When the fuck is the beta getting an nz release. Fucking Australia is playing it right now

Despite it being another zombie game, I'm actually a bit interested to see what they can pull off.

At the very most I'm worried that Konami will be monetizing the fuck out of the game, and it will become plagued with micro-transactions, since they're so invested in the mobile market.

Konami to Kojima?

do i need a per-order to play the beta?

Oh shit, I'm sorry
Sorry for what?Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially when they're such a good size and all
Sometimes, when I pull on it, I break the skin
I know a good way of stopping that, by using someone else's mouth, come on I'll show you

>apologize for a shit game
I'm good

How could anyone possibly be excited for this game.

Scandinavia here, would like to know too. It's probably 10-11 hours from now.

stomach flu simulator


How the fuck do you actually make such a boring looking game?

>they didn't delay it to make Metal Gear:Battle Royale
wasted potential, tb h
also this anti konami spergs are really fucking annoying
biggest r*ddit meme of the past few years

Isn't it just Fortnite but with worse building? People playing the beta all year can tell you how awful the micro-transactions and time-gating in that game is.

equating it to fortnite is disingenuous to both games

>hunger and thirst meters that drain rapidly
>"focus is on coop"
>hold square to collect
>hold x to craft
>all progress is stored server-side

I haven't played the beta yet but that's what these various websites are making it out to be.

>Isn't it just Fortnite

There's a battle royale mode?

>Sup Forumseddit supporting MG Survive due to contrarianism, just like it supported Battlefront 2's microtransactions and paid mods just because the majority hated it
>the SUPERCLUSTER of neo-Sup Forums

Kys nononoposter

There's a PvE user...

honestly i had a blast fucking around in the lobby but thats it