I'm fucking sick of Sonybros making fun of Nintendo for the Nintendo Labo. Wow...

I'm fucking sick of Sonybros making fun of Nintendo for the Nintendo Labo. Wow, the one single peripheral idea in the last decade that actually drastically changes how we internet with video games and it's "soy" and "cuck". We finally have something that is bridges the gap between video games and full immersive virtual reality and it's not good enough?

Honestly we should be grateful Nintendo even bothers innovating anymore. The fact that they're selling the Labo for only $80 is more than enough for us to know they still dedicate their time to video games. You should all be thankful Nintendo is even selling the Labo. Sonybros can't comprehend that Nintendo is breaching VR before their shitty Japanese company.

Fuck you Sonybros you're ruining my life.

Other urls found in this thread:


>life is ruined because a company you like is having mean things said about them

Shut the fuck up. You know absolutely nothing you fucking horsefucker. Why do Sony fanboys hate progress?

The Nintendo ads blast is great. Can't handle mean words. Nice!


It's cool and all, but calling this a bridge between videogames and full VR is laughable.


No it's not, it's honest. Full one-to-one motion control that works flawlessly and a physical peripheral to totally immerse the player? How ISN'T it VR?

t. False-flagging sonybro

You called this "the one single peripheral idea that drastically changes how we interact with video games", but what about current gen PC VR? That also has direct one-to-one motion control that works flawlessly, or at least more reliably than this can given the tech.

I just realized Sup Forums changes sony***r to "sonybro" what the fuck



fresh off mspaint

Stop being dumb and realize this is some retarded soyny pony roleplaying as a nintenbro. No actual human being would say something like "fuck you sonybros you're ruining my life" on here unless they were trying to get made fun of.

>obvious falseflag that people will fall for


I want to get in Satanichia’s dumb asshole

It's pretty nice of Nintendo to release this on Hitler's birthday.

Trying too hard, false flag-kun. You have to be more subtle if you want to make a quality shitpost. You can do it, user. I believe in you.

Of course they will fall for it. Sup Forums is Sonygaf General.

>kid straps on cardboard robot exoskeleton
>th-this one's for Eric and D-Dylan!
>murders every kid with a PS4 in his middle school

The air you breathe is "soy" and "cuck." Everything and nothing is "soy" and "cuck." Quit sperging out about meme buzzwords.

Its as if they parodied the meme on purpose.

The thing is, this will get interesting with 3d printing. Right now though I'm mostly worried about the fragility of the components.

Just fucking imagine working hard to make your steering wheel/keyboard etc. JUST RIGHT but then mom makes you hand one of these cardboard constructions to a younger sibling.

One argument or tantrum of the mildest sort, one unfortunate shifting of weight, walk into the living room without looking where you're going one time and these things are done.

If you can take care of your shit properly I guess it's fine, but kids can't.

I don't get it, what's the joke?


how do you "internet" with anything on a Nintendo console?

cute! CUTE!!!

Just delete this and respond to it as if it were serious.

>The fact that they're selling the Labo for only $80 is more than enough for us to know they still dedicate their time to video games.
I thought you were being serious until this and I agreed with you.

You'd be surprised at how strong cardboard can be with the right structure and construction.
Make some support sections, glue it all together, give it a coat of paint and then varnish... it should become quite durable.
I look forward to seeing what master craftsmen make out of it.


This is satire right?

say NIGGER you fucking NIGGER holy shit

People don't know what it means to be truly exited for something now.

Here is an example of genuine human excitement, over something that is actually worth getting excited over:

We are at the level in society where people are pretending to be exited for cardboard because it's the politically correct thing to do, to not criticize such an obviously silly product (any negative opinions about anything are seen as backwards, and you'd probably be put on meds for it if your doctor found out).

>Cardboard is innovative
>The jew jewing you is ok if it's only 80$

It hasn't even been a fucking day
Let the dust settle

I don't like this product either, but you scare me, because people like you keep implying that you're forced to buy it. You will buy it, you will fund it, you are the reason for more things like this in the future.


You sound like a pussy

garbage b8 OP

>cardboard toys are progress


I think Ninten drones out too

How do you think we got to this point?

Is this an excuse to shove all Nintenbros off to /po/ or just discussion of this disastrous thing? What the hell were Nintendo thinking when making this?

Great reference! See? Knew you could do it.

I think its pretty neat if you consider building the kits as part of the gameplay too.
Its not as absurd as it sounds, I mean its basically like constructing an Airfix model or doing Origami, or those model kits you print onto a bit of card. People enjoy doing that for the act of it alone.
But in this case, you can actually use the stuff you've made (and customised if you want to), to play games with. Even if they are minigames it's still pretty cool and it gives making something an additional purpose.
A kid could make these, customise them and then put them on their dresser as display pieces. A talking point to other kids, and they can show them off in action.
Its got potential. If Nintendo go all out with it, making IP based themed games like a Paper Mario spinoff it could have a nice little niche of its own.
Its not lile its going to dominate the Switch. Just a nice side market. If it takes off it benefits the Switch Market in the end by ensuring the userbase is massive.

>how we internet with video games

>We are at the level in society where people are pretending to be exited for cardboard because it's the politically correct thing to do
or maybe the combination of papercraft and videogames is just cool? have you considered that? its not that deep

It's not that people are unaware. They respond anyway to annoy people who are invested in the console/company.