Can MTG Arena compete with Hearthstone?

>Magic: The Gathering Arena players will have two types of in-game currency to choose from.
>Coins: The game’s basic currency, which players earn by completing quests, winning matches and participating in special events.
>Gems: Premium currency, purchased with real cash money.

>Arena features several different ways to amass a pile of virtual cardstock.
>Booster packs: eight-card boosters containing 5 commons, 2 uncommons, and 1 rare or mythic rare. The cost of purchasing boosters with gems purchased with real-world money is still being determined, but the developers say it will not be tied to real-world booster pack prices.
Draft packs: 14 cards mirroring tabletop drafts (the basic land has been removed). Drafting will also add cards to your collection, as any card you draft will be automatically added to your collection.
>Individual cards will also be earnable through play. Devs are testing a system where for every match win, players will receive one card in MTG Arena, up to 30 per day.
>Wildcards are special cards that have a chance to appear in the place of each card at any rarity in every booster players open.
>Wildcards have their own rarity of common, uncommon, rare, and mythic rare. Players will be able to swap Wildcards for a card of their choosing of the same rarity.
>The Vault is a special mechanic that rewards players for opening boosters, as well as an interesting way to deal with duplicate cards. Every time the player opens a booster pack or collects what would be the fifth copy of a card in their collection, it feeds a Vault meter. Once full, players will be able to open the Vault for a reward—currently Wildcards. It’s a simple way of avoiding the dusting and crafting system seen in similar digital card games.

>Note that there’s no trading cards with other players in Magic: The Gathering Arena.

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They're both dead to Artifact when it comes out.

Reminder not to support SJWizards of the Coast

mtg is and will always be thee card game, everything else is just a shitty copy.

also, mtg arena is basically the magic duels game from the consoles. they realized how successful that model was and now they are making it the de facto game across the board.


Wizards of the coast are really cucked:

Why would anyone want to give money to WOTC.

>Individual cards will also be earnable through play. Devs are testing a system where for every match win, players will receive one card in MTG Arena, up to 30 per day.
>Booster packs: eight-card boosters containing 5 commons, 2 uncommons, and 1 rare or mythic rare. The cost of purchasing boosters with gems purchased with real-world money is still being determined, but the developers say it will not be tied to real-world booster pack prices.
This alone makes it already better then Hearthstone.

But this vault mechanic seems like shit. Even though Gwent completely knee-capped weather monster decks, I did like that they let me mill every starter deck to make one single good deck.
MTG has an insane amount of cards, so having to have 4 ofs to start getting dust seems basically impossible.
These digitial tcgs just need to have actual trading in them. Maybe make it so people can craft all cards as commons but you can pull cards with effects on them to trade with people.

it's a shame that wotc is such an awful company because mtg is truly wonderful.

>physical card game
>mixed timings
>the resource system
Game is shit.

Getting four same mythic rares is going to be incredibly difficult under this system. Only people who pay obscene amounts of money for booster packs will be able to play the Tier 1 decks.

Welcome to card games.

>Note that there’s no trading cards with other players in Magic: The Gathering Arena.
into the trash it goes

and asking to beat hearthstone is like asking an mmo to beat wow during its heyday

I can't wait to draw 4 lands and 3 lategame mobs just to draw another land on my next turn.

>anything but shandalar
off yourself

>call it a digital TCG
>no trading
>no crafting
>good mtg decks usually require 4 of multiple rares and mythics

Too bad but it's dead on arrival

Not in a digital format.
Hearthstone is a lot more fun anyway.

Make a less retarded deck

They will drop it without warning like they did the Xbone version. Glad I didn't fall for it.

Dont support sjw companies

The elder scrolls legends is the only decent digital cars game. Hearthsone is just luck and everything else looks like absolute garbage

>It's not Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds
Thank God I left after they introduced the guild mechanics

DIGITAL card games. chances are irl if you get a mythic you could trade for a mythic you actually want or at least some rares and uncommons you're missing. now the best you can is maybe melt it down for 1/25th of an other mythic card and thats it

Eternal is good too, its an mtg clone made by the same guys who make the elder scrolls one

Don't try to act like physical card games aren't pay2win. I played card games competitively for 15 years so don't try any of that "you don't know what you're talking about" shit that most people try.

The good mythics are worth 2-3 times the shitter ones, good luck finding a sucker to make that trade


I think you're missing my point or moving goal posts or something. getting the card you want is infinitely easier with a physical card game

lol nice game faggots

Ah like how DOTA2 killed all other MOBAS. Oh wait

It's not much different in terms of price. With digital card games it's always pack gambling, but with physical card games you can just cough up $50 for the good card you need instead. It doesn't matter in the end. They're both expensive and the person with the most money has the advantage. Card games require very little skill; luck and money are more important.

At least it's not as bad as $15K+ cardboard.

So will you be able to get boosters using coins?

Also I hope there's a single player in it.

I'd rather have an official Wixoss game.

I miss battleforge

Well, not by itself.

DOTA 2 and LoL killed all the other MOBAS.

Heroes of the Storm stays around due to sheer stubborness from blizzard.

You know as limited as the xbox 360 magic games were I miss the music, atmosphere and art style of the game.

>mtg is and will always be thee card game, everything else is just a shitty copy.
>sales down 40% from last year
>card quality took a nosedive
>sojus politics and pushing trans, autistic, and gay characters

Dota 2 isn't a moba.

>Note that there’s no trading cards with other players in Magic: The Gathering Arena.

Pokemon TCGO is literally the only digital card game that isn't jewish garbage

this game will fail purely because MTGO will continue to exist

that's alpha/beta grade 9 prices. crappier revised ones are like 1-3k.
still insane though


I wish Wizards just switched up the fucking UI. What the hell is wrong with them?

But all digital card games are jewish

How do they make so many cards
They all start doing the same shit after awhile right?

They just take an older card and make it worse nowadays

>buying real power

i am a former competitive mtg player, and honestly i'm done with it. hs is a rng fuck fest, but its at least fun in casual. mtg is only fun casually if you already have a good amount of cards to fuck around with.

>his deck uses creatures that aren't squirrel tokens

I'm hype, I fucking love magic but have never had anyone to play it with.


wow they actually banned the neckbeard from unsleeved? holy fucking shit. i don't even care about that guy, but thats 100% retarded.

if he was harassing people at a DCI event, as a participant, then i could understand, but banning someone for being a troll on their own time is just about as unprofessional as it gets.

>Using creatures that don`t have haste or die and do damage

There was no proof of the sustained harassment he apparently gave to that cosplay girl and 3 of the 10 images wotc sent him as evidence to justify his ban were pepes he posted on twitter

even if he had though, its still fucking stupid to take sides on shit that has nothing to do with them.

i'm sure thousands of mtg players are awful people. i'm sure there are legit psychopaths who play magic. but none of it matters unless they are participating in DCI events.

and he is a self admitted troll, for what its worth. again, doesn't matter though. this just shows that WoTC can be browbeat into a morality contest. they have no spine.

this is why you never negotiate with terrorists.

There is a private server in the works that is supposedly coming online quite soon, Battleforge reborn or skylords reborn or something like that

This. It will be a pathetic cash grab by a failing company


And I hope it will work specially because with the ingame editor you can create your own maps, but God I hate EA for doing what they did. No other game was even remotely similar

If HS is an rng fuck fest, why do the same pros shit on everybody else with the same decks?

Because blizzard can't design a card game with more than 1 good deck at a time

real game

If everybody has access to whichever deck/s (because it isn't impossible or even very hard to copy your favorite player's deck) how is it that the current pros make it past everyone else time and again?
I'd like a piece of that prize money and if it's merely gambling, I should be able to obtain it.

Not everyone has 8+ hours a day to grind hearthstone for legend and qualifiers

>We want to compete with digital heavyweights like Hearthstone
>But we don't want our digital platform to overshadow the physical cards so we'll make a shoddy product

I haven't played a huge amount of MTG, but it seems like it wouldn't work online due to how much of a clusterfuck it'd be with all the instant spells and counters and shit

We're talking multiple countries and millions of players here and a large sum o those players have all the time in the world. It would be a lot more diverse, breh. Guaranteed.
I look at it the same as chess with rng qualities.

>playing virtual slot machines
What is actually wrong with you cunts

It's also a clusterfuck in real life but people notice because they don't play the game properly.

Would be cool if you could get your cards scanned and unlocked for the game.

Imagine being some veteran with 3000 cards and hundreds of dollars spent.

Thank god I'm not autistic like that.

It's really not that fucking hard to resolve instants. Follow the order (easy as fuck if you know programming or even basic ass order of operations) and go from there. If you still run into something unknown, look for an official judgment.


Is it balanced around the lowest common denominator? Does it have cinematics? Does the whole game look bright and flashy to draw drones in? Does it involve addicting gambling mechanics (rng/lootboxes)?
No? Well then it can't compete with Hearthstone, can it?

Sadly, the only thing that can really end up competing with Hearthstone is Artifact, because it has a guaranteed playerbase to back it up

I mean that in real life there's no button to press for each action to say "I do not want to counter this"
While in a physical game you can just say when you want to

Sorry user, i'm drunk and I assumed you were a shitter.

I think a simple timer for your next action is the best way. Give the player x seconds to decide whether or not they want to counter and then proceed accordingly.

source on 40% down?

That just sounds like a pain in the ass if you play multiple cards per turn
Especially if it wants to compete with Hearthstone, which is so popular because of its short game time

Does it have good singleplayer?

pls let this be real

I didn't g et my arena beta even though they said it would be out in december ree

did anyone who signed up the second after the live stream get in? What the fuck ree it should have been me.

I don't think he's ever getting it back. If he had taken the ban and kept on playing casually maybe people would have listened to his message and saw things not through the lens that he's a slutshaming neckbeard. I even saw people at first at my LGS sympathizing with him. Honestly time would have proven him right on that regard

Instead of waiting he went full asshurt, made a manifesto and tried to publish it to anyone that would want the """juicy""" MtG scoop, which ended being the fucking daily stormer since the only compelling argument he had was that the girl was a slut. When he realized stormfags weren't interested in his badly written asspain crusade, he went and accused WotC and Magic of being a nest of pedos, naming ex-judges currently in prison.

He tried to be an 3p1c troll IRL and got banned for it, and right now it's just the gift that keeps on giving. NO one in the community that actually plays the game listens to him seriously.

It hasn't been implemented yet but there is a "redeem code" button that is set up in the client. That could possibly be for codes from packs that you buy irl. I know a few people were requesting it and the devs said they would put it into consideration. Doesn't confirm it really but there's a chance.

There's zero chance that is happening.

>want the hearthstone and MTGO audience
>make a product that’s worse than both

Why is WotC so incompetent recently? I can’t think of anything they did right since Theros-Khans block.

I have been playing in the beta, it has "flashy" animations, some cards make sounds when they hit the board, It's definetly bright and it seems like they are going to have the "interactive" environments. Planeswalkers have voice lines when they hit the field. That and card games kinda just rng to begin with. When you open a pack it's all flashy too. I honestly don't like a lot of it but they are making it so you can turn animations off.


>Draft packs: 14 cards mirroring tabletop drafts (the basic land has been removed). Drafting will also add cards to your collection, as any card you draft will be automatically added to your collection.

So, expect to have to grind for 2 weeks to do a single draft. This shit sure is dead on arrival.
Fucking wotc, I fucking love magic.

Theros-Khans was a balancing nightmare. They had to introduce a card specifically for taking out gods because there wasn't a good way to take them out reliably without hurting your deck. When they finally released khans seige rhino dominated the meta for a long time. I only started playing during original eldrazi but they made a few op cards while shitting out bad ones like crazy during that set.

Holy fucking shit this is a garbage post and you should feel bad

This is literally /r/TheDonald for Magic cucks

Even with memerhino-heavy meta, there was still a lot of deck variety and memerhino wasnt so bullshit they had to ban it either, like they’ve been doing with cards from each set recently.

Anyone watching the HCT World Championship?
It just started and if you go to the hearthstone site and pick a favored player to win, you get free packs each time they do so.

Still not as bad as current standard, 10 bans in the last 18 months vs 2 bans in the past 9 years beforehand

This. honestly if you want an online MtG, Eternal is a better option than whatever WotC is vomiting out since it takes advantage of stuff you can only do online (alter cards in your hand/deck, trigger abilities off of cards in your hand w/o revealing them, etc.).

Gwent is pretty fun too but has some major problems that I'm not sure they can address.

Too bad it has shit hearthstone like art and boring cards.

Cards are still more interesting than anything you get in MtG Standard (and better than most Hearthstone cards).

>TFW want to get into MTG
>None of my friends are interested
>Don't have anywhere nearby to buy cards / play at
What do, hearthstone isn't cutting it for me

I highly doubt it. I can count the amount of decent MTG video games on a phantom limb.

Don't play MtG, that's for damn sure.

card games are pretty shit if you arent playing the physical version

The cards are really dubmed down ala hearthstone, I haven't played mtg for a time but you have to be wrong. Too sleepy to check

Tsundere Lili! hnnng

Can someone explain this shit to me