
How does Nintendo do it?



who the fuck even started this word

reddit, then pol, then v

It's Nintendo's number one trusted ingredient for their gaming sessions.

Butthurt Trumpfags probably.
I can't believe I miss Nu-male.




That shit is free and you can make it yourself tho

heartily kek'd

yes I'll print my own just waiting for switch to get CFW first then I'll buy it

My sides

Nostaliga pandering and soy

How poor are you ? I prefer to not waste time than to save a couple hundred dollars

>I prefer to not waste time
>plays video games


Say I want to play this shit, buying everything I need is more time efficient than wasting my time waiting and then hacking my switch.

not able to afford buying games in current financial situation

1 and 2 are from scalpers the rest are the real top sellers

Neofag refugees. Having been absolutely decimated in 2017 by Nintendo constantly winning, they've been engaging in next-level shitposting while they wait for the PS4 to get its second game.

sonyboys. they always do.

they release good game, or in this case, toys, while the sony negroid fume and shitpost.

switch already dead not even a year

You talk as if there is literally nothing for you to ever do but play video games
If that's true, then your time is completely worthless.
Also not everyone is a nintensoy, there are other platforms out there to play on.
In fact owning JUST a switch means you'll be waiting for months between major releases, since go knows that nintendo IPs are the only reason people buy their consoles.

>this no true Scotsman post
Comedy gold. Cardboard is outselling MonHun World. Cardboard.


wait, $80 for FUCKING CARDBOARD?
what the fuck nintendo

>literally the fastest selling console of all time in US and Japan
>literally 2 of the highest rated games to be released in a decade playable on Switch
>highest selling video game product on Amazon after 5 hours
Fucking delusional.

>buy it for 80$ sell it for 360$ once its sold out, buy monhun + pro with the profits
yee i wonder why

Niggerm you know that you are allowed to buy multiple consoles right? you can even have a PC alongside them!


Nintendo fans really do buy anything Nintendo releases

Needs an $80 price tag

Defend this. Go ahead.

>cant even run games with the 2005 standars
>only have kidie games
>already hacked
>pc emulator on the works
>pc was half of their exclusive library for free and with better resolution/framework
>90% of the sales are just from scalpers
fucking fatso delusional

>Nintendo fans having fun
>Sony fans just watch in jealously since they don;t have anything fun

sorry NeoGAF it started on /fit/ not everything that hurts your feelings comes from Sup Forums

How autist are you to find wojaks funny in 2018?

Can you even tell how autistic you are when you are that far in the spectrum?

>literal fucking cardboard
Holy cringe

You fags really are like Squidward after all. Go back to your (lack of) games on PS4

>being this triggered over jokes

Learn english

>$80 for cardboard

This is even worse than Battlefront 2's microtransactions and Nintendo fans are just eating this up.

Everyone you dont like


take me back
take me back to the paradise city where sean murray's words are bliss

I hate the meme, but seeing nintendies squirm and SEETH makes it fun again

Nintendo is their opioid, anything to stop them from addressing the problems surrounding them

Because history repeats itself. This board was exactly the same the NX was revealed and after the Jan presentation.

Jesus fuck, your tears are leaking onto my keyboard. Don't be sad kiddo, the PS4 surely will get its second game in a year or two. Until then, back to the Bloodborne mines.

>cardboard = games
>defending and EIGHTY (80) dollar price tag for C A R D B O A R D

Jesus. Please, please tell me this isn't a real situation. Tell me it's shopped.

>it's free
except for the cartridge which is 80 dollars

to buy the materials for a single set could be anywhere from 30 to 2 dollars

plus you need to buy a switch for the AR to work which is 300 dollars

I dont hate the meme, just find it lame and I wonder how autistic you have to be to laugh at it, its like when autists started to think people unironically thought piccolo fucking vegeta was funny and not a shitpost

>SJW "journalists" are calling literal fucking cardboard AWESOME
This is the power of consumerism brainwashing

>Cardboard is a hotter item then you're game

GG Capcom

Then you need to have an internet connection to make sure your Switch is up to date. A table and chair to sit at. Not to mention a house... the electric bill... probably heating...

What the fuck Nintendo?

So(n)ybros really do buy EVERYTHING Sony releases because that's not difficult


It replaced "cuck," which also replaced "fag" for "thing I don't like."

EA would have charged twice as much for a chance at half the cardboard.
