Is Flonne still Sup Forums's favorite, or has this board moved on from her?
Is Flonne still Sup Forums's favorite, or has this board moved on from her?
>Sup Forums's favorite
That was always Etna.
I still love Flonne. But Pratty is best girl.
I like Flonne's original design. Her new design was always sort of meh
I only ever see Etna, and even that's getting rare.
What is Sup Forums's current fotm loli? Hat kid?
Pram is my favorite.
Please ignore people with shit taste.
Flonne still best.
Disgaea girls in general have been pushed away by the nu-meme girls like Neps or mobile gatcha shits, unless you are an iconic loli like Etna or Roll oir cowtits like Chun-li or Tifa, you won't be talked about much nowadays.
Marona is the best Nippon Ichi girl.
I LOVE Flonne
I really want to continue Marona's game, but I also really don't like the whole confine/weapon system.
i dont like her or the game she is from. she's like Sup Forumsqueers first vidya waifu
Etna was iconic?
I love you Laharl but please stay as a woman
On here yes.
Oh he finally becomes his true self later? I've only played 1.
Flonne is a poor man's Colette
He gains tits and ass and works as a JAV idol on her free time
Colette be careful that coffee is really hot!
There is a disproportionally high number of "Disgaea 1"-themed Sup Forums banners. At least 5, and i think its only surpassed by NGE and Yotsuba themed banners. Etna is in 2 of them.
This should say something.
She's alright Plenair will always be my favorite though.
Actually its ice cold.
If there had been a choice between girls, I'd have chosen Flonne. Or Jennifer or Etna, in that order.
The first Disgaea really hit it out of the park with characters, story and humor. Only 2 came close to matching it in my opinion, but Adel didn't have even half the charm Laharl did.
Asagi game when?
>Sup Forums never talks about disgaea anymore
>neither does anyone else aside from jap fans
I guess Disgaea's grinding is the ultimate casual filter.
Disgaea 3 PC when?
Now, give up on NISA and emulate it already.