At long last, virtual reality done right

At long last, virtual reality done right.

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That's not virtual though?

This is what autism looks like

>80 dollars for cardboard and rubber bands

Jesus christ

i really want to know what was going through nintendos fucking head
they just released the switch which is undoubtedly a success, especially in japan and instead of capitalizing on that they release this
seriously what the fuck

What game is this?

Closer to augmented reality.
Or just a really intricate controller.

That's an unrealeased game.

Come back in 10 years, it will be the last and only nintendo game available then.

This is real? HOLY SHIT! fanboys will defend his? HOLY SHIT
It can even be turned into next-gen entertainment!
Thanks, god of cardboard!

this will sell like crazy and Sup Forums will collectively an hero, you watch

all it needs is force feedback and it will really be better than vr

Holy shit this is autism in physical form.

hows your custom vrchat model going

it's a literal fucking children's toy

you WILL understand

no it's a fucking cardboard box.

how many joycons are even hooked up to that though? it looks like it's...four?

And full grown adults are going to use it

The Project Giant Robot game is most of the cost

2; 1 in the head strap, 1 in the back of the backpackbox

Two. One in the visor for look controls, one in the back pack which reads the innards with the IR sensor and translates that into whatever for the game.

Really smarty pants will look the patterns for this stuff and 3D print it out of plastic


>sit down while playing
>entire back portion gets crushed


Why would you sit down with that
You'd have to be retarded to sit down with a back pack on, even one made out of Nintendo Cardboard

Not if you follow a proper soy diet.

>Literal fucking shovelware game with cardboard paraphernalia
>Eight and Zero mother fucking dollars
Miss me yet Sup Forums?



Not with those memory cards. Even cardboard is a better storage medium price-wise.

it's better than a paperweight

don't post spacejin outside /jp/



that shit NEVER works as advertised. See how it looks like it fits snuggly on that childs back? it will be clunky and uncomfortable on yours. those strings going to your hands and feet? (lol) those will snap. where are you going to store all of this shit anyway? what happens when you dont build it properly and the flimsy piece of shit falls apart while you're playing? this is honestly just embarrassing and a low point for nintentoddlers.

>trip and fall over
>cardboard permanently ruined and possibly unusable

I think I'm gonna buy one of these just to see what programming project I can come up with.

No, I prefer retarded shit to bad shit.

>go outside
>Earth turns
>wind picks up your Labo and throws it into the fucking ocean

You could be tired and out of breath and your feet hurt.

they spelt LARP wrong

I think my ballsack have PTSD.

This is so fucking stupid.

>go outside
Never gonna happen.

>playing on the go to make use of portability, the Switch's best feature
>rain starts
>cardboard melts
>clothes now smell like wet cardboard

Why is Sup Forums so butthurt about a completely peripheral thing only ever used by a single game and not required in any way whatsoever?

that's not how wind works you fucking dumbass

And this angers you greatly, doesn't it?

100 buckaroos



>trip and fall over
>Cheetos permanently ingrained into my shirt


This is honestly one of the most interesting ideas I've ever seen for a game. I immediately imagined building these cardboard contraptions with my five-year-old nephew and then having them come alive with visuals and, sound, and interactivity from the Switch and blowing his little mind. I could also really imagine adults and even old people having that same childlike joy and it just looks like a ton of fun being able to punch around as a cardboard robot. Add in all the extra functions of the Joy-Cons (HD Rumble, IR Camera, fantastic positional tracking) and this idea is absolute gold. It's almost like makeshift VR, without the goggles, but with much more realistic interactivity.

If the actual "gameplay," including the assembly process, is well designed (which I would expect because it's Nintendo) and they expand on Labo as it's own whole brand like they used Wii Fit and other games like the MyCoach series to make the Wii appeal to those who wanted to use it as an exercise helper/health monitor, this has huge potential - every parent will want a Switch to make/play these with their kid!

And they also get all the other awesome parts of the Switch, either for the parents or their kids to play, or both! This is a great business move to attract that crowd, and I'm sure those cardboard cutouts cost next to nothing for Nintendo to produce (and it looks like they're charging $10-20 for a kit since the game bundled with one of the less expansive kits is $70 and the robot suit is $80). If they do a bundle this holiday season with Labo included for $300, and they've gotten word of mouth marketing all year like they did last year, this could break records. Really excited to play this myself as well and on 4/20 at that, lol.

Because so(y)nyboys are super butthurt about the switch being so successful and are trying any angle possible to stop it.
The reality is that this will only increase popularity for kids and have zero effect on the popularity for any other demographic, positive or negative.

not as much as you are but yes

The literal state of /v

google did it first

Why would he be angered?
He doesn't have to buy it.

This is going to be a disaster for anyone who owns cats, and you know why.

Could something like this actually emulate being in a vr suit?

True, Nintendo soyboys look just like the kind of "men" who would own cats.

lol nope

Or live anywhere with humidity.

Fun Fact: Cockroaches nest in cardboard.

I was driving my car
And by car I mean CARboard box

I know why so(n)yboys don't own cats.
Someone post the webm.

Introducing "Sony Hobo" cardboard playset!

How many fucking joysticks do you need? I see 7 if that's one on his foot.


Cockroaches nest everywhere, which is why you should never leave electronics at ground level.

>, this has huge potential - every parent will want a Switch to make/play these with their kid!

You had me until there. Sometimes when you try to hard you make it way too obvious. 4/10 good effort.

But I thought sony fanboys hated Labo.

>6 joycons

If this actually came with 4 extra joycons then it would be worth the price.

The LABO is worthless without the Switch and software, you need to pay 300 on top of the 80 to make any sense out of this piece of shit.

Complete nonsense.

>6 joycons
Its 2, one on the visor and the one at the back of the backpack.
Pick related.

What's in his fucking hands then?

Cardboard pull handles.

$20 for a full body motion control peripheral is pretty good

think it'll be sized for 300 pound NEETs or 6 year old children?

>updating a fresh out of the box vita

The IR sensor on the back pack joycon is looking for reflective strips connect to the hand and feet ribbons, if you pull the ribbons the strips move and the controller can tell.

I love the Labo idea. I've been getting so sick of every game being the same. What better way to make every game unique? I was already thinking about getting a switch and this is a great reason, to me.

Can someone quickly explain to me what the fuck this is? Did Nintendo release literal cardboard VR?


>Did Nintendo release literal cardboard VR?

Yes, but it's not always VR. Sometimes it's Wii-style accessories.

>Can someone please make a 5 second google search for me?

You could have answered the question int he time you spent being rude.

>be homeless
>leave in a cardboard box
>some fat guy comes to you and steal your home
>he makes a helmet out of it and starts dancing screaming WAHOO

Holy shit. What were they thinking?

But it's OK when Sony sells a blu-ray player for 200 dollars?

>trip and fall over
>joycon flies out and goes through a nearby airplane window


>implying this doesn't look comfy

Not enough people put airline windows in their homes. It's much easier to manage than huge windows with giant curtains. Also whenever I need to vacuum I just open the window a bit.

you like punch them out and build them, kids are gonna fucking love it and it's a huge profit margin for them I assume since it's made of actual cardboard. They were probably thinking "we like money".

>leave in a cardboard box
How can some fat dude steal it if you left with it?

What? Aren't you tired of playing the same game over and over? Games are defined by their inputs, this is a new way of playing that appeals to me.

Children building stuff with cardboard and having imaginary adventures is cute

Adults trying to escape into a virtual reality is just sad