You must have an MLP profile picture to join the server

>you must have an MLP profile picture to join the server

>caring about this kind of shit

who are you quoting

I'm confused, are you killing yourself cause you don't have one or because of the rule.

In what game did that require you to do that

>not having an MLP pic just to piss everyone off
It's been like 5 years and getting top frag as xXxFlutt3shyxXx still throws everyone into a spastic fit.

Because those faggots are all invariably degenerates who all need to be put to death

Bronies are actually the complete opposite of the kind of person who'd make a rule like that.

See, the name alone is enough to trigger people.

Hey love and tolerance friend, no hate. /)

stop trying to invite that Barneyfag bot.

You know why? Because they know that they are the worst scum to have ever graced this planet, the kind of people Adolf Hitler would've sent into the gas chambers, the kind of people that a perfect world would've considered mandatory for abortion.


hide your shame

To be fair niggers with mlp pics are usually pretty good at vidya

I just want Barneyfag to know that for all his snooping in Derpibooru he could be saving mountains of porn.

this desu

Why do you feel the need to trigger people though, are you that sad and alone?

>memetext is qouting
dumb meme

.t 2013 nu-oldfag

>knowing how long youve been here

Get the fuck off of Sup Forums

Sad and lonesome faggot detected