Haven't seen a thread about this in a long time, i fucking miss the game

>favorite character
>favorite map
> your darkest secret
>favorite game

Objectively ssx3 was best prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

for me it'd have to be

>Metrocity Meltdown
>i think i got drugged in boy scouts once







Are these official?


Fanart mostly, but EA used some of the work on the promotional site at the time




thanks for bumping let's fucking do this
>my boy eddie, otherwise moby/mac/zoe
>tokyo megaplex/garibaldi
>once i ate a piece of salami out of the trash bin in middle school
>tricky, but 3 is a close second


ya nasty

This is a cool game but I can never win gold on non race events, not sure what I do wrong


gotta chain those combos senpai

the memory still haunts me at times

whyd you do it user

Make syre you aim for multipliers when you jump, and remember tweaking tricks gives you more points. Once you fill the bar, always use ubers when there's enough air.

was dared to do it


fuckin thumbnails

What should I do when I jump? Do multiple tricks or spin and tweak one for as long as possible?


i usually go for multiple but it varies

Is rahzel the announcer in the other games? I've only ever played tricky.

DJ atomika's voice was the best thing to happen to EA



>ywn live on a comfy mountain doing crazy tricks and listening to punk & hip hop
>ywn never hang around qt snowboard girls
it hurts

>All that concept art that you can only unlock ingame

100% this game is a real bitch

Rahzel is cooler IMO, he makes dope rap music as well

i know that feel user

chain combos buy using nose and tail manuals and get the 5x and 10x multipliers

What's the consensus on SSX (2012)? I bought it on release and hated everything about it desu. Never touched it again after the first few days.

just leave it, i tried to play it but it didn't have the same charm or simplicity to it

cool game on its own, but it just doesn't feel the same

I liked Hiro because I was an edgelord and he had high speed. Also liked Moby

>Kaori and Griff
>Aloha Ice Jam and Snow Dream
If there were any map names for SSX3 I seriously don't remember them.
>I'd rather repress those memories

I'm on the same boat with you on that, dropped it within a couple of days. I don't really recall what my issue with it was but I don't really feel like picking it up again just to remember. It's the only SSX I haven't beaten.

lets hear a less terrible memory then

On Tour is a step down from the previous games, but it's still fun. Like how fast the sense of speed is and how you can literal go through an entire course without ever touching the snow, only grinding. The soundtrack is comfy and the sound effects/ambiance are great

it felt too desaturated for me, still fun tho

I was a bit disappointed when it first came out, but it did grow on me. Two things that really bother me are that existing cast of riders are cardboard cutouts from the previous games and how ubers and monsters slow down time/change the camera angle.

Also i noticed that this game is more difficult than SSX3, which i like.

Is there a definitive version for each game? GCN or PS2?

On Tour was the first one I played and I really liked it, cause it hit the fix I needed when the THPS series was (no pun intended) going downhill, plus the soundtrack is just stellar.

It was this and Burnout 3 for one summer for me.

I really really liked it. Shame it lacked a real multiplayer mode, that could've made the game live longer, but a lot of the maps were pretty fun, and I spent way to much time and fun grinding some of the Deadly Descents, especially those that you could run in loops if you were good enough, like Darkness and Cold. Shit like Thin Air was stupid cause ultimately you were limited by your gear and there was a hard stopping point, but going through Kilimanjaro and having only the lava vents light up the cave was a great experience.

Xbox. But good look emulating that.

GCN looks much better and has a much better emulator, but is actually missing some move sets unlike PS2. This is because the devs couldn't map all the button combos in the CGN controller iirc.

I meant for SSX3 specifically for the slightly reduce move set on GCN

The webms you see here are on dolphin 4.0.2

Man, the third person camera action for SSX was genius. That hesitated dip into a fall makes it feel like you're on a roller coaster.

What's with the SSX Tricky and SSX 3 rivalry?

It's a healthy rivalry.


can't beat that mountain peak atmosphere

Tfw I had some weird ass plastic snowboard plug-in SSX controller/game for the TV
I wonder what it was and what happened to it

Games that do stuff differently, but are both good enough to have fans. Same with SMB3 vs SMW or Megaman vs Megaman X