Where do sounds come from

did you ever notice how most of the music in video games aren't actually real? where do the sounds come from if they aren't real?


none of the instruments in these songs are from real life so where did any of these noises come from?

Other urls found in this thread:


Synthesizers, I would have thought.



glad I browse this board with literal children


sounds is vibrations, not electricity

how do they make it though

you just spouted some musical meme buzzword
i'm gonna ask Sup Forums instead, they might actually know

>musical meme buzzword
Do everyone a favor and become an hero.

If you're not actually baiting, a synthesizer is a type of a programmable sound generator. Older video game consoles used programmable sound generators for music, like the NES and Genesis, while some used digitized samples for the instruments, like the SNES or N64.


This doesn't use any sounds from real instruments, it's a computer making the sounds.

Instruments make specific types of vibrations to have different effects. People replicate these vibrations using speakers and software. Bam, virtual instruments

>you just spouted some musical meme buzzword
tell me you aren't serious

it's a keyboard not a synth

fuck you 26dollar

if synthesizers are so popular then how come i never heard of one
theres no way this 1 instrument can just magically make all the 42409 different sounds that are in those songs
they have to come from somewhere


A synthesizer is like a universal constructor, except for sound waves. It has a chamber that turns electricity into air at a specific frequency and releases it, making the sound waves.

A synthesizer is a fucking instrument you retard, not a fucking buzzword.

Stop talking.

>did you ever notice how most of the music in video games aren't actually real?

why is everyone but me allowed to know where sound comes from

>you just spouted some musical meme buzzword

go to school retard
go back to baby school

you'll have to take an audio engineering course to understand how it works.

This probable child is curious, and he's asking how a synthesizer generates sound.

synthesiser which creates, combines and manipulates raw sound
or samples which are recorded real world sounds

I'm not him, but I don't think you guys really understand what he's trying to ask. He probably has little idea of how vibrations an create a wide variety of sound, as in why the vibrations from a guitar string sound different from the vibrations of a drum.

this is either master bait or a fucking 12 year old, either way this is the best thread I've seen all day.

the speakers

>did you ever notice how most of the music in video games aren't actually real?
Does everybody in this board just compete to see who can make the dumbest threads?

Only when Nintendo makes an announcement

>you just spouted some musical meme buzzword

this is probably the best thread i've seen since that guy who got sent here from Sup Forums and went on a journey through Sup Forums

Literally 12. Fuck off cunt.

>since that guy who got sent here from Sup Forums and went on a journey through Sup Forums
Please tell me he went in alphabetical order


oh shit that sounds like a good one, got any screencaps?

Trying to find it now

Today OP was fucking precious

If synthesizers are so popular why isn't there Synthesizer 2? Checmate atheists.

Wouldn't that just be vocaloids

Who let Jaden Smith in?

A synthesizer synthesizes sounds you nibba

I don't think OP is just a 12 year old, I think he might be a toddler because I'm pretty sure a 12 year old can grasp what a synthesizer is due to modern music.

As an aside I didn't know the music Monkeyball series was amazing until recently, I'm not really surprised because AV worked on F-Zero GX and that pretty much had the best OST I've ever heard.

The stuff in OP is nice too.

Well, I can't find it, but the basic gist of it was that Sup Forums told this guy to come to Sup Forums (we assumed because he was a newfag), and the we sent him somewhere else, and they sent his to another place, and so on. And when he finally got back to Sup Forums we found out that he had posted a league thread.

i still don't know how dumb idiots making music for wii games are able to make literally any sound ever possible come into existence
is every musician god

Electricity is a current not a sound wave

Oh you sweet summer child.

art thou smokest thine wacko tobacco

Same reason the Bible doesn’t have a sequel

That's why they're musicians user. They may not know shit, but they know sound and how to make it.

>>Same reason the Bible doesn’t have a sequel
user I...

>Do everyone a favor and become an hero.
Like Super Man?
Also don't you mean "a" hero?

OP has some really good tastes in music. post more!
this. sine waves stretched to make unearthly sounds that are then manipulated into a musical instrument.

this is a good thread, I like it
here's some more music with sound that isn't real
HOW do they do it, who invents these sounds? how do you become a sound inventor?

Electricity can vibrate. When it's pulsed at different frequencies it creates different pitches/notes. Altering the shape of the pulse changes the tambre or voice of the instrument.

how come plants keep making fake air for humans to breathe if we keep killing the planet? do plants just want to kill themselves?



man if we actually tried to teach people in school that the whole world is actually made of math and it's a system to understand reality instead of presenting it as just numbers on a page and doing stuff with them it would probably energize a lot more kids into learning

all I can hear is


Ok. I will answer as best as I can, first a quick summery of what are sounds:
Sounds are waves of energy flowing through the air.
When recording sounds on a computer, a microphone pics these waves and sends them as electrical information to the computer to be stored. then when you play it, this information is passed to the speaker and a membrane pushes the air a particular pattern to produce the same waves.

But, you don't have to record something real to produce sound, you can generate a simple sine wave and send it to the speaker and you'd get a perfect tonal sound (in the tone corresponding to the frequency of the wave).
If you add more noise to that wave, you'd get different textures of sound, a texture is what differentiates the same note played on a piano and a violin.
But again, you can produce this noise analogically or digitally however you feel like it, you can add whatever you want. That noise is nothing but higher frequency waves with less power than the main wave sent together.

This is how a synthesizer produces different sounds, and this is what they use, especially in older video game music.

It's a great thread to start the day, no joke. Learn something new, listen to nice music and bait everyone
Their biggest updates could be classified in cycles/generations, like pokemon does. However there are enough companies and users that put new software to shame
Ok, I'll bite on this. Becoming an hero is slang to suicide. You must be underage and didn't read the rules, come back when you turn 18

Whoa OP is a literal retard

How the fuck is this master bait, it's a young child attempt to cast bait. Am I being baited right now? what's real anymore.

I don’t even know what bait is anymore because there are people this stupid

my faith restored (slightly)

that super monkey ball music fucking slaps

Midi, it uses virtual instruments to create sound. It also sounded fucking awful.


Hey man, it beats the 32X.

Who let Jaden Smith know about Sup Forums?