IQ requirements to invent a PC: 50

>IQ requirements to invent a PC: 50
>IQ requirements to build a LABO: 200

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we wuz inventing computerz while ypipo was living in caves


>Meanwhile Sup Forums's PC

Isn't called toy-con? LABO is the line of products, toy-con is the actual kit.

>falling for the case meme
I bet you buy extra dust covers, too

>Invents a new computer
wtf is wrong with journalists?

It's not stupid if it works

fucking xqc

Where's the GPU though?

It's an edit. Original says he built a computer. And is a newsletter for local community mothers.

Hey, I also built my first PC when I was 11! But it didn't take me fucking 4 hours, what the fuck


>when UPS is 2 hours late

Did he actually invent a new computer or do they mean built?

>Commenting on his plans Joshua said: “I built a computer because I need a faster and more powerful machine to focus on my next project which is to develop a 2D platform video game, with different levels. I’m also working on a bigger project; a more complex game which will take a few years to complete.”

>While the primary school programmer admits the achievements of Bill Gates inspires him it is his father, an IT consultant with an investment bank, who is his chief mentor.

What happened to Joshua's game?

>Building a computer post youtube and simplified components era is considered a big deal

Please, come back when you've built a 486 dos pc with nothing but the physical instructions

It's called Fez, some white hipster stole it from him and claimed it was the greatest shit ever made. Played it and it was alright.

How could he invent a pc if its literally impossible for a human to DIY a cpu

Yes it is

I mean he's a kang. You never know. And everything begins with a prototype, maybe he's just planning something.

This, he literally has mileniums of advanced alien knowledge running through his veins

>literally impossible for a human to DIY a cpu

What? You can diy a cpu if you wanted to, of course it would be completely shit compared to modern day manufactured ones but you can still do it.

where does an 11 yr old get 1000 dollars