this really is the shitpost of the year
This really is the shitpost of the year
Other urls found in this thread:
Yep, we've reached the point where fucking cardboard blows up an entire forum.
This board is the biggest meme.
i assume you mean this cardboard is the biggest meme
It looks like a lot of fun.
Say it with me
The only people that should be giving it attention are normie parents buying it for normie kids.
Everyone else is just shitposting or praising it ironically.
>People. Will. Buy. This.
I have honestly lost the ability to tell the difference between genuine expression, "ironic shitposting", falseflagging, and double-falseflaggers pretending to ironic shitpost.
This entire board just needs to be nuked.
>Sup Forums shitposts Toratanic
>it fails
>Sup Forums shitposts literally anything else
>it's a massive fucking success
Nintendo is going to buy out Sony at this rate.
Yep, and it will be more people than those who bought Bloodborne.
there’s no more thought when it comes to these posts, it’s just watching two monkeys throw shit at each other
Just wait til the Switch comes to China.
And even Tortanic managed to bounce back afterwards
Nintendo Damage Control Forces hard at work trying to lower my video's rating.
Thread deleted in 3... 2... 1...
Very nice my friend.
you know that cardboard and minigames were cheap to make and they cost it $65
it will sell 50k and already be huge success
Kids don't want fucking cardboard pieces. They want iphones and ipads.
Do we have a date for this?
I can see only 2 outcomes. either it falls flat and some chinese fuck does a cheap copy , or it soars and nintendo can actually buy japan for real.
>praising it ironically
You know nothing about Nintendo fanboys
The only ones who hate it, are those who are angry it doesn't work with Mario and Zelda
It's actually a really innovative use of the console, I don't get why Sup Forums's shitting on it.
You have a complex
It doesn't even come with most of the crap, you have to print it out
Nigga... Nintendo already won South Korea and Japan with just its first lineup. And China has a soft spot for the 3DS.
The mere second it comes to China it's fucking over. Sup Forums won't recover from that.
It's simple. Don't post on Sup Forums.
There's no reason to make genuine posts on this dumb fucking board because you'll have a line of people waiting to shitpost afterwards.
No meaningful discussion is generated whatsoever, so what's the point in contributing?
>Haha it made a lot of money!
Where are the games?
Why are they 70 dollars each and never dropping in price?
Why is the hardware such shit
>Haha it made a lot of money, we won!
I take pride in my video shitposts and watching people get mad about them makes it even more hilarious.
>tfw I still like the occasional threads that Sup Forums has where people are chill and not flinging shit or spamming Wojacks at each other
>tfw chill threads on Sup Forums are becoming rarer and rarer as time goes on
Yes it does. Printing it out is just a cheaper option for if you only buy the game or need to replace something.
They're finally at home
>Remember having fun laughing at stuff like Tortanic and DmC back when I was around 19 or 20
>Feel only apathy towards the shitstorms on Sup Forums these days
I guess I'm getting too old for this board.
>seventy US dollar cardboard box
what is this shit? someone give me a quick rundown
a paper
>where are the games
Mario Kart
Dark Souls
Mario + Rabbids
Bayonetta 1,2,3
Hyrule Warriors
Donkey Kong
Metroid Prime
Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem Warriors
Octopath Traveler
A bunch of other Square RPGs
Tons of indie games every month
Bunch of other big multiplats like Rocket League and Minecraft
Shitposting about the lack of games is just stupid at this point. People clearly don’t care about a lot of them being ports and will buy most anyway. And even as someone who owns a Wii U and a PS4 I’ve found plenty worth playing on it.
Never ever PC cucks
How do you know?
now show us the list without the multiplats/wiiu ports
Whys it called lab"o"?
I don't get the o?
why'd you have to ruin a good list with skyrim
The little piano thing on it's own and the software for it would be a cool little thing to mess with for 20-30 bucks. The rest don't interest me, plus this is coming apparently.
Wow look at all those new IPs!... oh wait
>Bogandoffs bow to Nintendo Labo
>In communication with recycling factories
>Bankrolled the first cardboard box on Mars
>Own 99% of paper on the planet
>You have cardlaboard boxes in your blood right now
If this is what where meming now i wonder how the rest of 2018 can possibly top it.
>moving the goalposts
You literally can't win with these faggots
You asked for games so you got games, can't really deny the switch doesn't have games.
>people actually defended $20 mcdonalds toys
>people actually defended a fucking rabbids game
>people are actually defending buying cardboard for $80
>it would be fun for 20 bucks
>It costs 70 dollars plus 60 dollars for the music software
>Meh, I'll still buy it
Same reason o's get put in the name of some children's cereals.
It's in the shape of an o?
>surprise announcement so no disappointment from buildup
>its for kids and parents with switches anyway
>if you can print on your own cardboard you can just buy the standalone software and they supply images
I mean I think the cardboard memes are funny too but its not like diy kids electronics kits are new or anything
This, fucking this. I'm having the biggest fucking chuckle over here watching Sup Forums literally implode over fucking cardboard. It's like when a hipster finally transcends his pretentious shit and just becomes the pretentious shit instead of ironically spouting it. We've just watched Sup Forums evolve into a more shitty meta version of itself.
>people actually defended a fucking rabbids game
There was nothing wrong with the rabbids game though
aahahahahahahaha what the fuck
>people actually defended a fucking rabbids game
because literally everything other than the rabbids were good
you're just too autistic to look past a small part of the game.
I don't understand how fucking low you need to sink to even TRY playing a Rabbids game.
If they release a crossover of Zelda with Angela Anaconda, will Nintendo crowd buy it too?
Does it seem oddly similar? Nintendo is up to their old tricks again.
are you baiting or did you actually miss the point that hard?
>so the switch is doing well
>lets do something stupid
classic nintendo.
It's just part of this worldwide endeavor like robotics is.
Buying a small keyboard for my wife's son would actually be cheaper than this
>a midi controller or cheap keyboard is cheaper than a game
wow, you don't fucking say.
Literally what?
>sony and pc are starting to experiment with VR
>nintendo offers literal carboard peripherals and soy boys are already drooling with their mouths wide open
This is just...sad I guess. Well, it's an easy way to tell who has a high soy diet I guess.
I’m not going anywhere I just biked now you have a way cooler to eat be alone for in bed and then drive to bed to eat a little good time with for a couple bit and maybe get a couple drink stuff to for a little while then go get some sleep I and I’ll just pick you it won’t get to you I’ll I will be try probably not just to leave work a you won’t get have any of those things done
as a teacher, i can see this being an engaging tool to teach children engineering
i dont really see much point of it as a game though
>googles labo
>Nintendo is selling cardboard
I've always said that EA's jewery will not be surpassed, ever. I was wrong. WHAT. THE. FUCK. CARDBOARD? REALLY??
>What is amiibo
Skylanders and Disney Infinity were first.
>He actually thought that shit was funny
Pretty sad. I'm shocked how many people on this board can't just go "It's shit" and move on.
This. At this point, I feel like shit because there's nowhere online worth talking about vidya. Sup Forums used to limit the shitposting to somewhere around half of threads. Now it's 90% or more at any given time, and it's just a waste of time. I almost wish for the days when the worst thing I'd see on Sup Forums was a few off topic threads started by Sup Forums, and having to report some furfag thread. Now? I can't go to a single thread without having reddit, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or /asp/ shit shoved in my face.
I guess I was just younger. Also I spent a lot of time as a teenager playing DMC3, so DmC did honestly make me a bit mad.
Damn you're a fucking faggot. Shilling your stupid channel on Sup Forums
Amiibo is clearly worse. Skylanders and Infinity are for one game, Amiibo locks content in every single game on the Switch
I think another thing is that Sup Forums's shitposting used to be more contained in off-topic threads like "19.99 plus tip", but now shitposters are more focused on messing up on-topic threads.
>60 dollar cardboard
But it's OK when Sony sells a blu-ray player for 200 dollars?
In fairness to Amiibo, them things weren't made out of FUCKING PAPER. And they were also cheaper. If the thing was made out of durable plastic, at the same price range, then it's probably a good idea. But cardboard? Saw some price points and the cheapest (so far) is $69.99. Even if the game is around $40-$50, being shovelware and all, that means the cardboard is around $20-$30, cardboard that would essentially fall apart or turn to mush (from all the sweaty, sticky, and Cheeto dust-encrusted oily hands) in less than a month. Will they sell the $20-$30 cardboard as standalone, or do you have to pay another $69.99?
>it has motors and shit inside
Sup Forums got jealous of Sup Forums for getting blessed with PTE shitposting, so Nintendo gave us $70 cardboard.
>Switchu not printing money
>hmm. what if we sell cardboard?
>there was a comfy arcade thread several hours ago
>it was about the only thread that didn't involving Wojak shitposting and 1000 mentions of soy
How does Sup Forums react to that show anyway? I watched too episodes and it's basically badly animated shitposting.
Sequel when?
>Nintendo SPECIFICALLY says they're gonna announce something for kids
>Sup Forums gets mad when it actually is something for kids
children go nuts for this type of DIY construction stuff, anyone who thinks this isn't gonna be a massive success is blind.
>Switch has one of the best 9 months in therms of games in the last 2-3 generations
Fuck off kid.
>Never dropping in price
What a bullshit sentences.
>either it falls flat and some chinese fuck does a cheap copy
Nintendo is doing deals with Tencent so they could actually have an upper hand when it comes to legal shit in China
Holy shit, it's for the parents to buy for their children you mong. It's so that they can encourage learning and building things at a young age, it's a pretty common thing. This is literally just Nintendo Lego Cardboard.
because the fucking cardboard isn't $80 as much as you want to meme
The game is $60 so it's more like $20 cardboard
>Sup Forums gets mad when they try to market hobo construction material to children
>Sup Forums gets mad when they market gambling via lootboxes to children
Nothing wrong here
>Apparently Nintendo will still give the model for free so people don't have to buy the official cardboard.
>mfw my Aunt loves Arts & Crafts projects and she is always doing neat stuff for my nephews.
>mfw now we can blow they minds with this and only need to buy the game so it'll be super cheat.
Only two games here are worth playing. The rest is shovelware.