Nintendo IPs of the most importance

What are the current A-list Nintendo IPs?

I know Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and Donkey Kong are some of them

Other urls found in this thread:

>donkey kong

swap DK with FE and you've named all of them


metroid once MP4 hits

>7 million units not counting 3DS port

When Donkey Kong is done right, his games sell more than anything FE could offer. Tropical Freeze is gonna be a massive hit with the install base of the switch.


Metroid will NEVER be an A-list Nintendo series, people know Samus but nobody buys her games.

Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Smash, Animal Crossing, and DK.

You mean from a video game sales perspective?

#1: Super Mario series
#2: Pokemon series
#3: Wii series
#4: The Legend of Zelda series
#5: Donkey Kong series
#6: Super Smash Brothers series
#7: Brain Age series
#8: Kirby series
#9: Animal Crossing series
#10: Nintendogs series
#11: Metroid series
#12: Cooking Mama series
#13: Star Fox series
#14: Fire Emblem series

God I hope so. What's perfect is that Tropical Freeze started getting a lot of acknowledgment last year for the masterpiece it is.

S-tier (big sales and mindshare)
>Mario, Pokemon, Mario Kart
A-tier (either big sales or big mindshare)
>Zelda, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Smash
B-tier (impressive sales and mindshare)
>Fire Emblem, Kirby, Yoshi
C-tier (either impressive sales or mindshare)
>Metroid, Pikmin, Donkey Kong
D-tier (poor sales and mindshare but still alive)
>Xenoblade, Chibi Robo

The others are dead in the water like Star Fox, F-Zero, Star Tropics, Earthbound, and Punch Out until resurrected.

>"Blah blah blah because BANANA SLAMMA!"

Surprised Cooking Mama sold more than Star Fox and Fire Emblem.

Brain Age too. They really hit it big with casuals on the DS.

Mario and Zelda.

custom robo

>3. Wii series
>4. Zelda
Nice try.

Mario, Pokemon

Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash Brothers

Kirby, Animal Crossing, Metroid

Star Fox, Fire Emblem

F-Zero, Pikmin

Chibi Robo

DK is not below Yoshi, FE and Kirby

Tropical Freeze is, hands down, the best 2D platformer ever made.

Bump Metroid down to F tier, every game except the first Prime has been a gigaflop commercially.

DK only has impressive mindshare imo. Sales have been lackluster since its glory days.

That's including
>Wii Sports
>Wii Play
>Wii Fit
>Wii Music
>Wii Sports Resort
>Wii Fit Plus
>Wii Party
>Wii Play Motion
>Wii Fit U
>Wii Party U

It was for a brief time. 2004 saw the release of Metroid Zero Mission, Prime 2 as Nintendo’s big holiday game, and the Hunters demo packed in with the DS.

Are you confusing sales with quality or something? DK is nowhere near those three. It's way below, sales-wise, which is what this whole thread is about.

Neither of which broke one million sales.

Overall, it has outsold every series that it is above.

Do you have even the tiniest shred of evidence to substantiate that claim?

Sure, but Nintendo clearly believed in the series as a result of Fusion and Prime’s successes. And later, Prime 3.

>Sales have been lackluster since its glory days.
What about Returns

Prime 2 and Hunters both broke one million.

I thought Prime 2 was ~900k sales.

Are any of the PDN1 Series(Wario, Rhythm Heaven, Mii Games) any popular

>people know Samus but nobody buys her games
This. I wonder why though, are her games really not that casual friendly?


Switch metroid with fire emblem and you're good.

That would be wildly inaccurate, so no I wouldn't be.

>Chibi Robo

Shut up Miyamoto, gameplay comes first

You could chalk up Tropical Freeze not doing well for being on the Wii U.

Why does EU hate Nintendo again?


Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Bros when it comes to popularity. Actual importance and impact on the gaming industry would be Wii, Metroid, and Zelda

I make this list as a massive Chibi Robo fan and a big Kenichi Nishi fan in general. I wish it weren't true.

Isn't SM64 one of the most influential games of all time?

It's not that they hate Nintendo or have bad taste. They literally can't taste.

>Mario has no impact on the gaming industry
>but Zelda does

we'll get chibi robo 2 (or 3 if you count the Jenny game as 2) some day user... some day...

Honestly my expectations for the series future are so low, I would just really appreaciate a Chibi Robo assist trophy in Super Smash Brothers.

>his games sell more than anything FE could offer.
Fire Emblem isn't A-list either.

>D-tier (poor sales and mindshare but still alive)
Pikmin belongs there.

Add Animal Crossing to the list. Even now AC is in the top 20 selling games of the month list. If we're talking A tier and not A- tier then you can't count Fire Emblem, Star Fox, or F-Zero as that A tier group but just a hair below. Metroid I'm unsure of.

>Poor sales

>good sales
Pikmin 1 is the only game in the series to have broken 1 million copies sold, and only just barely. It was effectively a Gamecube launch title and only managed 1 million units on a console that sold 21 million units.

The only one baiting here is you.

It's been objectively measured in the thread.

>C-tier (either impressive sales or mindshare)
DK had impressive sales and mindshare before, nowadays it's just mindshare

>S-tier (big sales and mindshare)
2D Mario, Pokemon, Mario Kart

>A-tier (either big sales or big mindshare)

>B-tier (impressive sales and mindshare)
Kirby, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Smash

>C-tier (either impressive sales or mindshare)
Metroid, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, 3D Mario

>D-tier (poor sales and mindshare but still alive)
Xenoblade, Chibi Robo, Yoshi, Pikmin

TF is going to sell like crazy on the Switch.

>Mascot Whore Tier

Japan is creepily obsessed but not that popular here tier

Regular whore tier
>Fire Emblem
>Animal Crossing

Creators Pet tier

Total Losers
Star Fox
Everything Nintendo has made that isn't the above (Barring Smash)

What about Returns

Why isn't Star Fox in creator's pet tier? The only reason we've gotten post N64 games is Miyamoto.

No it won't.

>3D Mario
Odyssey sold as much if not more than MK8D

Hope so, then we can finally put DK where he belongs, A-tier

Outlier senpai. Sales dipped to 1m right after



Gameplay aside, does anyone actually like those apes as characters? I find it hard to believe.

>Sales dipped to 1m right after
Because it was on the WiiU, people don't seem to understand how much of a colossal failure that console was.

>and then the sequel sells barely 1million
Literally less than the last random Lego game
Not AAA sorry

Odyssey is sitting at 2 million, MK8D is at 4.42, according to Nintendo's most recent fiscal report. Odyssey will never outsell MK8D because 3D Mario doesn't and has never moved hardware.

>3D Mario doesn't and has never moved hardware.
N64, it was the only thing the console had going for it until OoT. The N64's library, in retrospect, was a travesty.

Only in America and the N64 still got its ass handed to it by the PS1.

Odyssey sold 2 million in three days you fuckwit.

I would like an enhanced, greatly expanded remake of the second DS game made too look beautiful.

It didn't even manage 1 million units on the Wii U. It would be lucky to manage 1 million on the Switch.

And? What actual data do you have to support it selling as well as MK8D or better? Oh that's right, there is none. I'm using the most recent data available from Nintendo.

15 million +: 2d mario, pokemon, mario kart
10 million +: 3d mario, smash bros, animal crossing
5 million +: zelda, donkey kong, luigi's mansion, splatoon
2 million +: kirby, yoshi, fire emblem
1 million +: metroid, kid icarus, arms
500000 +: xenoblade, pikmin

>Wii U
Splatoon sold like 4.5m on that console

>Odyssey is sitting at 2 million
See that's where you're wrong
Doing the math it's almost at 4m

The Switch has already outsold the WiiU's lifetime sales and Tropical Freeze has received absolute glowing praise from pretty much anyone who has played it.

for a moment i thought it was jimmy neutron

>It didn't even manage 1 million units on the Wii U.
Yes it did. On Switch it'll probably break 2 million.

Link or your lying faggot. Odyssey has more then 2M sold, and I know MK8 has more then that 4 mil on Switch just because it sold 8 mil on Wii U. It had to have sold more

Splatoon only moved that many units because it was a fresh IP that came out at a time when WiiU owners were starved harder than your average third world country citizen for games.

Your BBC link mentions nothing about Odyssey's sales data.

Your link only supports 3 million units at best.

Where did I say that? I'm just calling you a fucking idiot for saying that Odyssey is "sitting at 2 million sales" based on the first three days of sales of a game that's been out for three months. By now it has sold 1.5 million in Japan alone.

>Splatoon sold like 4.5m on that console
And Pokken sold 1m on the Wii U

>The Switch has already outsold the WiiU's lifetime sales and Tropical Freeze has received absolute glowing praise from pretty much anyone who has played it.
And that means Tropical Freeze will sell? Reviews don't make a game sell, and need I remind you that Pikmin 3 was released on the Wii U and tanked harder than Pikmin 1 and 2? Need I remind you that the Pikmin 1 and 2 re-releases for the Wii tanked? A larger install base doesn't mean a game re-released on that platform will sell better.

It did not. Tropical Freeze isn't even listed on Nintendo's website for the top-selling Wii U games.

Right here in their latest available fiscal summary, baby boy.

>4.8 mil in US
>60% owned SMO
Thats 2,888,000
Forgot another link

>It did not.
Do you have any evidence for that? Your source only proves that it sold under 2.13 million.

>Wii U

>What are the current A-list Nintendo IPs?
Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Animal Crossing. These sell a lot and are priority for Nintendo. Games like Metroid are treated like A-list but has never had the higher sales to back it up but it still counts, MP4 have tons of hype behind it. Plus the only reason why nobody wanted to make a 3D Metroid was because they thought they couldn't live up to Super Metroid. Fire Emblem moved up to A-list a few years ago and now they're making tons of cash with Fire Emblem Heroes it's one of the most profitable. Splatoon is obvious, sells a lot and it became A-list after Splatoon 2 came out, Nintendo thought it was so important they had a sequel out for launch year for the Switch.
Kirby, Yoshi, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, Bayonetta, Pikmin, F-Zero, Xenoblade, etc. B-listers usually have a good fan following but never have sales to back it up, they're usually there because they take less time to develop or fill a niche. Donkey Kong deserves more love. He should get 2 platformers per system.

>Star Tropics
What was that game about?

>A list

Kirby and Donkey Kong definitely sell more than Metroid. Kirby performs similarly to Metroid, but it's less likely for Kirby to have a 1,000,000 title, and it can produce more games quickly.

>4.8 mil in US
That's Switch hardware, buddy. The article is about Switch hardware.

>60% owned SMO
You're pulling a number out of your ass that wasn't in either article. It appears in the link you just posted, but what's their source?
Not on here, and all sales data for the games listed is sourced.

A sub-1,000,000 title, I mean.

It's one of their only franchises that gets the 2D/3D treatment, A-list isn't about sales alone, it's about budget/marketing.
True but when they announce Kirby games they don't carry any hype which is why Kirby will always be B-list.

I don't think I've ever seen a commercial of any sort for a Metroid game and you can tell, just by looking at it, that Samus Returns' budget was very low in comparison to a mainline Mario or Zelda game.

Nintendo treated Metroid like an A tier franchise during the GameCube/GBA days and were met with progressively declining sales and then Other M sealed the fate of the franchise as an eternal C lister.

>That's Switch hardware, buddy. The article is about Switch hardware.
Yeah and the accompanying data is the percentage.
Reggie kind of confirmed it back when the numbers weren't finalized yet
>Reggie revealed that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe have all been bought by more than 50% of the total Switch userbase.

All they had to do was show a logo and people went nuts, it's true they treated Metroid as B-list before but not anymore. 2D Metroid is out and they're working on a 3D game. That's more than Kirby or Donkey Kong gets.

>True but when they announce Kirby games they don't carry any hype which is why Kirby will always be B-list.
Seems like bias. They release lots of teasers/trailers and they celebrate Kirby's anniversaries pretty hard. The Kirby Switch trailer also has more views than both the Samus Returns trailer and the Metroid 4 teaser from last E3.