>Haven't played WoW since 2013-ish
>before I quit had several unobtainable vanilla items. knew they'd always be valuable.
>hear recently around 10 of those items I cherished have been mass farmed by chinese gold-farmers in the last 20 or so hours.
>level-scaling has made it possible to reobtain items that weren't possible to obtain 2010>
>my items are now close to being worthless, and these items have all but flooded the auction house.
>due to the nature of the algorithm, unless nu-blizzard removes the items from the loot table entirely all is lost.
>millions of gold, now 0 gold.
Haven't played WoW since 2013-ish
>level-scaling has made it possible to reobtain items that weren't possible to obtain 2010
Explain this in detail
How the fuck does level scaling do anything of the sort
You do realize your items were worthless since day 1? They're not like bitcoins where they appreciate value over time.
Why the fuck do you care?
You haven't played in 5 years
>You share a board with this guy
I think he means the level-scaling update in general. It must have added old loot. re-read it again, e mentions chinese loot farmers
>you can make characters from a specific level range.
>cataclysm changed level ranges.
>it wasn't possible for mob x to drop y because of it's level.
>those items are still in the game but were inaccessible for almost a decade.
>you can now farm that creature at any desired range until you level up.
>people have been doing this non-stop.
items drop based on a certain level mob in certain areas. In cataclysm that level of mob no longer existed in that area.
Therefor item was unobtainable.
OP is a nigger for thinking he's special.
You don't even play anymore, who fucking cares
You haven’t played in 5 years why would you even give a fuck
It's the fact that i quit knowing these items and my account were always going to be of value, if I ever wanted to return to the game i'd basically be able to buyout the auction house a few times over.
Now I literally can't do this because those items are worthless, due to essentially an oversight by blizzard that has irreversibly been manipulated by gold farmers/item farmers/sellers.
what items?
>knowing these items and my account were always going to be of value
They're pixels in a video game you no longer play
Are you straight fucking autistic?
I'm quite sure you could made that a lot more understandable with a few less words
Right this makes more sense
What items does this even affect that anyone cares about? That rainbow sword from STV is the only one I can think of that might be affected by this change, I think that was made undroppable with cata
buddy, wow gold is worth more than Venezuelan money.
Millions of gold in WoW translates to at least a few hundred if not thousands of dollars.
Although I had basically RWT'd my gold I didn't do that with my items.
It could be worse user.
All my and my friends gold and valuable items (tens of thousands of gold, thousands of those epic enchanting crystals and flasks etc) were in guild bank. A random in the guild made a ticket to GM asking to get GM of the guild because we weren't around. The GM gave him the guild and he made do with all the items and gold.
This was during mid cataclysm as well. Neither of us have played since.
Are you serious? You hoarded these items for years in a game you don't even play because now they are worth slightly more than before? I doubt whatever transmogs you got in fucking 2013 are worth "millions of gold" now, and even if they are, if you cared that much about the money, you'd have made whatever you'll make from selling this by working a literal minimum wage job for one week.
Come on, like someone said, these aren't exactly bitcoins, it's not like Blizzard screwed you of tens of thousands of dollars over the years.
You haven't played since 2013 why do you care
They made that even easier now.
Don't even have to ticket a GM, there's an option in the guild window to take over a guild if the GM hasn't been on in like 3 months or something.
lol nah you can get almost 200,000 gold in wow for like 20 bucks.
>guild's top rogue in BC
>got dual glaives after months of hard work and sacrifice
>cut ties with family and friends
>lost my job and dripped out of uni
>a few short years later people are solo'ing BT and every shiteating casual has a pair of glaives
It's his bitcoin
Yep. I have alts in tons of guilds on multiple servers and I check periodically to see if the gm hasn't logged on in a certain amount of time. If it's close to the time, I keep a record of it, take over the guild and take all the shit. I have millions of gold just sitting on level 10s and 20s on different servers.
you're pathetic
No one cares about your shit items, OP. Your account will lose every bit of fucking value when Classic is released anyways. There is nothing “special” in WoW
This is what you faggots get for putting so much time and effort into meaningless digital items as a status symbol.
That's not how it works. Level scaled mobs still drop their loot according to the level they were at initially. If a level 57 mob is upscaled to 110, it will still drop level 57 loot. I tested it in Silithus before the update was rolled out, when those twilight cultists were the only ones that scaled there.
yeah well, when it happened my friend was on a 2 week vacation and he had set the guild message to "I'll be back on .."
Sounds like a lot of horseshit.
>It's the fact that i quit knowing these items and my account were always going to be of value
Jesus christ you're dumb
you have some pretty dumb expectations, OP
>i expect an subscription based mmorpg to remain static and unchanged in 5 years because it would benefit me because i said so
Shouldn't the real value in an MMO come not from the gear you farm, but from the friendships you make while doing it?
the rainbow sword dropped from a named elite that no longer spawns
it's gone forever
just kidding. you are absolutely correct.
It still spawns, I just killed it in front of some hordie
God I miss the people I used to hang out with in Goldshire. There was a pally named Missy who hated people who track mud and a hunter named Basalisk who discovered an interesting bug when you dueled a warlock. If i sent my demon after him with ctrl 1 and then ran from the duel the demon would then follow him until I summoned a new one.
Except you're forgetting that many of these mobs were scaled DOWN with Cataclysm. So that level 57 mob could no longer drop that level 57 blue, and would instead drop level 38 greens. Level scaling allowed them to drop that level 57 loot again, most likely intentionally. That's what babbies are mad about.
>Haven't played WoW since 2013-ish
>millions of gold, now 0 gold.
Why do you care?
>So that level 57 mob could no longer drop that level 57 blue
Categorically untrue, I do not know where did you get this information from, but my personal tests yield a completely different data. What happened during Cataclysm release and the state of the game now are two completely different things. Mob levels were changed, but so were the loot tables adjust accordingly. Level 57 mobs drop level 57 loot. They have a much smaller chance to drop level 55 and 53 or 59 loot, but that chance is about ten times the chance they would have to drop the loot of their level. It is why specific green drops that could be dropped by level 58 Kalimdor mobs cost hundreds of thousands on the auction house. Because only two of those remain on the continent, rare spawns both, and one of them has been rendered unattackable by a bug blizzard never cared to fix.
Your "personal tests" are objectively wrong, Blizzard has outright confirmed what I said. There's no argument here, you're just wrong.
Anyone have any specific previously unobtainable items that have dropped since 7.3.5 and the hotfix? I've seen some accounts strath, zf, and possibly scarlet monastery having some valuable items, but you can never really tell of people are bullshitting or are simply retarded.
>caring about World of Warcraft in twenty-fucking-eighteen
Good, removing items, especially after adding transmog was a dick move. Get fucked fag
What even got obtainable again? Blazing Longsword has been dirt cheap for ages
>not waiting for classic servers to go up
Why even make them unobtainable? Why not just retune them to fit with the current gameplay? It's not hard to do.
seems kinda pointless now you can just buy tokens until you hit gold cap
Probably stuff like Morlune's Bracer in Stratholme, there are also a load of green BoE weapons in the 10-30 range that became unobtainable in Cataclysm.
it would cost about $1200 to go from nothing to gold cap with tokens right now