Fucking oranges for a prize

defend this

Oranges taste good and prevent scurvy

>3rd world country with some no name tournament
nah theres nothing to defend

what country? that looks like the soccer team's shirt for my country.

I totally believe it

Oranges> Apples> cherries> poo> pears

why cant i hold

woomy my nigger

>they're green and yellow

looks like the splatoon prize went... splat

What country are you from

...all these altcoins


It's fucking hilarious.

There's my defense.

I think pear cups are pretty good


>most of them aren't even ripe

Looks like grapefruits to me

South America is my guess

costa rica

Persimmon> all other fruits

Not falling for it, faggot. Those are greens and yellows.

They're alright, but they're expensive here, I don't want to spend like 1.50 for one fruit.

>he never saw unripe oranges

Could've at least be a cardboard box of The Orange. That way you'd be able to connect it to your Nintendo Switch™.

They're greens and yellows, you fucking moron!

looks like lemons to me

Mangosteen>Jackfruit>Pomegranate>Lychee=Rambutan>Normie Fruits>Purse Simons>Papaya

Oh yeah, I forgot Sup Forums is always wrong

What a shithole country.

if it was lemons

who member

shut up retard

shut up lowtax

For anyone wondering, the country is Colombia.
The tag clearly reads Splatoombia.
Just for the record the FGC does give cash prizes, and this was clearly a joke symbolic prize.

orange lemons and limes?

Melon-type fruits are best, though they aren't really fruits. Canteloupe and watermelon.

>most of them aren't ripe
Well yeah, because if they were all ripe they'd rot before you can consume them all.

check out this hipster

I live in asia and that shit is a pretty common seasonal fruit


It literally says Splatoombia

>he doesn't know


Mangos > pineapples > guavas > acerolas > bananas > shitty cold country's fruits

Your fruits sucks, tropical wins

I chuckled

tropical fruits are literally GOAT, fruitlets need not apply


>people ITT only know passion fruit because they buy it from a supermarket
fruitlets will never know the joys of simply picking delicious shit from vines or trees

>memegosteen that high

>full kit wanker

That's what I get for living in frozen wasteland, my brother has a fig tree in his backyard, I had no idea fresh figs were so tasty.

Fuck mangos, i have two trees in my backyard, and the fruits are a bitch to clean

Mangos are good, but grapes, cherries, peaches and plums shit all over the rest of the list.

Wait a minute that fruit salad...

What the fuck are you supposed to do with that many oranges?

Durian, the king of all fruits > everything else

Callie is so cute

Marie is my wife
Callie is my concubine

I member

Name ONE better fruit.

Yellow kiwi > tangerines > kumquats > other fruit

Eat them, make orange juice.

Me. ;)


t. lowtax


south america is not a country, please go back to eating burgers while adults talk

>south america is not a country
Yes it is, dummy.




>bad guys (in 2018)
They should probably be blue at least

what was this for and why is it so empty?

> tfw bad guy
Muhaha >:^D

>most of them aren't even ripe
If all those orange were ripe he wouldn't be able to consume all of them

halo 5 and its dead jim

oh wow lol thats just depressing

i feel bad for that guy's country

Americans are still butthurt about Pearl Harbour.

they should be black since all there woman gets blacknd

*brainwashed about Pearl Harbour

Limes and lemons are the same fucking thing retard.

>all there woman gets blacknd
How to spot and angry chink

lol in what universe? There are no blacks in japan

if it's Venezuela those oranges are probably the only food he's seen in weeks and are probably worth more than the house he's in.

wrong. they are very similar but not the same

a sack of oranges > nothing

but there is

Meaty Number 2 is the sack of unripe oranges of video games?

Strawberries > every other fruit > shit > your favorite fruit

how do you even know? some oranges for juice are fine already while still green on the outside

If you like bitter juice, sure


>Melon aren't really fruits

I would absolutely play for a chance at free oranges

kiwi > all
honorable mentions goes to, green apples, lemons and raspberries

If you haven't picked fresh peaches from a peach orchard, then I feel bad for you.

i'm pretty sure only third world niggers eat fruits in this day
all of them are so fucking slimy and impossible/annoying to eat
from what i have tasted most of them are way too watery and makes me want to puke after chewing into it
berries are alright though but most of them taste like shit and gets moldy easily, fruits are just garbage and doesn't go well with proper food

If it was Splatoombia, you would get to be a president form winning a tournament.

this is your brain on mcdonalds folks

Nectarines are better

The Contrarian King has arrived.

They do, but at least some of those are going to go bad before he can eat them.