Another BroQuest thread

Be disappointed with me all over again as we come up with dream scenarios that will never happen because these characters will never amount to anything more than a failed project.

Other urls found in this thread:


NRFS is still the best

I sometime wonder if more progress would've been made if the project was restructured to be a webcomic or a visual novel instead of an outright game.

Even if BroQuest ever became a thing you couldn't use this art because the artist is a raging faggot.

Is he really still on about that? I knew he was kind of an ass to the teams who wanted to make something out of his art, but is he still that entitled and whiny?

He's not really "on about it" but he did threaten when another group tried to start it again.

Posting best Runaway Foreign Catgirl

Nothing worse than an oversensitive whiny artist

oversensitive whiny artist should be a character in the lineup

Should be added to the villains image

he was also working on a porn game called Breeding Season which made no progress ever but kept raking patreon bux, one day he decided he wanted more so he pulled all his art and made his own almost identical game where he gets most of the money, the old game collapsed because the appeal was the art and everyone else got fucked.

What are the point of these threads

Why does the dwarf have a stand

Project hate machine had less ambition, which translates to a better chance of actually happening

Brawny Gentleman
Dwarven Mechanic
Honorable Kabuto Samurai
and Experienced Warrior Girl
Also the dog.

What a pos. It's always the most awkward feeling in the world when you love a piece of art but the person behind it ends up being a huge prick.

Too many dicks.
Reading each description I kept thinking "Wow this would be so much hotter if they had a set of tits"
Redo each one of them but make them sexier, you fucking feminized pussy.

This is why I've always thought the less I know about the people behind the products I love, the better. Writers, musicians, actors, artists, you name it. Melodrama kills too many good things.

You should go fap so you can settle down.

>more than a failed project
three failed projects at this point
someone find the artist and break his fingers

the fun thing is that all three times he played the "not my fault" card.

>"B-broquest isn't working out! I'm taking my art and my money and fuck you guys!"
>"B-breeding season isn't working out! I'm taking my art and my money and fuck you guys!"
>"Please support my new porn game on patreon!"
The worst thing is that it's working. This new game is getting 15k a month on patreon

damn, i can still remember the first bro quest threads with the OG art

jesus dude!
there are better artists out there than him!

but, just like sakimichan, if you pander and are "good enough" they will toss stupid amounts of money at you.

which is what im hoping for once i hit my level of "good enough". i want free, infinite money for nothing.

>which is what im hoping for once i hit my level of "good enough"

You brave enough to have your current art judged here on Sup Forums, user?

>pandering and good enough
His art is actually good which is why he can glide from failed project to failed project. The problem is that he knows people like his art which gives him a big head so he acts like a cunt, but he can't actually contribute to the development of the game so he becomes an ideas guy. See how bloated the BroQuest roster became under him.

Not to stir the pot but I heard otherwise, the exact opposite. I was under the impression that the artist was the only one doing any work on the game at all, and after weeks/months of his "team" mismanaging money and otherwise not moving forward he jumped ship to try to do it all by himself since he was effectively splitting the cash amongst a bunch of people for no reason.

pfft, never
it's def nowhere ready, i do post on twitter tho, lots of people enjoy shit on there, even if its junk tier.

Schwig is a jewish conman who entices people with his colorful art style and then stabs them in the back when he's given the advantage.

Broquest will never happen, breeding season will never happen. He'll wait it out until Sup Forums's newfag population is enough that the warnings will fall to deaf ears and he will repeat the con all over again.

nigga what have you got to lose

They were all guilty of fucking around but he was especially bad because he was working on his own game in secret while he was supposed to be working on BS. He had his presentation all ready to go when he pulled out and used the shitstorm to advertise it and direct people from the old patreon to his.

I don't really know who to believe at this point because of all the shit flinging but from what I read here s- that I got from a reddit thread it seemed like there was more to it aside from him just being a shitheel. He said he wasn't free of blame but form the sounds of things He was working on that game because BS was already fucking dead, just not "officially".

No, because Schwig actually used assets from the other game because he legally owns all the art. He's the one that vouched to milk the patreon rather than release the game.

He is a conman artist, someone who ropes you in by making people think a game should exist with his art style and he's really good at making people fall for it. I mean Sup Forums will NEVER shut the fuck up about Broquest and yearns for it to exist WITH SCHWIGS PARTICULAR ART STYLE because all other versions of it don't entice people the same way; he's THAT fucking good.

He's not the kind of artist that wants to see his art amount to anything, he just wants to use it as eternal bait to milk as much money from it as possible. You'll never get him into a contractual agreement where he doesn't own his art or isn't the core of the development.

How come broquest always gets posted but never Hella FunTime Adventure Friends?

>Believing Reddit or Tumblr
Oh just fuck off.

Bruh they're just websites. The tumblr belonged to the artist, it's a blog. The reddit thread was literally just a link to the blog. It's not like that link being on reddit instead of Sup Forums makes it any less legitimate.

>trusting his own blog to be truthful and unbiased
>in the same post where he uses the incident to advertise his own game while the body of the last one is still fresh
Everyone involved had their own sob story about how it totally wasn't their fault but he was the only one who actually made profit from killing it. Now he has total creative control and gets the majority of the money.

IF you read that post it's not like he weaseled out of his contract or anything. The contract literally said he owned all the art from the getgo. It was never a part of the company. There's a link to the contract that was written by the patreon team manager or w/e.

Cuz you posted an image for ants, fool

The project lead let that happen in good will like a retard. He probably wasn't expecting to get stabbed in the back and the entire project to burn to the ground when he allowed that.

I’m so happy I berated all those anons so harshly who swore they were gonna make this a thing. Feels good to stomp on dreams and be justified.

>Going on Reddit to find information spewed by said Artist who has repeatedly conned people out of their money.
Schwig is a conman and he knows we know it. Fuck there is even a gif of him doing le happy merchant that was probably made by him to gloat at the retards here who've fallen for his tricks.

Breeding Season had all it needed to at least be a functional porn game EXCEPT art since huge portions of it used the older place holder flash models. Golly Gee I wonder why the game isn't finished, could it be that a certain artist tried to milk it as long as possible?

Their animator was already leaving before the art dude even got hired. This shit was burning to the ground from start to finish and although art dude sounds like he peaced and incinerated bridges I don't think it was "stabbing him in the back". You don't run into burning buildings to save people you don't know unless you're a firefighter.

These were my favorite CYOA threads

If you look in the leaked asset dump one of the team members posted Schwig had drawn a ton of unrelated shit for all the dumb ideas he wanted inserted into the game.

i already showed it on fucking /ic/, they told me what i already knew "practice more, stop animes", which i know, its just animes is my endgame and when im bored i want to draw something, so i draw animes.

but not amazing animes. i can't sit and practice 24/7 though because i get super fucking bored, i tried it once before and trying to just PRACTICE is fucking annoying.

also, i mostly just wanted to do this shit as a hobby. i probably won't actually make anything off it, just dreamin CUZ

They were making bank, there's no reason they couldn't replace an animator. Schwig was the only member of the team that could not be replaced and he knew it so he took advantage of it.

bitch go find the originals, theyre too fucking big to actually post

The only reason he would demand that in the contract was specifically to tank the ship when the fishing nets started to come back empty. It was a con from a mile away, he just played the dev like the retard he is.

>he only reason he would demand that in the contract was specifically to tank the ship when the fishing nets started to come back empty.
He didn't demand shit, The other dude put that in the contract from the beginning.

Prior to Schwig entering it the flash art and animations were terrible and the creators knew this. This was a matter of solving the issue of a porn game being unsexy, which is as simple as hiring a good artist. If Schwig wasn't a con man the project would have been a success.

That kickstarter was pulling like 20k a month or some shit. Why didn't they just hire another animator? Fuck they could have gotten one of the like 40k furry artists. There is no way that the artdude was so integral to the project that everything literally turned to dust the second he left, even if he took all his art..

It's interesting that CYOAs have become pretty popular now in /tg/ and /trash/, the latter due to mods having a thing against them being posted in /d/ or /h/.

His art was the main draw of the game, before he joined nobody even knew what it was.

Bullshit, contracts are based on compromise. In most cases it is better for the art assets to be owned by the company, Schwig most likely baited the faggot into letting him keep the assets because he wouldn't join the project otherwise.

>this thread has been made so many times in Sup Forums's history and STILL nobody has fixed "dickass theif"

I honestly hate the dickass thief meme. It's cringey