Looking for a good free to play MMO. Suggestions Sup Forums?
Pic related to what I've been playing thus far.
Looking for a good free to play MMO. Suggestions Sup Forums?
Pic related to what I've been playing thus far.
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Great suggestion. Sadly, I play that also. ):
Old School Runescape
The F2P game is very large, and if you want to step up to members one day its like 10 bucks a month. And you can pay for it with in game currency, if you want.
See, those are good F2P kind of games. Everything in Atlantica you can get with in game currency you don't have to spend a single dollar. And most F2P games are better than most high priced games. Look at Let It Die. That game's fantastic and as long as you have the patience, you can beat it without spending a single dollar. The transactions are a luxury item, not a necessity.
I want to know suggestions too
Star Trek Online is the ONLY F2P mmo that has ZERO punitive measures implemented against f2p'ers. so play that. no reduced xp rates, no locked paywall content, Nothing.
Playing BDO lately. 1 month in, the grind is setting in. Want to take a break from it.
>free to play
pick two and only two
I thought BDO wasn't F2P?
they're all fucking trash, but not like any of the b2p or p2p ones are any better
It's b2p with a ridiculous cash shop. Even if the cash shop was fair the game is still fucking trash, avoid unless you enjoy afk/clicker games or just want to erp
it's B2SlowlyLoseYourEnthusiasmForVideoGamesDueToUtterlyHeinousGrindWithLittleInTermsOfMeaningfulReward
Good and free2play . Ok tell me
He is going to tell you to pirate games, dumb ass or play cave story or some other retarded shit
What MMOs have cute characters and nude mod?
good and mmo
too bad that star trek online is a shit game.
well, okay, its ship to ship combat is neat, but literally every other thing about it is totally trash.
That's exactly why I haven't brought it up. Decent graphics doesn't make up trash gameplay. What truly gets me into a game (minus AO) is the story. WoW grabbed me back during vanilla WoW because of the characters and lore, which led to me to finding the Warcraft series and I got hooked. But I quit that back during pandas and I've been trying to fill the void. I just don't feel like paying monthly for games I might not like and then it's a waste of fucking money. Whole reason I started this F2P thread.
Literally doesn't exist. People will say XIV but that game is fucking terrible and shilled harder than anything on God's green Earth.
BDO. Now buy it and let me play with your futa cock
Here's a pastebin I wrote to sum up why BDO is a garbage game. Have a read. It's a little long though.
Unironically this.
Path of Exile and piracy
FFXIV is acceptable-tier if you like more classic WoW-style MMOs but hate modern WoW
Will do. I'll reply when I'm done reading it.
It's fun but it's actually kind of pathetic how high levels have to basically beg the server to all get together to even do any of the endgame content
So I am out of luck if I don't like Final Fantasy? I have been playing Runescape 3.
I dunno, it depends on what you don't like about Final Fantasy.
XIV is Final Fantasy in name only. It's basically just fucking Japanese WoW except ten times more casual.
XIV was decent imo too. I enjoyed it as an alternative to WoW but not enough to get me to pay monthly sadly. And I legit own every single FF game. Even the shite ones.
We're really in a drought when it comes to MMOs. We might be waiting another 5 years--at least--before we get one that's decent enough. It's a tough time for MMO fans. I still miss City of Heroes.
>And I legit own every single FF game.
>Even the shite ones.
Isn't it kind of redundant to say the same thing twice?
i like GW2's pvp but you are limited without some of the expansions
This was a really cool game back in the day but I never got very far. How is it these days?
Only pvpers have to beg. pve is easier to get people for.
I read your post and I absolutely agree. Sorry for mentioning it so much but it's my only frame of reference. But WoW you had to get gear to participate in certain dungeons, raids, ect. But if you had to pay to get gear NOBODY would be doing dungeons period. So you ilevel would be minimalistic at best and it would lock you out of 95% of the whole game.
You either don't play it, or you're absolute dogshit at it. XIV is fucking braindead simple, the ONE time it wasn't almost straight up killed the game.
>Pick two
If you consider all FF games to be shite, then yeah. Very redundant.
So then I won't like it because I don't like casual shit.
Runescape is anything but casual. You have to earn your members with ridiculous 20 hour grinding.
You reply to specific people by clicking their post number, then typing out your response. It's easier to follow a conversation like this.
you left out that players with better gear than you can one or two-shot players with worse gear, who can barely scratch the better-geared players.
I just ctrl+F'd but it seems like he forgot the lag too
You must have missed the part where he said good.
you sound like a shitter.
I've been having a fuckload of fun with Black Desert for the last couple months. It's a little P2W but nothing nearly as bad as I've seen in some other games. Combat is really fucking solid. The trading, crafting, and gameplay in general has an exhausting level of depth to it, and it's got a decent community too.
And...y'know. Tiddies.
Warframe is great if you like grinding and quick gameplay
you'll hit the wall and drop it just like everyone else who doesn't pay out the nose
What mmo should I play for erp?
I played FlyFF for 9 years without spending a dime.
Try me.
I heard a lot of comparisons to Revelations and BDO. I gotta give BDO this though, looks better than Revelations aesthetically.
>Warframe is great if you like grinding
The whole game is nothing but grinding.
Revalation is hot garbage. BDO, without even being that good, is leagues better than Rev.
What is there to do in BDO? I want a backup MMO for when I get bored of runescape, since my old MMO dead fagtier is dying and he is remaking it, but I am sick of his bullshit and I want to leave, the faggot blatantly lies, says "exp weekend" when you don't get actually any extra exp, does a lot of bulllshit and I am tired. Do they do bullshit in your MMO or not?
it's gonna happen, user, sorry to say. BDO is fun for leveling up your first character, then you hit the absurdly high grind wall. Maybe you peek over the wall, maybe you even get over that wall, then you realize there's nothing on the other side. Not something worthwhile for all that grind, not even more of the same grind, but fucking nothing.
What's her name?
Grind and get one-shotted by people who paid more money and/or have been grinding for much longer than you
So you are forced to pvp at all times?
>BDO is fun for leveling up your first character, then you hit the absurdly high grind wall. Maybe you peek over the wall, maybe you even get over that wall, then you realize there's nothing on the other side.
Isn't that all videos games though?
Is there an erp scene for the kids yet?
Kritika. It has Dante/Vergil(Female)
Not until level 50, when you have to start grinding in earnest. Then you start getting the lovely "Leave or die" messages when someone decides to start grinding in the same spot.
And you will die, which, by the way, takes away experience that takes ever increasing amounts of grind to acquire, unless of course you pay real money for a revival item.
I was looking into that game but the stamina system really turned me off so I never bothered downloading it
Oh thanks for the advice, then nevermind.
There used to be a game a while back called Rusty Hearts. I actually quite enjoyed it , until they took it down. Then I tried Dungeon Fighter Online to fill the gap. Didn't like it. I was suggested Vindictus. But I have mixed feelings.
What's the point of filling the whole screen with numbers and particle effects?
a very wise decision; BDO is the literal antithesis of fun. I'm legitimately enjoying Mass Effect Andromeda more.
I'm also looking for an MMO to settle on. I'm sick of being a flavour of the month MMO (mostly because there are no new MMOs).
Something old, slightly niche and unique would be great. Maybe I should just go back to Age of Wulin or something.
>Mass effect andromeda
>grinding mobs to hit 55
>mystic flies in from off screen
>stunlocks me
>dead in about 3 seconds
>ok whatever. change channels
>little bit later, same person kills me again
>go back
>try to fight them
>literally doing no damage
>doesn't even bother killing me this time, just goes on grinding
what a shit game.
Try Ragnarok? Lots of depth.
What MMO has the best market for ERP?
that's how bad BDO is
Andromeda still isn't that great overall but the combat is alright. And the planets are reasonably comfy even if they're too fucking big.
also I didn't pay for it
I quit bdo when I tried to my bheg's gloves +13 with optimal stacks and ran out of durability
i don't have time for korean shenannigans anymore.
Runescape is not flavor of the month, has people playing and gets updates constantly.
My only issue with it is far too easy if you are neet no life. I already got 11m exp in 3 months, if I keep going at this rate I'll get 99 in all skills in 2 or so years of playing.
It's worked in DFO for over a decade. Some people enjoy stuff like that.
FFXIV if you can hope the border into Balmung.
I miss Shin Megami Tensei online. All post-apocalyptic and the monster system they implemented was pretty top-notch.
Just dropping in to say that BDO is not only a bad MMO, but one of the worst games I've ever played.
Koreans are masters of style over substance and in the ancient art of creating a false illusion of depth.
Only play it if you want a perfect example of an amalgamation of all the worst aspects of games.
You only lose exp if you die to monsters and not players, or if your karma was massively negative. If you're getting ganked not doing the ganking then there is no way you have negative karma. In fact, you can just keep running back and dying to the same guy overgeared guy over and over again to force him to go red, a process called karmabombing.
Also there are literally 40+ servers you can switch between, and an additional 5 high-exp starter servers (plus an additional 4 steam-only high exp servers) you can use the first 30 days you play (or if you stop playing for 30 days and come back).
BDO is hot garbage and I don't recommend it to anyone but you don't need to make up lies to dissuade people.
I can't believe how popular the game is. Enough to warrant console ports now.
I don't know if you ever played vanilla WoW but it did the exact same shit and turned itself around and is now the most popular MMORPG (even though it's hot garbage now). Who knows, maybe one day BDO will pull itself together and do the same? But I doubt considering how popular micro-transactions are nowadays.
I still find it ridiculous that MMOs are gender-locking classes. I just peeked at Kritika and realized it's just as lame as TERA. Jesus. I'm a fag and I like to play male characters, cuz of faggotry and all. I also imagine there are straight men that don't feel the need to make a waifu.
I dunno. I always played my melee characters as male and my mages/healers female. More appealing in my taste. Not only that, I don't RP but for some dumbass reason I create backstories for all my characters so that way they actually have a motivation for what they're doing than "I'm the good guy let's go kill shit" scenario.
TERA. XIV is a waste of time and money and you will never get into Balmung unless you go out of your way to buy someone's account.
Too bad there will never be a decent zombie mmo
Pick three
ESO isn't free.
I played a ton of Vanilla WoW. I'm actually playing BDO right now, standing in my house in Calph cooking White Sauce for some Fish Fillet Chips (seriously no one ever turns these in for Imperial Delivery, and I can use the HQ procs to feed my workers; the only problem is having to get milk a couple times a week, but a mouse macro takes care of that). I'm kinda stuck right now because I made the mistake of trying to upgrade four pieces of boss armor and three boss weapons simultaneously, so I can't really take my mystic past 56 because her gear is all sitting at like 10 dura. Memfrags are a stupid system and I hate the game right now.
But I keep playing it because I have a problem. Please send help.
>tfw wildstar could've had a decent playerbass if they didn't fuck up all 3 of their launches
After the second time you have to think they're doing it on purpose.