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Where's the "Who cares what Sup Forums has to say?" option? Shit is already second best seller on amazon.


Don't understand the shitstorm over it. It was unveiled in a self contained announcement, didn't take up time during a direct or E3, and isn't even targeted towards most of the people who are angry about it

NDF has arrived. poll results have been tainted.

If it was just plastic made to look like cardboard, id say it'd be worth the price and actually cool.

It's just Sonybros starting shit like always

Its just laughing at dumbshit user. At least those of us who aren't consolewarfags.

Where's "it isn't aimed at us and none of us are going to buy it, please stop losing your shit"?


What’s there to decide? It’s not for you

it first, lol

It's inoffensive, but not for me

So this is like Nintendo's take on VR? But with a bunch of cardboard? I honestly don't know how to feel about this all.

I’m going to buy the robot

>At least those of us who aren't consolewarfags
So 10 percent of Sup Forums?

The only option should be "Sup Forums got BTFO by Nintendo again"

no, it's a kid's toy, and only one of the sets uses "vr"

Be honest, it's stupid and shit. Only fanboys would defend fucking cardboard.

It's augmented reality, user. It's been around for a while now. Just usually at technology conventions or art galleries.

Its not for me and its not replacing anything so why be upset

I'm pretty excited for it, I'm glad Nintendo is taking a STEM direction with their console.

I doubt it's a game worth $60-$70, but I think it would be good for kids to get into building stuff.

The cardboard idea may seem a bit strange, but I'm betting Nintendo will be selling spare sheet kits in the event the boxes get ruined.

Plastic is too expensive baka goyim
Have cardboard instead prease undelstand and givu shekuru

>come into thread for thing you dont like
>i hate this, this isn't fair
good job retard

I guess.

Thank you for your input, professional 4channer!

Don't mind it. Only literal autists will have a problem with this.


>it's cool is actually winning
Proof that Sup Forums truly is soylent central.

Cool isn't the right word for it.
It would be neat to put some of them together (mostly the piano) but actually playing the other "games" doesn't interest me.
That's okay though because I'm not the target audience.

>tfw Sup Forums is literally full of soytendo children

I've never seen so many people get frustrated over cardboard toy kits intended for children...

they already said: 1. they are spares included in the box 2. they will sell spares separately (without the game) 3. the models will be available for free on their website if you to print it yourself

>two negative options to divide voters

are you ALL one fucking person or what

Where's the "it's not for me but I can see why it would be good for kids." option?

resetera may be more your style if you want a safe space

Can someone explain why people are upset

Yeah that's the more accurate term I'm looking for but VR/AR it's all a gimmick right now.

>Lego are shit because I say so
Jaded fuck

>tfw a Sup Forums poster calling someone else a soy
Post a pic of yourself so I can have a laugh at how you look irl.

Nintendo just keeps on winning and that triggers about half of the posters on Sup Forums

Then why are people getting triggered over these kits?

You can see the number of votes. Even together the negative is beaten by the positive option.

Don't ask me how because this is the most retarded video game thing I've seen in forever.

I think there is something glorious about this product. Nintendo probably pays $1 for the cardboard then they sell it for $80. If you don't see some sort of humor in that, you're probably a communist.

There needs to be an "I unno" Option.

I cant tell if this is the thing that will bring young people into the world of VR by having physical items to bridge the gap between Physical and VR tech or if its another misguided attempt to squeeze money from soy boys who are ,at heart, pathetic men and just wish the could live their childhood again.

Cool in the sense that I'd buy it for my wifes son because it looks like a cool toy.
I wouldn't play it myself though.

They are not winning! They gave only 1 it’s good option while 2 it’s bad option, basically you have to put the it’s stupid and it’s shit together, so it’s not divided.

I'd say AR is the lesser gimmick, since the systems used can generally be considered more reliable and less dependant on emerging technology trends.

Which is why VR goggles are still overpriced pieces of shit.

Doesn't change the fact that they're both gimmicks though.


I don't even know how well it runs yet.

>This was Labo back in 2014


>Telling someone to go away while simultaneously saying that they are the one wanting a safe space

>this is the most retarded video game thing I've seen in forever.
Were you literally born yesterday?

you seem angry, why are you so obsessed with nintendo?

Because the contraptions that come with the games are mostly made of cardboard so that means Nintendo found carboard on the side of the road and selling it to us for $70 with no added value whatsoever. Sup Forums is retarded, nothing we can do about it.

You can buy just the cardboard for $10. That makes the game $60. The robot set is $80. Which includes the game and the robot assets. There is literally nothing wrong with this. It's for literal children. It looks like fun, who cares. I'm personally not interested but it's extremely unimportant and does not affect any Nintendo games.

it's cool*
*if you're a kid. Probably some manchildren here who will be dancing around like the promo vid though. I can't wait to see what happens when YouTube gamur channels rush to try it out and show it off.

Either way, top quality memes ahead boys.

Name one thing more retarded in the last 10 years, even the google cardboard and kinect were better.

>all those positive votes
Unless you are a father with a child and plan to buy this, you genuinely are a pathetic manchild.

>too much of a pussy to post a pic
>posts a wojak in hopes of dodging it
like I thought. Sup Forums is just full of actual soys that are too chicken shit to do anything.

I can only imagine the quality of all those moving cardboard parts given the shitshow that was the Switch quality

>at work for afternoon shift
>didn't get a chance to participate in meltdown when 90% of threads were about Labo
>now there's only 8 threads and each one has 50 posts max
working was a mistake why did i stop being NEET?

i'm not saying that, i'm merely saying that if sonyfags think they are the minority they may feel more comfortable at resetera

I like it
but then again
i like the Eye Toy, Move, and Kinect as well


Wheres the Its for kids option ? because thats who would honestly want to buy this kinda stuff with their parents money.

fan shit, doesn't count

It was glorious. No assblast is as amazing as Nintendo fag assblast. We reached a point where they defend cardboard. Feels good

>falling for it


I honestly didn't expect "It's cool" to be so high. I'm glad it is.

Nintendo's the laughing stock of the entire industry and there's no hope for recovery after this shit show.

>Bernie the anti-Tendos vote
haha, fantastic.


But it comes with software, not just game friend.

I have no plans or even desire to buy either kit, but the concept is neat to me.
I really want to see exactly how the robot thing works in total though since it reminds me a lot of those silly full-body arcade games like Police 911.

Try naming an actual product more retarded than this


t. soytendo soytch owner

...Its all for kids? I doubt the backpack with strings with fit a 6" dude over the shoulders

>shitshow that was the Switch quality

t. crowbcat shilling his channel

Its cool is still winning even if you add the other 2 options together

In term of peripherals? You disagree with Kinect, but I'll say Kinect. Also, Sony's Wonderbook. Also, uDraw. Also, the Wii U Gamepad. Basically, any peripheral/gimmick controller released in the last 10 years I find dumber than cardboard cutouts for kids to put their Switch and Joy-Cons into for minigames. Seem pretty clever and simple to me, without affecting any other game.


Microsoft: We'll give you the best graphics you've ever seen.

Sony: We'll tell you the best stories you've ever heard.

Nintendo: cardboard boxes I guess I dunno

ONLY $69.99 !

it really is the same 5 people shitposting in every thread isn't it

Video games are for kids by default, it's redundant to say it about a specific video game.

Don't you mean
>soy. soytensoy soytsoy soyner

>and isn't even targeted towards most of the people who are angry about it
for a second I thought I was back on Sup Forums

Nintendo is the only one that isn't lying.

I think it's cool (for kids) and still am shitposting too. this is a 10/10 meme being born in real time

This reeks of reddit.

Love how console fanboy don't even try to hide their disgusting double standards now.

PSVR, Ouya and the Vita

the average shitposter

stupid and shit are redundant, you fucking retard

>Nintendo invented model kits/origami and are Jews for it


Not only is this unironically great by itself, it will also lead to great memes in addition. It's literally everything in one package.

Race you guys to beat Dark Souls on Piano.

Because it’s $80 for a mini game moran

>Labo doesn’t come with your own Bill Trinen
