Matthew Mercer is literally our dude, how can you hate this guy?
Matthew Mercer is literally our dude, how can you hate this guy?
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Isn't his wife really obnoxious and lowers the quality of Critical Role?
>/tg/ getting mad over this guy
>vitriol is standard, sadly
vitriol is the only thing that keeps you honest
In regards to what?
Shit thread btw, OP.
>tfw mcree will never shitpost and ruin your thread
why living
And who the fuck says "4channer".
>"mid" 2000s
Oh shit, my bad.
>le old fag
sure thing mr fagcer kek
xD us four channers am I right my fellow oldfags?
They will tell you otherwise, but /tg/ was also full of self-important faggots in the mid 2000s, too.
old b8
trolling is a art
When I heard McCree I immediately thought of Eder but I had no idea the same guy voiced Aloth. i went through the game with both of them in my party and it blew my mind.
Why to D&Dfags hate Mercer?
I can't hate anybody that took over for Troy after he decided he was too good for weebshit like Persona 4. He does a damn fine Kanji.
Seems like a good guy
also literally how can you "ruin dnd" what sperg would write that
>someone hates me
>i will befriend him with THE POWER OF BEER
fucking cringe
t. spoiled rich kid
He talks like a woman, he can go fuck himself.
>get rich of Troy Baker's sloppy seconds
I mean being a voice actor is usually shit for cash so it must be nice to be the discount version of someone popular
wtf i love dungeons and dragons now
I know. It's literally liberal christfag logic. No wonder he gets called a cuck.
What the fuck did he do? Someone spoonfeed me as to why people are flipping him the fuck off.
Isnt that McCree's VA?
>used to be a Sup Forumsirgin
Theres hope for you all.
>he's never had deep bro time sharing some beers
He does a tabletop podcast thing where him and his voice actor friends play D&D, I would imagine that is why.
he runs a popular dnd campaign called "critical role" which is a subsidy of "geek and sundry" and certain people don't like it on /tg/ because of normals
as a dm matt is pretty great. he can be a bit rail-roady but it is more or less a tv show for people to watch so they can't have characters arguing over bullshit for hours. sometimes he goes for style over substance but he does do his own world building and lots of prep work as a DM
another reason people dont like his show is because the people he has playing dnd are all mostly attractive and successful people and Sup Forums is the sour grapes den of the internet
finally, his wife isn't that good at dnd
you should watch some of it, the VODs are all up on youtube and a new campaign started last week so it's a good time to jump in
Why did he do to dungeona and dragons?
Probably by setting the bar really fucking high and creating a whole new generation of D&D players whose expectations of the game are founded solely on Critical Role.
I know I got burned out of DMing because my players expected me to put in some 10-20h of prep every week, including voice training.
you do realize you are who he's referring to in that tweet right?
no it's not
it's pretty juvenile to conflate vitriol with honesty
hence pretty much all of Sup Forums
and shitty youtube game review channels
How jaded are you dumb niggers
>how can you hate this guy?
I don't.
pathfinder, and only Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, and Travis Willingham are attractive or successful, everyone else is just "additional voices" or ugly
Who the fuck uses the word "vitriol"
That sounds like a shitty group, honestly
I don't hate him, I just don't care about him. Mainly because literally who?
I dont' know much about dnd but it can't be any worse than the other dnd campaign/podcast I keep up with I guess
Sophisticated people, you fucking deplorable.
>oldfag becomes the best d&d player in the world
If it's one thing Sup Forums and /tg/ can agree to hate together is Felicia Day.
Sounds like you need a beer and friend, user
someone trying to sound smart
no it's dungeons and dragons. when they started the stream they ported from mathfinder to 5e but ever since it was on twitch and youtube it's been 5e
Liam is pretty successful
it's really not that bad
>he's never listened to Bluejuice
step up nigga
People who graduated elementary school?
Matthew is in an emotionally abusive relationship with a sociopath
sounds like it could be fun
>using words I don't use often means he's trying to sound smart
Don't be so educationist. I'm trying ok?
It doesn't matter, because tabletop RPGs are the most reddit thing I can possibly think of.
>sit around with my bros, we've got beer and doritos!
>haha no rules we just use our """imagination"""
>i kill da goblin :DDD NADURAL TWENDY!!! :ddddd
It's truly a manchild's hobby.
if you like that sort of thing you should look into Paizo's newest game, Starfinder
Sounds really petty of /tg/
I just don't understand how he kicked a beloved actor off the show for 'playing to win' too hard, but his girlfriend can ruin literally dozens of episodes with bizzare mental breakdowns and she stays, even for season 2
>old /tg/
>being mad about anything except too many quest threads or 'muh dwarf fortress isn't /tg/!' or prudes upset over elf slave what do threads
I don't know what board he posted on but it wasn't old /tg/.
They don't. It's one extreme faggot who was permabanned from /tg/ forcing a meme and idiots following him for laughs.
Keep trying, man. You can get there. I believe in you.
Orion cheated on a lot of rolls, tried to always steal the thunder, went to make his character hte main character of the campaign, and told fans they weren't allowed to use his character in fan art because "it's mine, fuck you"
Thanks bro!
I'll buy you a beer some day, and maybe a friend
it may sound cliche but the greates friendship can be born from rivalry I met my best friend in highschool and we mutually hated each other so much we ended up fistfighting almost everyweek and somehow we ended up in good terms one day and laughed at our past behaviour and we wondered why we were fighting so much when we had so much in common, friends for like 10 years now, it was an all male school though
story on the guy that got kicked out?
Source is that he's married to A WOMAN
this is a very depressing post
>share a beer
Who the fuck shares one beer?
Just go through his Reddit history. 75% of his posts are replying to people complaining about Marisha, and he has the weirdest most bizarre excuses for her behavior.
How does she ruin episodes? Not really up to date
Of the 20ish people I've played (or DM'd for) 5e with at least 15 have been like that. The five or so that were decent to play with are "trapped" in groups with the others, or stopped playing because of similar reasons. I have just given up on it altogether. It came to a point where I was almost putting in more effort and time in practicing for D&D than I did working + playing vidya.
Tried doing less prep but I couldn't stand the disappointment from my players (not to mention from myself). In the end the least stressful thing was just to abandon the hobby altogether.
well one of them he's sticking his dick in, also Orion did a lot of minor shit to piss off a lot of people, and i'll be honest stopped watching a one point so I don't know how bad she derailed things but I remember Orion had some points where they just sat around doing nothing for like half and hour because of him, enough that Travis was getting super pissed
imagine being this lonely
>his girlfriend can ruin literally dozens of episodes with bizzare mental breakdowns and she stays, even for season 2
I think it's because sex mostly
The real question is why doesn't he dump her since he's a successful and decently attractive guy who could have a much less insane gf
because he already put a ring on that finger, so she'd get all his shit in the divorce
>Admits browsing Sup Forums
That's a really sad story to hear, I guess that comes if people expect weekly sessions. I've only had sessions with friend groups and usually it's just a get together when the dm is ready.
Downside is that a lot of campaigns fall apart, but I've never seen any of my dms get stressed out to the extent.
You must be mistaken sir. 3.5 was the last edition of D&D.
Yeah I forgot about edition wars.
I'm not gay or anything, but he's pretty hot.
I don't know how to explain it. Extremely weird neurotic behavior, especially in the later episodes. Screaming at other women at the table, getting hyperactive and anxious when her character is in trouble, getting seriously angry at Matthew because he won't let her do some kind of retarded outside-the-rules thing (like "I want to use my tidal wave spell but it's fire instead!")
The beer was more a complementary thing. I think the main part was sitting down and having a discussion.
I know right lol cringe compilation 2017
its nu-Sup Forums what do you expect.
since 2005 and near the end of 2006 it has always been shit.
Do you actually think that's what he meant?
Based user, telling it like it is.
Because this guy, who again, was such a giant piece of shit tripfag that he had a mod permaban his ass in public on /tg/ of all boards, really loves shitting up threads with "rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee normies and roasties LE NATURAL DWENDY REEEEEEEEEE CRITICAL ROLL SUCKS" and newfags are too fucking dense to notice they're being trolled and repeat everything he posts.
user your post is fucking hilarious. I can understand why some people are into tabletop RPGs, but I'd be lying if I said I've never felt the way you do before.
Wil Wheaton will always be worse
You seem to have written "juvenile" when you meant to say "stupid".
Sounds like you both have low IQs, desu.
Feels like every single literal who is verified on Twitter these days.
Mercer is also a bit insane, he had a breakdown on twitter and on youtube a while ago, each for different reasons. Twitter was because he said some shit on stream, and from what I know a very small amount of people got offended, so he apologized for like two hours. The youtube one was a QnA or some shit and he starts going on about sexual assault and how he was assaulted. The guy's not very well adjusted, he's just good at hiding it.
Yeah dude that's clearly what he's saying
>Told Critical Role is comfy dnd
>Guy who plays the dragon is a total faggot and ruins everything
>Using deplorable as a noun
I hate tabletop games because it's not roleplay. Roleplay is supposed to be like collaborative writing, and the stories DnD produces would be fucking torturous to read. Imagine a book which begins with 800 pages of casting Magic Missile on goblins.
And it's not even good as a game. The half-assed attempt at having it be a roleplaying experience makes it shit as a game. You can't minmax, you can't exploit stuff, all this fun thinking outside the box that makes a real RPG fun, you can't do it because hurrrf immersion.
It just sounds like you're playing bad games with bad GMs, user. D&D is a shit game by most standards, I'd recommend trying something more freeform and interesting.
he gets kicked out
don't worry, he leaves after the first major arc