No real failure state, worst that can happen is you die before getting your souls back. Meaning absolutely nothing

>No real failure state, worst that can happen is you die before getting your souls back. Meaning absolutely nothing.
>No fight requiring ability to the point where even veteran players after multiple playthroughs still buttclench when thinking about it
>Wow so hard guys xDDDD
Normies should fucking off themselves.

The failure state is when you give up.

Why do you care so much what normalfags do?
Not enough games to play?


Its almost like all the difficulty goes away after you figure out what you are doing

>No real failure state

I'm assuming you're talking about lives. Those were only created so devs could artificially length their games playtime so dumb children would start at the beginning all over again, also stealing quarters at arcades.

DS1 does have failure state, but with items. You kill a blacksmith and he's gone. You kill a NPC and he cant give you an item, etc.

Normalfags rejoicing in their normality rather than improving and refining themselves is a matter of national concern.

>Blackmsith at the Catacombs
>Wanted to go imbue my weapon with fire since Gwyn's weak to it
>Go to him
>Wheel Skeleton follows me in there and kills him

you have school in the morning time for bed lad

The bloody crow of cainhurst is probably the soulsborne enemy that makes veterens clench
>inb4 cheese

Vamos placement is the most retarded thing about this game (except for demon ruins and izalith)

Name a harder AAA game made in the past 10 years.

That and the horse dude. I don't remember having any issue with it, but I see tons of people whine about him they can't all be casuals.

DS1 definitely wasn't an AAA game tho.

Die in most MUDs - Character gone forever, lose most of your progress (Normally have remort points)
Die in a roguelike - Character gone forever - lose all progress
Lose in a wargame - Lose all progress
'Lose' in Dark Souls - Potentially lose a few resources which are easily gained back unless you are doing a self imposed challenge.

>No fight that makes your butt clench
NG+ Four Kings is this fight.

Git gud.

Except that's easier than even MoA Nineball Seraph.

>no real failure state
>then goes on to describe failure state in the same sentence
>then proceeds to criticize the game on the basis that it's possible to master the game
Troll rating: 2/10

Why are you comparing different genres of games?

Except that's not a failure state. If there is no significant consequence from the failure state, then it may as well not exist.
The only way you could argue DS is hard is if they forced you to play through with permadeath.

Why are you replying to a clearly retarded shitposter?

Oh do you think this is ACfag? I'll leave the thread then.

Meant for

>The only way you could argue DS is hard is if they forced you to play through with permadeath.
This leads me to believe you never played the game much, and you get your opinions about the game's difficulty from watching youtubers speedrun the game. If you played the game you'd know there is a mandatory death (without exploits), so this wouldn't work.

Aside from Seath, everyone died to the dragon at the bridge on Undead Burg. That's just a fact.

>pleb who fell for the post-pc-release advertising, maybe didn't even try the series until 2 and believed all the shitty normalfag memeing about Le Hardest Game Ever :rageface: finally discovers what non-retards have known since launch week and feels insulted
More news at 11

I actually agree Dark souls 1 is weird after starting the second. I did a full clear of DS1 on NG and NG+ blind for the first time 3 months ago. I just started DS2 and am having way more trouble in the beginning as a dex build. I thought I was just a tard so I went back to DS1 and steamrolled the lot of it. I was legit surprised. The series got a lot harder than I thought it would.

I know DS2/3 meme wars and shit on Sup Forums, but I'm playing them all anyway so fuckoff.

First and foremost, I see Souls games as successors to the King's Field franchise. They're exploration rpg's that just happen to have a combat system that is way better than the clunky mess that King's Field games had.

Take your time exploring, be patient and build up your character and the challenges that you face are mostly exaggerated in their difficulty.

>trouble in the beginning as a dex build
Early game as a dex build is the secret hard mode of souls games. I had the exact opposite experience when I first played through DS1 with a dex build, then tried 2 with a strength build. DS1 was difficult as all fuck for me trying to get by with my uchigatana, but with my first STR build in 2 I was getting by just fine with a battle axe, until all challenge dissolved as soon as I grabbed the Great™Sword.

How to spot a normalfag in 1 easy step:

I didn't, my first playthrough, something buggered up and it didn't come

Sorry, riajuu.

Do you know what the budget of DS1 was? Quite sure it's up there with other big games. Also if you are going to pull budgets for Call of Duty or similiar as reference, you have to realize those are from a company that are not afraid to put hundreds of millions into ad campaigns and probably lie on game development budgets as well.

Why did you hit so high? Viscerals don't usually do that much, do they?

>>No real failure state, worst that can happen is you die before getting your souls back. Meaning absolutely nothing.
How is that the worst thing that can happen? the worst thing would be dying before you can get them back, meaning you lose them forever.

>Viscerals don't usually do that much, do they?
They do when you're level 250 on NG.

>worst that can happen is you die before getting your souls back
>How is that the worst thing that can happen? the worst would be dying before you can get them back.
Losing them forever means jack fucking shit though.

Well that's just dumb.

I'm old enough to remember there being a limited number of lives/continues in games. That was never actually a good mechanic.

Souls games aren't perfect, but I'm failing to think of a series that handles failure/dying better than it.

You can get cursed, then go and wander down into the bottom of blighttown and have your weapon break.

What the fuck is up with his voice? It's the only objectively bad voice acting I can think of in the series.

It sounds like they recorded his voice through a tin can attached to a string at the bottom of a lake and then compressed the audio files 10 times in a row.

>must refight your way back to that point
>potentially lose money/exp
>no real failure state

Go back to your cardboard threads

>Thinking that constitutes a failure state with actual consequences
Kindegarten starts in a few weeks, parents got your uniform ready?

Afaik viscerals scale with skill, so depends on your build.

>leveling stamina also increases carryweight

Easiest game of my life even more so than bloodborne which gives you way too many healing items


>No real failure state

Do you expect the CD to self destruct? You can easily lose hours of progress in these games.

>run past all enemies until you see your corpse which is conveniently positioned 30 seconds before you died
>mash A to grab your splooge for no movement penalty and laugh as all lost progress is nulified
The only real "penalty" is losing humanity, which actually makes the game easier unless you count losing 1 more item when kindling bonfires.
That's even assuming you were human/had humanities when you died

>lose hours of progress
>when there's checkpoints all over the place and items/spells that let you teleport back with no penalty
Most bosses even drop Homeward Bones FFS so you don't even have to trek back through an empty map

>it takes me hours to get back to a boss even though you can run past literally everything and get back to it in less than 2 mins

here come the FSIDF

>they can't all be casuals.

>Quite sure
>probably lie
No solid evidence on anything: the post

>I played the game for 1000+ hours and know every single boss and can kill them while jerking off while eating my tendies
>but anyone who’s just starting out and says it’s hard is a fucking faggot who’s bad at video games

board is fucking cancer really

How does it mean nothing? It's all about time, as in any game. You fucking morons are so adept at cherrypicking you lose all critical thinking.

>No fight requiring ability to the point where even veteran players after multiple playthroughs still buttclench when thinking about it

Wait, so you're telling me that the game gets easier when you learn what you're supposed to do? What a shit game.

>No real failure state, worst that can happen is you die before getting your souls back. Meaning absolutely nothing.

What exactly do you expect to happen? Most games let you reload a save from 5 seconds prior. At least in your first playthrough of Dark Souls you're going to need to go through a couple areas more than once (Sen's, Anor Londo, Depths.)

I can restart any game from the beginning and make my way up to and past where I may have failed by using knowledge and experience from having played the game for as long as I have. Games have no consequences and they're all completely easy if you use the method I described, case closed.


Fun fact, it is literally impossible to die to the bridge dragon in a single hit from full health!

>easiest game of your life

You're acting like you never played skyrim user. Also ds1 is more fun than other RPGs similar to it will ever be.

>What exactly do you expect to happen?
Permadeath (Mandatory deaths not counting)
Permanent stat drain/level loss far beyond what the lost souls correlates to, and which can eventually lead to 0 stats and permadeath
Forced bad/worst end, possibly early bad end
Shit like that.

Dark Souls 2 continuously halved your health on repeated deaths.

>run past all enemies until you see your corpse which is conveniently positioned 30 seconds before you died
If you already know how to run through the stage past all the enemies, why did you die in the first place?

"The game is easy when you're already good at it" 5/5 criticism

>tfw undead chain giant brings enormous stress just thinking about it
>tfw it still oneshots your high level characters and locks you out of chalice content

So basically you want Dark Souls to be a game that's not fun to play?

Because the thing that killed me is 30 ahead of my bloodstain, dumbass.
If you die to something that didn't kill you the first time you encountered it that's just bad performance.

>He doesn't find roguelikes, wargames, or hardcore mode games fun

It's not guaranteed that you'll get those souls back, though..

Whole thread is a fucking joke lol
Talking about not losing any real progress when nearly every game now does this
What the fuck are you expecting?
If you want a super le ebic hardcore rogue like get Dead Cells or Necropolis

>die in literally most games - reload save file

Try harder please, you're not doing very well.

and when they try to make it hard, they end up with shit like the aldritch faithful. And people still defend it because they're scared to criticise anything about the souls games. Lest they be called a scrub, and told to GIT GUD

This. When you give up you become a Hollow in the real world.

>It's harder than most games, therefore it is hard.
You can have a thousand games at 2/10 difficulty, that doesn't mean a 5/10 is difficult. Relatively difficult, yes. Actually difficult? No.

With the way DS is, permadeath/stat loss would just make the game terrible and I doubt most would even play it.
You get punished for your mistakes in the current style still, you just don't have to do over 50 hours of content again because you screwed up once near the end on an attack you've never experienced before or got ambushed by a group you couldn't have seen coming without messages.

Dark Souls is none of those

You're such a fucking badass man, I'm actually intimated to be in your presence.

You're always earning souls, so one way or another you'll get them back. And if you're worried about losing humanity, there's always skeleton babies.

The failure state is when you realize the game is a shoddy piece of shit that isn't worth playing in the first place.

Youre right skyrim was a bit easier.
But even then tsun gave me more trouble than anything in ds1
So much so i lowered the difficulty so i could 1 shot him


>he's doing a thrust attack! better not roll to the left or right!

loling at ur life

Well I've never seen that before. Real smart too.

>going for a back stab as he turns around
>rolling directly into the attack
>paying no attention to your surroundings
holy fuck you're bad at video games

>whiffed backstab
>rolls backwards into a thrust attack
>gets balls exposed

>people still falling for this post
easy way to spot the newfags


the "difficulty" mainly comes from the lack of handholding and spoonfeeding.

Dark Souls is a narrative-based game not a simulator or arcade game. although i agree with you that simply losing Souls becomes irrelivant once you reach the meta level around ~SL120, which is a flaw.

>Dark Souls is a narrative-based game

>horse dude

Mad that your game is fucking bad?

>Easiest game of my life even more so than bloodborne
>when Bloodborne doesn't even have carryweight