Announced center stage at E3

>announced center stage at E3
>backed by software titan bethesda
>created by gaming legends id software
>using Quake IP
>$1,000,000 memesport tournament
>even people that paid $30 to play have abandoned the game (what hope does free to play have)
>6 months later the game is still absolutely broken
>top players all hate the game
what went wrong?

nobody cares about arena shooters

Overwatch is the biggest FPS right now. People clearly do.

not an arena shooter

How is it not? Projectiles, pickups, verticality, high ttk???

>How is it not?

Retarded child

Holy shit I completely forgot this existed. I kinda liked the beta a lil, not enough to buy though.

They wanted to capitalize on the quake title and get the Overwatch audience at the same time

>high TTK

where are you getting this? OW's TTK is extremely low.

Not an argument

>wants to make an easy cashgrab bullshit game for retards in 2017
>not a pubg clone
Why can't they jew right?

It's not made by ID you fucking idiot, the developers are Sabre.

>what went wrong?
The market doesn't exist anymore. People want easy team based games now.

I'm not playing this shit again until they nerf the fuck out of anarki slash and nyx. Light champs ruin the game completely.

>Overwatch is the biggest FPS right now

>>using Quake IP
yeah but it wasn't quake
quake wars was awful because it was battlefield with the quake stamp
quake champions is awful because it's overwatch with the quake stamp

quake's gotta be quake

Reflexx tried that.

>quake wars was awful because it was battlefield with the quake stamp
Or, you know, it was Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, of which is shared its name, with a Quake theme. ET came before BF.

>quake champions is awful because it's overwatch with the quake stamp
QC is nothing like OW, try playing it before making that claim.

I like the part where Quake 3 community was supposed to be as big as PUBG or COD.

probably the champions part. also its made by russians so its quality is total shit.

I bought both Live and Champions together but I ended up playing Champions more because I like the overall feel of the game despite the hot registration being way more inconsistent. Live is too “flat” or “wide” for me to find it enjoyable, I get that things such as the minimal weapon real eastate is so it’s not obstructing the view of players but i can’t accept the game is mechanically fine because other parts feel dated.

How do I stop being a plebe?

But there's already other arena shooters that already do that and they aren't more popular than Quake champions at the moment. If you want something that's like Quake 3 then just play Quake 3 or Live.

>added/changed a bunch of shit that didn't need to be added/changed, pissing off long-time players
>didn't advertise the game enough, failing to reach new players
>nothing to even the playing field between long-time and new players, meaning 20-year veterans can shit all over newbies wantonly and scare them away

There's your answer.

You also need exposure.

pro tip: Quake 3 community isn't that big. Quake 3 was even the Quake game that sold the less.

I know, what are you trying to tell me with this post? I'm not the user you were replying to if that helps.

But quake wars was good