Where are the cringe compilations?

where are the cringe compilations?

does no one give a fuck anymore?

look at the fucking catalog
there's your fucking cringe compilation

No one really cares that much about agdq anymore, the last million donated was definitely bankrolled for PR, the viewers this year were way too down for donations to surpass previous years.


Why would anyone care about Good Fun Banned Quick?

cringe compilation and chill??


Is crowbcat dead no vga and no gdq video and I've got a bad feeling no nintendo cardboard coming up either.

Pretty sure they'd get banned from youtube over being trannyphobic

lobotomy chicken


>lel cringe
>lel crowbat

You HAVE to go back

>get to the last day way below mark
>suddenly start getting one $1000 "anonymous" donation after the other

They weren't even hiding.


>bonesaw's a soyboy
wtf i hate bonesaw now

Agdq is something that should’ve died long ago. The whole speed running thing lost its novelty years ago. Agdq is just a giant corporate money laundering scheme now like most big charities

The donation comments are cringe enough for me.

>"Long time watcher, first time donator as I finally moved out of my mom's basement this year. Had to give as this game is one of the favorites from MY childhood. AGDQ is such a great cause, as my mom's great uncle's wife's son in law with down syndrome got cancer in 2015. Together we can kick cancer's butt!"

The guy who used to make the most popular GDQ compilations, Apollo Legend, got a cease and desist from GDQ for using their footage and making fun of them. Instead of fighting something stupid and expensive, he shrugged and went and did other stuff.

Crowbcat did one compilation but never again. Possibly the same reason why.

All the other people who make GDQ 'LOL CRINGE xD' compilations are too shitty and nobody watches them so they aren't worth bothering with. That and because with every event they get stricter on what happens on camera and love dolling out the bans, there is less stuff worth putting in a video. If you want to watch spergs sperging out, look else where because all GDQ offers now is dilation.

>gets banned for having fun
>doesn't say anything in protest
You should have known all along.





God, that Jak and Daxter run was one of the last good things to come out of GDQ. Even the late night runs which were free of a lot of the bullshit started getting snubbed.

Maybe Oceanside will be good.

Or maybe it will just be full of insufferable cancer that got banned from GDQ for being edgy faggots.

Guess we'll find out April 20-22


Does abominable still stream on twitch?
A bit late to the party

>crowbcat hate


last time i checked he was getting sissy surgery and had to be mia for a couple months

He chopped off his dick or just face surgery?

People who spend their free time making cringe compilations have absolutely zero self awareness.

face stuff

agdq and trannies are old hat, grandpa, anal vore and cardboard are the new hotness.


>makes videos that cherry pick glitches
>"haha gotchya game. this is the next big failure"
Wow, enjoyable content

anyone have the tweet cap of PMG's therapist saying he wasn't trans, just autistic?

So which video affected your companies sales and meant you couldn't have an end of quarter bonus, Shilly McShillington?

The people who're originally into the whole internet cringe culture grew. Stopped caring.

Now it's just for the rest of em, or the younger kids who're trying to be cool following the older kids.

I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.

XD put me in the screencap xd


Can't he keep doing it by other names?

>video game threads get deleted
>this shit still up
bravo nu-mods

Sounds like Sup Forums in video format

How will v ever recover

Dial 8 man won, in audio and video.

Skullet is the hidden real winner. If we drove it anymore into the ground it would suck.

do you realize where you are?

Why is the Miz at AGDQ?

Basically Sup Forums.

Quite liked the Toy Story run
Well executed and just campy enough to be fun

It won't. It's been downhill for a while now.

kill me pete

The man speaks truth

Yeah, it was like, $800,000 by Thursday?
That's progress you'd expect out of SGDQ, but then suddenly a day later they're on the verge of 2 million

Who thought it was a good idea to remove the crowd cam at the beginning

>mfw there's a "too nervous to talk to girls in vrchat" thread atm

GDQ is the cringe compilation.

Bonesaw? More like Bonesoy.

After the Crash Bandicoot suicide run, GDQ's official position became that unauthorized uploads were no longer allowed. Obviously enforcement is selective, but they DMCA any cringe compilations or anything else that might make them look bad.


Not worth the effort, really. You'd just keep getting your accounts deleted for copyright strikes, or auto-flag might keep you from uploading the videos in the first place.
You could put them on another site like Dailymotion but nobody gives a fuck about those.

Once it goes viral there'll always be someone to reupload it

the whole thing is a cringe compilation now


>bottom middle
I saw a clip of "I'm a man that likes women! I'm straight as fuck!" Who is he and what does he do?

Totally worth 20k

Why even come out as trans if you're gonna be ugly? Might as well just be an effeminate guy.