ITT: we laugh at nintendofags




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>too dumb to see how this will change gaming forever like the wii did


Okay. It's been more than seven hours, let it go already. I've never seen Sup Forums in such a rabid frenzy like this before.

Image being so mad at an expensive children's toy made out of cardboard that you needed to flood an entire board with spam posts.

Sup Forums= SonyGAF General.

Are you legit retarded?

Manchildren are gonna buy it, that's why its hilarios you fucking soyboy. And making this a success just means all your favorite games with be plagued with this shit on top of amiibo

>t. ninten-tards

/vp/ needs to include nintendo content from now on, those faggots need a containment board, and this is the reason why.


Alright. GameXplain is that way, so don't hit your ass on the way out.

Cmon now, it's been Sonygroes flooding the board with this garbage all day. Sony containment board when?

>being THIS threatened by "a fucking kids toy"

Thanks for proving my point. The only reason why you fuckers are raging over this is because it has the Nintendo logo on it.

Thats a cool idea though

Is it the cool new meme to act like you're laughing when you're actually really mad?

I'm not leaving. Stay mad faggot.

>this cardboard for kids is cool because it's wizards and shit
>this cardboard for kids is bad because of giant robots and shit

At least you get the peripherals with it.

>selling cardboard for 70 burgertokens
who's responsible for this?
I want him to bow for eternity

>hurr I love buying 80 dollar cardboard and 15 dollar plastic toys to enjoy my games.

Good, 'cause I want to ravage your ass some more.

>if you make fun of something you're actually mad at it
Is that what you tell yourself when you think of the cool kids bullying you in high school?

>gimmicks are fine when Nintendo does it

22 posts, 13 posters. Really jogs the noggin.

I'm not even a Nintendo man child, but the amount of shitposting is insane. Let it go already, it was funny for about twenty minutes.

I bet this senile toy designer is behind the labo.

i have to admit, it's a cute gimmick, but fucking 80$ bucks, it would be better if you buy the game with lots of cardboard minigames games, and you get the cardboard yourself and the game just gives you the instructions to build the things, this is kind of pathetic that they are selling you a gimmick based on cardboard at that price

It is, that's the point.
All kids will buy a Switch.

Gimmicks have been Nintendo's bread and butter since forever. It's how they thrive in a conventional gaming market.

Then you haven't been here very long.
There is always a rabid cult uprising after a platform drops something unexpected.
It will die in a week or two and only wojaks will be reposting it religiously like they do with roaches and the PS4.

no u

nice meme friend

Yeesh, I just checked in since this morning. Are you guys still spamming threads about this? After what, 10 hours?

you guys having fun in here?

Nintendo won't be good again until this senile old manchild soyboy dies

>Sup Forums= SonyGAF General.
lol no
Just because these console warring roaches are very vocal doesn't mean they'll ever belong here.

>only bad when nintendo does it

You guys are mad over cardboard.

Jesus Christ video gamers are autistic.

Yeah, it is cute as a concept. Like how I used to play and use my imagination with boxes and toy cars as a lad. That being said, I hope this is regulated to its own separate thing and not spread into other Nintendo games such as Mario or Kirby.

> senile old manchild soyboy dies
> has literally carried Nintendo to where it is today with its franchises


This is a toy for kids, not a gimmick.
It's a product to attract non-gamer kids and parents that don't buy dedicated gaming systems to their kids.
It won't have any Nintendo IP or anything like that.

thanks for the bumps :^)

No... I mean, what do you expect from Nintendo?

m8 it's not nice to laugh at retarded children, this has to be nintendo's lowest point, expect to see a ton of twitter screenshots of grown ass bearded men using this thing soylent grin and all.

>a fucking cardboard

you cannot make this shit up

Why are you still forcing this when the only company shitting soyboy feminist propaganda is Sony?

>mfw it sells more than Bloodborne
Why don't ps4 owners buy video games?

>the face of nintardos when they realise they watsred 100$

Which is a smart thing. They got the hardcore crowd to more or less buy their new system. Now it is time to go after the outliers. Educational clients etc. Remember the wii was a success because it was so popular with people that weren't classically sene as gamers. Same with the DS might I add.

Imagine all the 30 year old soy boys posting their open mouth pics with their LABO