What's your favorite tf2 class?

What's your favorite tf2 class?

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i really hate Sup Forumsfriends more than words can convey


The "fuck off jimbo habermann was the talent in metokur" class


Pyro. Because I'm bad at the game and like fire and pushing people around.

Fuck off back to your containment board, you fucking morons.

>Sup Forumsfriend

He makes videos shitting on anybody being a fucking moron, including Sup Forums

i wonder who could be behind this post

Jim is a chaotic neutral. He's gonna have mixed-race children with his Asian girlfriend.

Do they trigger you?

What's Jim's endgame?

To win Gamergate


To ride on the coattails of the infinite stupidity of mankind.

no, they just bother me. they're dumb pseudo-intellectual crusaders who pretend to be the only sane, rational minds left in a world consumed by insanity when in reality they are only capable of propping up flimsy strawman arguments and repeating other people's opinion because they can't debate out of the context of the youtube videos they watched

Jim ""debates"" Laura Loomer on Monday.

Just got announced today

Who's gonna get BTFO?


Jim made a video about how retarded Gamergate became

Jim isn’t one sided

Probably someone who actually watched his videos.

I hate leftist faggots even more. Your shitty ideology is ruining my video games. Back to neofaggot or leftypol, whichever works.

>During the debate, a third member joins the stream.
>It's Loomer's tire.

Originally it was to laugh at stupid shit but then he genuinely got fed up and then but then he developed cringe-in-hindsight threw that away and now went back to laughing at stupid shit whilst calling all subsequent gamergate-esque movements cringe.

but dont worry jim we remember :^)

She's gonna start hitting on him. That woman is a nutcase.

What's the point of making stealth e-celeb threads when the mods don't delete them anyway?

you argue like a woman, redditfriend

There will be a lot of forced laughter while the both of them scream at each other to look at the facts like every other debate between intellectuals online.

Is Jimbo a 4th way follower?

nope. Sup Forums is right wing because leftists keep bringing their cancerous beliefs into the gaming industry :^)

>not being a dumb Sup Forumsfriend makes me a leftist
unlike your identity politics the world isn't black and white user

>internet aristocrat
>Sup Forums


>le radical centrist

Absolute brainlet cunt. Back to neofag.

I would have called you sweetie tho.
Also I'm not the first guy.

he's more of a Sup Forums guy

LITERALLY proving my point. kek

Not him, but what if I agree with aspects of both sides and throw in opinions of my own? What if I want dialogue?

>99.9999999% of videos are insulting not-right wingers
b-b-but sometimes he makes fun of Carlgon of Swindon he's not altright reeeee ;_;

Your original post was nothing but ad hominem retard.


To outlast them all. A good strategy.

t. woman

t. Sargon of Cuckadd

What's with all the Metokur hate? Did you all remember what he did for you fucks 3 years ago, or has this board changed a lot since then?


>Alt-right believes in an ethnostate
>Jim believes in a meritocracy where no one is excluded

So fucking alt-right

Isn't Metokur a libertarian if anything?

Spy. He's so bad it's actually hard to play him.

Americans are now so absolutely fucked in the head that they can't even talk about TF2 because the thread immediately derails into some pol shit.

>jim is right wing like 99.999999% Sup Forums used to be
>makes fun of diaper furries and pyschos on the internet
>stop bullying my e-celebs
are you retarded user?

What even is the alt right? How do I join it?

read the post.

Because the OP didn't wanna talk about TF2 in the first place retard

i don't think you know what ad-hominem is, see this is the problem with you people. i genuinely think that the average Sup Forumsfriend is pretty dumb because they seem to be incapable of actually engaging in any kind of debate without falling back on the tried and true ad-hominem strawman strategy, like any normalfag. how old are you? i'm sure you'll pretend to be 18+ if you reply but i want you to know that you stick out like a sore thumb

Oh my fucking god this is hilarious. I fucking hate Destiny

good, TF2 has asways been casual shit.

>Makes the exact same videos the alt-right youtube does
>Only hangs out with right wingers
>shits on a Right-winger whenever the youtube hivemind has decided that someone has overstepped their marks
Yes. Alt-right.

Let me teach you a lil something fuckboy, this is how you do an offtopic thread on Sup Forums that doesn't immediately get deleted

Images is worth a thousand words, so if you make your OP image scream "Talk about [non-videogame thing]" you don't need to include or reference it in the actual OP post, which makes the mods not delete the thread off the bat

Nice bait


Again you are a retard. You are not enlightened. You are not an intellectual. You are a cringeworthy embarassment. Radical centrism is a fucking meme.

That is called the Third Way my friend

you'll fit in better if you stay in your board user
>no u!
sorry Sup Forums but you're literally the pseudo-intellectuals who have to use fringe science and literal memes to validate your dumb fringe theories. please lurk some other boards and maybe you will realize that you don't belong here.
>radical centrism
literally where did I say that

who /sixthway/ here

Or maybe he does it because it's funny?

HOLY fuck please go back

I'm Fourth Way thank you



More like de wei my bruddas

Jim couldn't even debate fucking Destiny

how old are you really user?

He actually made good content back then? Now he just harasses autists.

Does anyone actually debate Destiny or do people just go on that stream to shout buzzwords at each other.

So what the fuck are you faggot? You reek of pseudo-intellectualism. You keep sidestepping the arguments and keep up this facade that you are enlightened unlike those damn underage Sup Forumstards! Again, kill yourself. You do not belong on here. Fuck off back to Plebbit and circlejerk over how much of a le enlightened faggot you are. You're an absolute meme.

fpbp as always

Hey Cuckstiny. Still upset you got embarrassed?

>The ending

Didn't Jim make the faggot admit that that he see nothing wrong in pedophilia or is that just someone else.

>waaaaah go away reddit stop insinuating that Sup Forums is not one (1) political image board!!!
how new are you, as in unironically?

>tfw to smart for fringe theories

Go to bed Jim.

You literally used ad-hominem and strawman to complain about people who use ad-hominems and strawmen.
That other guy's retarded but you're not fooling me nigger. Go fish for (you)s somewhere else instead of bumping this shit thread.

>Jim still pissing people off in 2018

He came here after they didn't let him post about his favorite e-celeb on r/games in 2014.


This board became politics when leftists kept bringing their shitty ideology into gaming. Trust me, when you leftist faggots fuck off and stop trying to ruin gaming, The ebil goobergaters and Sup Forumstards will fuck off from Sup Forums.

find a single strawman in any of my posts. i did poke fun at him directly, but unlike him, it was in service of my argument instead of just posting retard like a, well, retard. case in point
>unlike your identity politics the world isn't black and white user

except that he did and Destiny was a blubbering idiot lol

Ethical CP Tinyfag.

>read kf threads
>shit out low effort video regurgitating them
>get patreon bux from plebbit

>complains about politics in video games
>instinctively brings politics into a video game board
>playing modern games at all
when did the normalfags invade???

>your average Sup Forumsfriend
This is a sweeping generalization used to lump people into one group to attack aka a strawman
I'm done giving you (you)s now.

Politics on here is a reaction to leftism seeping into the crevices of gaming. Deal with it.

>instinctively brings politics into a video game board
Developers and publishers are the ones who brought politics in. In some cases you can't even ignore it like that shitty Baldur's Gate expansion where a character drags you off to the side to explain gender politics to you.

I come back from my holiday and my fucking reccomended is ugandan knuckles holy fucking shit

>straw man
.strô ˈman
>noun: strawman

>an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
>"her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach"
ironically you're proving what i said about Sup Forumsfriends in the first place. kek

You are both retarded fuck off

You see, if Sega is going to port old games no one ever asked for to PC, they should port old games that are hard to play nowadays, like Shining Force 3. Even Saturn emulation is spotty these days.

>Sup Forums arguments are nothing but strawmen and ad hominem
>unable to bring up any of these arguments or refute them at all

what Sup Forums argument is wrong retard? that blacks are genetically dumber, that developers keep bringing sjw shit into gaming? you haven't refuted shit except pretend you're an intellectual who says Sup Forums is wrong without arguing against any of the points

kill la kill yourself

>Baldur's Gate
>any opinion I don't like is bait
Wanna know how I know you're from Sup Forums?