I'm making it my goal to play through every final fantasy game this year, so I can finally catch up this part of my backlog.
Which one do I play after this one?
I'm making it my goal to play through every final fantasy game this year, so I can finally catch up this part of my backlog.
Which one do I play after this one?
if you're planning to play all of them just play them in order, retard.
if you're going to play them all, why not just play them in order.
>wanting to go through all the final fantasy games
>not playing them in order
jesus christ, what a faggot
V, XII, III, Mystic Quest, IV, Diisidia, VIII, X-2, XIV, XIII-2, X, World, II, Dissidia 012, I, Type-0, VI, crisisCore, LR, Tactics, VII, XV, RecordKeeper, IX, XI, CrysChron, XIII, XII: RW
In that order
Fuck playing them order. Thats stupid. I've heard how great this game was so i started with this one.
Just stop after that one op. Pretend that is the last final fantasy game and walk away. That's pretty much the best of the main stream final fantasy games. It's been downhill since.
But user the best game in the series is Lightning Returns
God I am fucking dreading the XIII games.
Why? they're great.
I watched a buddy of mine start XII and get so burnt out he couldn't finish. He only made it 20 or so hours in
>Fuck playing them order. Thats stupid.
No. Usually you want to play things in order, because things tend to get better as they progress (or at least they're supposed to). After you've experienced the glory of FF6, 7 and 9, you'll wish you weren't so spoiled by good games when you go play FF1 and 2.
You could say this about any of the games. People need to manage expectations if they want to enjoy things.
That's fair. I guess I just hold those worries anyway.
I've already played 7 and 9 a few years ago. I know I'm not getting solid gold with every game, but I don't just want to play them through in numerical order.
I've played pretty much the whole series and recently platinum'd the first 2 XIII games.if your goal is just to finish them them you can smash them out easily. XIII can be a slog if you're not expecting it to be so linear but the next 2 can be finished quickly and have easy modes. LR is a really unique game that i can't recommend highly enough. The stories are convoluted as fuck until you take time to read into and understand it. But if you're just playing to finish them and move on you'll probably hate the story
I'll definitely keep that in mind when I play though. I'm not doing this as a "lets blow through all of these" its more of a "lets experience this series."
Is Type-0 worth seeing through to the end? I'm only a few hours in but i'm finding the character insufferable. The one redeeming factor is that the combat is decent.
I would also like to know this
You shouldn't have asked us which one to play after VI then, assburger.
I was asking which one to play next, though. I'm confused. Like. I'm going to beat VI then I was curious as to what to play next.
Alright, lissen up:
I if you want to explore a fuckton without really knowing where you're going (not necessarily a bad thing)
II if you wanna try an experiment that ultimately failed, but still a fun game
III if you like FFT job system
IV if you wanna see the start of ATB, and the first story Square took seriously in the series
V if you want more job system and campiness
VII if you wanna play the one everyone seems to love
VIII if you wanna play a love/hate experience
IX if you want a classic experience with a ton of references to older games of the series
X if you want something different, more linear, static turn-based system
XI if you like old MMOs
XII if you want another love/hate experience ending with the game playing itself (it's kinda like extremely basic programming)
XIII if you like hallways
XIV if you like current MMOs
XV if you wanna bait a certain autist out of hiding
Eh, II's story was pretty serious tho. Amending that.