>tfw only threads about Sakura breeding
SFV AE Thread
Does Sup Forums know their fundamentals?
Why can’t I buy Ibuki nostalgic costume with FM?
Because it's something people actually want.
Kinda, if you don't mind keeping track of her kick charge things.
Having fun going OVAH DA LIMIT with Alex's new V-Trigger, still gotta break the habit of losing my spaghetti and forgetting combos as soon as I'm in an actual online match. Still having fun though
if you would like to never win any matches, yes
Is Sagat here yet or do I have to wait a few more weeks?
Only reason FM is in the game was so Capcom could claim you could "still earn stuff by playing."
i was pretty hype that sakura was finally released, but her s.mp is so laughably stupid
just why
Would this game be good for someone that's new to fighting games?
No, and no idea how to learn either
I think so, especially now, when many new players will be playing too, so you will have a lot of people at your skill level to play against.
How do I learn fundamentals??
I'll be happy if he comes out this year.
Learning to play this game, its my first fighting game. I chose Birdie because he is a big fat creep, so far I am getting my ass handed to me by bronze players
I only play honest fighting man of very little wealth so I'm mostly indifferent about it. I've hated the game for far too long though, so I might be biased.
>I chose Birdie because he is a big fat creep
I want SJWs to leave.
Wasnt he described as a literal rapist in his first game?
More likely a self-insert than a SJW, calm your tits
What's a good character to learn the game, user?
I can't stop purchasing cute Menat costumes
She's the only character I've spent real money on
Also I really like the DP ball move they added in AE
Whoever you think looks the coolest
Hard to say. Many people say Ryu, but imo since this SF is easier than the others, it's best to first try out the base archetypes and see what you like best and learn that.
I guess the basic types are shotos (Ryu, Ken, Akuma...), grapplers (Zangief, Mika, Alex, Abigail...), chargers (Bison, Balrog, Guile, Urien...). Try how they play, what the differences are and what clicks with you the best.
Just play Ryu
After you get a hang of things try other characters out, but Ryu is always a good start to learn SF.
Sakura is for ____
my dick
Fuck people saying this, you can learn fundamentals with any character but you need to WANT to learn fundamentals and that comes from having fun and the desire to improve. So play the fucking character you want to play and have fun.
never played a street fighter in my life
kek'd at that image
I'm out, later beetches
Does the physical version of AE have everything on disc, or is it the vanilla game + code?
Fuck you nigger, the dude says he was brand new to fighting games
Ryu's piss easy to learn and has a lot of basic shit you'd see on other characters. I also didn't say a god damn thing about fundamentals, I just said when he gets the hang of things.
You were on the money with this assumption
A lot of people will say start with ryu. Generally this is good advice, unless you see a character that you just fall in love with, and really want to play. Then playing ryu becomes kind of a chore, because you just want to be done with him and start playing the character you like.
TL:DR Play whoever you like the most above all, byt if you dont care that much, learn with ryu because he's straight forward
can someone post a webm of sakura c.mp
why aren't you playing Tekken 7?
do costumes ever go on sale?
Fuck no
I main Chun and everyone can jump in on me.
dat booki
oh shit they added tracer!
hell no
heard Cammy is the best to learn the basics in SFV
Sort of.
I can anti air if someones being stupid and jumping somewhat frequently.
However, if someone overdoes it and starts jumping too much, I fall apart.
If they go too dumb i cant keep up.
This seems to happen the most with mika players.
Tekken is too much work required before you start to enjoy it.
The game is still shit, they fixed nothing.
once you know your character and how to stop getting launched it's as fun or more than Soul Calibur
Anyone have any Menat Vtrigger 2 Techvideo to share or something like that?
preemptive c.hp into abigail punch
but practically? you dont
this and her mk is ass. i cant play her anymore, its just not the same at all
>Absolutely dominate the ground game with Abi's gorilla normals
>Cannot get anyone to play footsies with me because it's so much easier to just 24/7 jump-in
SFV fucking sucks
So why did they give Sakura tiny hands and feet? And how long until SFM's of Sakura giving footjobs in her Battle Costume?
use to be able to just jab them. im guessing they nerfed it?
both of them
>come to Sup Forums to get away from fgg
>they are here too
there is no escape
>Jab anti-airs
stop jumping either way bich
not really, but i still win some matches online anyway
you have a goddamn upkick normal, noone should be able to jump in on you except on wakeup, and even then you have ex sbk
At least you get game discussion. I was cuious about AE and checked the last two threads over at /vg/..
birdie, ryu, necalli, rashid
That's why I said I don't have my fundamentals down. I instinctively block every time.
That thing is dogshit if they aren't right above you
Menat is too cute, and her costumes are good, too bad about the holiday one is unavaliable.
I just got back to to the game, and Menat seems so fun, but I think I will start to hate myself and everyone else if I try to get good with her, as it is going to take ages.
>tfw we will never get good brown girl menat cosplay
someone go tell those sluts on /cgi/ to get on this
I suggest playing a couple of characters that complement each other before maining one. For example, learn the game with a character that doesn't have a reversal so you learn how to block. After that try a character that doesn't have an automatic antiair (akuma's b.hp, balrog's s.mp, birdie's b.mp etc.) so you actually react to jump-ins and antiair accordingly.
You're not obligated to do that, just keep in mind it's a good training
other weird changes too, like ex tatsu being corner carry instead of juggle, and being safe on block too? that's just silly
also get a ton of negative edging problems with her c.mk -> p-fireball, it's way abnormal
after playing guilty gear relentlessly the random stick "leniency" in sf is enough by itself to make me uninstall
What is wrong with you
>i should be able to jump in and deal close to 400 damage for free
I never got why people complain about antiair jab.
>muh 50/50 reset
Well you didn't think you would jump in without risk would you ?
I fucking hate the FGC not bceause they are mean or whatever but because those fucking trogs will pay $90 for 18 characters. fucking disgusting.
Coming back and having to play against all these characters I don't know is rough.
First match as Guile vs Abigail was ridiculous
I felt the same way fighting Menat and Abigail as Mika. It was not a fun time at all.
I expected them to reset rankings because I want to play as Sakura instead of having to jump back on my main because everyone is too strong.
is that irl mika?
look at those biceps
mika is japanese
That's Julia Vins and her mass isn't surprising. She's Russian + using anabolic steroids.
there's something oddly attractive about a girl who is cute but also looks like she could probably really hurt you
it's called gap moe
Cutie buff is the best.
Dude just come out of the closet already and stop wasting your life.
Way ahead of you buddy.
This shit seriously has a name!?
Sick meme bro
>I was cuious about AE and checked the last two threads over at /vg/..
what happened?
when you're a fang main and your vtriggers aren't trash now
How to play FANG
I liked this guide
punish every bad move by your opponent, learn your blockstrings and links and you just block them out into punishes and then kite them around with your command dash while they're poisoned, most players sperg out when they're poisoned and do stupid things
user he wasn't asking a question, or he would have said "How do you play FANG?"
He was giving a guide: you don't.
So what part of South East Asia are you from?
the part that china mostly owns, full of white trash and bad internet