So, I'm looking for Fallout New Vegas Mods. Give some reasons as to why I should use those mods. If you know some good mod lists or videos you can link those as well.
Fallout New Vegas Mod Thread
>big iron
>tfw still can't mod fallout vr yet
I saw people playing Skyrim in VR way before the official VR thing came out. I'm sure there's a way.
everything from GUNNETWORK
You can play regular versions with VR with mods. Although it's probably a janky experience.
I thought I saw a Fallout 4 VR nexus page the other day?
>some iron
el bumpo
>tire iron
>nine iron
post more
>hot iron
Any UI mod because the UI is designed for consoles and thus horrible.
I love that fucking game
isn't there a fallout4 new vegas mod in the come ups?
It might not even get finished yet im still hyped
I'm using MTUI and Vanilla HUD redone 4k. It makes it so much better, still no fallout 4 with Pleasant UI
How could you possibly play the game without a mod like this to restore it to the creators' original vision!?!? It's how it's MEANT to be played!
See for yourself
> Realism weapons
> Fallout 4 bars UI
> Shilling Gunnetwork
That's nice, but kinda minor.
I wish there was a mod to make the girls look cute.
Holy fuck those disgusting bars. I like the compass position though.
You do realize the first two games had quite a few relatively modern weapons right? You're not someone who started on 3 right user?
A world of pain
- Dungeon mod that adds more dungeons to shoot stuff dead in
Courier Stach Preorder pack selector
- Let's you choose what you want to take with you
Delay DLC
- Delay's DLC from showing up until certain requirements are met.
- More Light
Fellout/other mods that remove dingy orange texture
Mission Mojave
- A lot of bug fixes
Monster Mod
- Adds more enemy types for you to fight, bringing the games beastiary more in line with fallout 3
Nevada Skies
- Cool effects
New Vegas Bounties 1, 2, 3, The Better Angels, The Inheritence, Russel, New Vegas Killer
- A pack of mods and quests that add a lot to the game
New Vegas Stutter Remover
- Removes stutter
New Vegas Uncut series
- adds deleted content back into the game
Project Nevada
- Wonderful overhaul
- I forgot but get it anyways
- New Vegas anti crash, i like using two condoms at a time
Weapon Mods expanded, WMX modern weapons
- Adds cool new weapons to kill stuff funner with
weapon mod vending machine
- adds a nifty mod vending machine to make getting mods for weapons easier.
There are definitely mods out there that can fix the game, no worries.
/k/ plz go and stay go
Yup but it's mainly shit tier SMGs and Pistols.
The game should be like that from the start
> New Vegas Stutter Remover
If you're using Win10 don't use this. Or do, but be prepared for it to fuck your shit up hardcore. No one really knows why but NVSR and Win10 are not playing well together.
Horrible list, consider suicide
Don't forget NVSR! it absolutely stabilizes fps!
Also new vegas redesigned 3, it de-spuds the npcs.
and a texture pack of your choice.
>Monster Mod
Pls Fallout New Vegas is very coherant don't bring shitty monsters from the East Coast.
>B-but Wanamingos
They remain in California those fuckers
How is his list horrible?
what would you change?
Really? I installed it and my game does crash here and there although runs well with 150 hz freesync
>A world of pain
>Monster Mod
>Reccomending Fellout when Nevada Skies already removes the piss filter
Remove all this retarded bloat.
All you need is UI improvement, bug fixes and the dev mod.
Everything else deviates from how the game was meant to be played and destroys the artistic vision of the creators. The monster mod is specially bad and guilty of this.
Jsawyers mod is all you really need
There's nothing wrong with deviating from the original design, user.
Sometimes a new addition is all you need to remove the banality of your 3432nd play-through.
ps found the fix guys thanks :'^)
Does Nevada Skies still have that issue where the sky just becomes a plain blue?
> The artistic vision of the creators
kys yourself nancyboy.
I agree, and do like my game that way. But it's come to a point where even at Very Hard and Hardcore ON, it's just too easy. I want something new and an extra level of difficulty.
>new vegas
ulysses companion mod
*tips fedora*
Project nevada its pretty good, makes the combat more deadly, sprint, grenade hotkeys, etc.
WMX and EVE are good too.
what was the cut off point for modern weapons in fallout 1 and 2 anyway?
Why is the muzzle flash fucked?
Am I supposed to play at 60?
I heard fallout 4 got all kinda fucked above 60 but the only change I noticed was my walking speed, not being able to jump and dialouge skipping which was fine since I played Frost
Doesnt seem to be the case in New Vegas.
YUP fixes is the better choice between it and Mission Mojave for bug patches.
The 80s I think. I think the newest ones we saw were the Jackhammer and the G11. Don't know if that's concrete or if I'm forgetting any.
horrendous UI aside, I love the animations. Far too complicated to install though
dust was a harrowing 40 hours
Why enter a thread about NV mods if you're fundamentally opposed to anything beyond the most basic of patches/fixes and JSawyer? There's obviously going to be little if anything that interests you here.
>Lost my Sanity
>In the Sewers
Because this isn't Reddit and everyone is allowed to voice their opinion, even if it differs from the majority.
I'll take it this is a fallout thread, right on time.
why is Sup Forums one of the worst places to discuss fnv mods? People who actually don't play with project nevada on this fucking board should shove their mod opinions up their ass.
Let me rephrase myself then
Get fellout or a similar mod if you dont want nevada skies
haha, what a faggot.
i'd assume you were shitposting but this kind of autism doesn't surprise me
why did you even respond, sure you're free to but don't you have better ways to spend your time than doing this?
I remember hearing that they fucked up placement of the Pancor in fallout 2, so you'd wind up skipping past it to the next tier of shotgun. Sounds funny. Anyway, does this mean all the tacticool mods are still viable, then? Or are they going past that cut off point too.
The cut-off is arbitrary really.
The cutoff in F1 is the Desert Eagle which started development around the late 70s/early 80s.
F2 has the P90 which started production in the 91. New Vegas actually has the most modern firearm being the PGM Hecate which entered service in 93.
Personally, I think any gun can be inserted in the Fallout so long as it matches the aesthetic. I'd love to see more Vietnam era stuff.
do you do the whole install or just the core? I prefer jsawyer ultimate with project nevada's core.
Kys faggot
it's totally optional and the other monster mod, and the boss colossus monsters made for very fun roadblocks
that giant fucking eyebot boss blowing up after dumping all my ammo in it was weak but it gave all that ammo i told myself i'd never use a place to live
Depends on what you want. You can either just go 'Well if I feel it doesn't stick out then it's fine' or you can go nothing past early 90s. That's still a bunch of tacticool from around then and before. Plus allot of what's used now is before that anyways or based on platforms before that date. Put in what you want, if you don't think it's kosher than don't do it, leave it to your discression nothing super concrete was given as far as I know.
Horrendous list.
>Monster Mod
Do not install this trash. I WISH it gave you just east coast monsters. It literally fills the world with LMG wielding geckos, giant zombies, tarantulas, and other ridiculous and out of place shit. Half the models are ugly as fuck too.
trying to mod anything that Bethesda or obsidian shat out before skyrim is an absolute nightmare, just go to another forum.
Sure, but people are aware mods aren't gonna be fully in line with Obsidian's vision of the game. You're really not saying much in pointing out an obvious fact.
Grab extra options and dlc patch too.
Also what said.
No idea. Don't take any recommendations for mods from Sup Forums, ever. Awful taste.
If the bars weren't from Fallout 4, would you hate them? Not saying it's insanely better but it looks good to me. Haven't played 4.
whole, anything it adds that you don't like can be ignored/ deactivated. the game without PN is just ass
clearly that means your opinion is shit and my opinion on mods is much greater and higher IQ
Will there ever be another west coast Fallout to continue the story of the NCR? The F3 and 4 scenarios sucked donkey balls.
I doubt it, unless Bethesda makes it themselves.
They don't look right with the game. It looks like an entirely different series' UI is invading my screen. Regardless of if it is based on F4.
It actually looks worse than the F4 UI if I'm being honest. Sorry.
Probably not. Bethesda hates Fallout.
Ironsights camera recoil removal
vertical recoilmod
realistic headshots
Essential Visual Enhancements
Weapon Retexture Project
Weapons of the New Millenia
Enhanced Camera
There's also a mod that increases the number of followers you can have based on your charisma, but I can't remember what it was called. Also if you can find the classic super mutant mod then definitely give that a shot
These things, they take time.
This pic made me realize that Oliver is a 4 star general... Are you fucking kidding me?
Oliver shouldn't be anything above private that incompetent sack of shit.
Haven't seen some of those before.
I prefer no companions, unless I'm doing their quests. It makes the game way too easy and abused.
PNV adds a bunch of useless fluff to the game.
Here's a gem. Makes all the enemy types unique in some way. Deathclaws are legitimate threats at high levels. I have a energyweapons character with an upgraded LAER and (GRA)Tri-Beam and the 2 in Divide was a pain in the ass to get through. Rawr was even worse.
>Bethesda makes it themselves
They couldn't possibly fuck that up, could they?
well you were told a lot of times that the NCR had a lot of problems evocative of old usa
>Can literally hear the GPU about to take off it's fans are spinning so loudly
VR is literally a meme until cards are powerful enough to run an old ass game like New Vegas without requiring a dedicated personal power plant to run it.
It's fine, I was trying to understand. I'm not a fan of any Bethesda UI. The vanilla New Vegas one did alright by me and I guess 3 was the same, but I personally find the picture's bars to be very clean and refreshing as someone with 1000 hours in New Vegas.
I know but god damn. I still just can't grasp how someone that stupid got it over Hsu or Moore.
Fuck the Frumentarii at Macarren would do a better job of it.
>tfw threw him off the dam on my first play through
>Monster Mod
Lmfao hope you save your game every second, and don't mind lore breaking creatures being dropped into your game.
I've seen some relatively nice ones on the nexus. I would never use them, but I understand people want some change.
be wary of a mod that alters every enemy in the game when the author has no other reputable mods.
I wish there was a mod restoring all the Legion content they scrapped
you can always increase the difficulty to compensate. It's just fun to have a whole squad with you, especially if you download follower mods