Look at this guys, Nintendo is literally selling a lump of plastic for $60

It looks kinda fun if you ask me

>this statement will actually be considered 10/10 trolling and ruin some nerd's day


>making an image for only purpose other people use it to shitpost


>literal who

T. retarded faggot who knows nothing about anything at all , shit on about a subject they know even less about

how about you go fuck yourself with a screwdriver to the earholes.

you probably like knaye and your darling taytay, you fucking faggot.

i forgot about theirs.
yes. not generally considered 'the best' but considering for a keyboard, rather than a piano, it's all about the post processing and soundwork gear you do to theOUTPUT, the instrument itself doesn't HAVE to be the best.

uh-oh nintendo does fun stuff, can have this on neo-Sup Forums.

in other words they're shit, got it


It's actually more of a introduction to engineering than a dedicated game, also you have a choice in whether or not you buy it.

>shitty future father


I will never understand why companies try to push cardboard shit. First there was that vr thing by google, now this.

kid me would probably like the novelty, but let's face it, as a grown-ass man the "build your own peripherals!" gimmick is pretty worthless. The odds of any of the bundled software being must-play is infinitesimal.

I'm just as compelled to cling to my childhood as the next guy but for now I'll just see you guys at E3.

Because kids aren't buying Nintendo shit any more, they get their parents phones.
This is 100% for manchildren.

Because it's cheaper than dirt and apparently with the right marketing you can sell anything

Yeah cause my nephew is autistic/retarded and only plays Minecrafta

Also even if I was still a kid i'd rather just do some woodwork or play with something that doesn't break or something more exciting like playing MK at the arcades

Do people even buy it, though?
Honestly speaking, I would never buy something made out of cardboard.

All shitposting aside, are people here really going to buy this? I'm not shitting on it, I think its a cool thing for children and Nintendo has a neat take on the edutainment toy market. But this is not for me. I have a Switch, and I have a lot of games for my Switch, but I really just have no interest in it. It's making all the shitposting extra irritating to me.

>I would never buy something made out of cardboard
What about a box?

You know what I mean.

You sound like you get to emotional over small things. Cool it you fucking sperg.

At least it's a plastic keyboard

Nigger. Decent ones start at half that

I go to instrument shops and haven't heard of this brand. I've heard of Yamaha, but not Playell.

It's meant for crafty children. I don't know how many are out there any more relative to those glued to cellphones but Nintendos been looking nostalgically toward the past for a while now despite the side of them that wants to be innovative.

You know, with the extra cardboard to make your own stuff it'd be cool to make little vibrating racers with the reverse remote feature we see in the trailer.

The fun part will be building it. The novelty will wear off about 5 minutes later when you realize the fun part's over and all that's left is the gimmicky game that isn't fun at all

Honestly I'd get my kid a paper craft book if that's what he wanted. He'd have more fun and it would be cheaper.

Looks like shit and you guys know it. Im a big nintendo fan and this is a fucking mistake.

>deemo is on the switch
>controller support announced
>this is announced
>playing deemo on a keyboard controller, even if cardboard only
Rayark please

I can't wait to repost this to r/Sup Forums

further proving that nintendo is a childrens company.
SMT V is probably gonna be rated E for everyone.

>This is 100% for manchildren.
That totally explains why the equipment is diecut to child proportions

Your opinion is 100% bullshit

Im not a nintendo fag, but i think the idea of really cheap accessible peripherals is very good, my only grip with it is the excessive price.
Nintendo stuff always have a excessive markup (amiibos, mini nes, the switch itself)

Yeah, probably bro!

Not gonna lie, former Ninty fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching cardboard crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let LABO outsell the PS4 pro.

>or play with something that doesn't break
your sister's hymen disagrees

My point is that "if it's cardboard it's shit" is relative. Google Cardboard was popular because its function was literally just to hold your phone in front of your face. It didn't need to be particularly fancy or durable to do that, it just needed to be rigid and have a specific shape. The fact that it was made of cardboard allowed it to be sold cheaper than every other "hold your phone in front of your face" item on the market, hence its popularity.
Even if the $80 price tag was just for the cardboard alone, it would cost many times that to buy the parts needed to construct these items out of something like plastic. Cardboard is cheap, easy to manipulate, and relatively durable for the purpose. It's the most economical choice for something like this.

You can get a great keyboard for about the same price as this cardboard box. You're a fucking idiot that never took music lessons.

The price really isn't that excessive when you consider the price of similar products, and then consider that this comes with a game ($50-60), the precut cardboard, the cables, wires, string, and reflective tape.

If I wanted to build someonething out of card, i'd go to /po/. If I wanted to build something out of plastic, i'd go to /tg/. If I wanted to build something out of wood, i'd go to /diy/.

Memes aside you buy a switch to play games, not mess around with some cardboard cutouts of accessories nintendo refuses to make.

I do think that's the coolest thing ever. The design of everything and the engineering work behind it is insane, and putting those accessories together looks like a lot of fun. If I was younger or I had kids, I'd be all over this.

Its a minigame bundle, should be worth 20-40 dollars. Adding 10 to 15 bucks of cardboard, i think 60 bucks would be the absolute maximum price.
Wii Sports was fucking free.
Wii Sports Resort + Motion Plus was 50 bucks.

>with some cardboard cutouts of accessories nintendo refuses to make
Do you have any idea of the cost that would be involved in making all those things into actual products? How high Nintendo would have to price them? They don't have the infrastructure for any of that shit, at that point you really would be better off just buying an actual keyboard or an actual VR system or an actual virtual house toy.

I'm mostly a pragmatist when it comes to all this shit but Nintendo fanboys deserve every piece of shit that's being thrown at them for defending this completely idiotic product. It is fucking pet rock tier.

>Wii Sports was fucking free
It was 250 bucks, though.

Are you blind or what? You build things and you use them in games. This is a really cool concept.

>Project Robot

Google Cardboard is dirt cheap while this is $80 for cardboard and a couple mini games.
If you're a jew at nintendo

>nintendo invented papercraft tinker toys
only bad when they do it i guess

If I headed up nintendo's marketing department I would ship container of anthrax with the logo on it just to see if you fuckwits would buy it.

>while this is $80 for cardboard and a couple mini games
According to
the cardboard is free.

The game might be overpriced, but the cardboard itself is still "dirt cheap." The cardboard isn't the part of this that people should be complaining about.

>Spamming cringy "memes"

I don't understand what it fucking is. You attach cardboard to the remote and/or screen. Ok. Is it just a glorified minigame collection?


>Not realizing the instruction were the real product.


There's a lot of potential in DIY accessories. If only they can drive the costs down, and third party devs take advantage of it.

I think most of the appeal comes from the construction aspect, the fact that you get to build the peripherals from scratch.
Beyond that, it's just minigames, though.


i dont know why everybody is so salty. i just saw the video and when the music kicked up and all the cool shit started showing up, it was beautiful. whoever directed that video needs a fucking raise cause it made me want that shit. i thought splatoon was a mistake. i thought amiibos were a mistake. but i just keep getting proven wrong. people like this kind of shit and now i guess i do too

This has a new low for Nintendo. I have no words

> making fun of the destitute
Soynygers hitting new lows everyday

Just buy some model airplane kits or something, they'll look better, they'll be more complicated and keep you occupied for longer, and the minigame are gonna suck ass anyway.

>showing how the wholw thing works
>even how the infrared propagatea

This is fucking great, and this only means you can make your own toys, expect a shitton of custom toycons, some people will even make 3D models for 3D printers, I hope this succeeds.

Just Dance is $60. 1-2 Switch is $50. You have no idea how expansive the robot game is or isn't. It very well could be a full game and most first party nintendo games are $60.

>What's with all the hate guys?
It's the whole Spongebob/Squidward dynamic. Some people see potential, others see cardboard.

Personally, I don't see Labo as something I would ever mess with but the DIY community will probably make miracles with it.

Decent ones start at a quarter that. You can get an extremely high end normalized analog synthesizer for $1500.

The model airplanes are for display, though. They're not interactive.
A better comparison would be one of those robot kits like Imaginex or something, I forget the name.

So it's basically 1-2 Switch: Cardboard Edition?

>muh company rolling in money can't make it, so you have to!

Yeah, nah. Nintendo have made plenty of accessories (affordable ones too) for previous consoles they have made. This is straight up Apple tier "you didn't know you wanted it until we said so".

>cardboard keyboard.

what the fuck were nintendo thinking; this is a horrible idea.

Meccano, k-nex, and Lego Mindstorm, all of them way more expensive than 80 bucks if you want to buld something decent.

but you do

The people doing more complex stuff with good 3D printed parts is what excites me. Hell, maybe with this we can see some actual decent Homebrew games and not leave that scene relegated purely to piracy since we got news that Switch hacking has had some major success real recently >

that aint a cringey meme. its nintedrones reality. I cant believe grown men are ironically defending this lel.

soynyfags need to learn to relax

>not realizing that your could just walk outside your house and get a rock

They're for throwing at people. Not for kids who's parents are such assholes that they won't even buy them a fucking goldfish.

That's supposed to be don't know how I forgot the board code in that.

Well shit, that means this thing will cost 380 bucks then huh faggot

Dafuq is playell? Why not name actual big keyboard names like korg or nord?

It's gonna be great, what people don't seem to understand is that this is a Starter Kit, just a few ideas from which you can expand upon.

do you really think switch users are like that?
are you losing a grip on reality maybe?

Why use words when you can take Sup Forums memes aimed at all adults who play videogames and pretend it was only aimed at people who have a switch?


Riddle me this user - if this product is aimed at children, why are there no children in the trailer? This product is squarely on the manchild crowd.

Dude, think of these memes as that guy who likes to start shit just to kill boredom.