Note that the kits will not be mandatory - although the cartridge is needed - since Nintendo plans to offer the...

>Note that the kits will not be mandatory - although the cartridge is needed - since Nintendo plans to offer the cardboard design pattern for free for aspiring builders
So, poorfags can just buy the game and build the rest from the shit they have lying around.
Or some manchilds even produce high quality plastic sheets, who knows?

Why would you do even any of that.

Building shit's pretty fun

>yfw the pulley system will be too complicated for the average nintendie to construct

dont the games have instructions in them

>Able to read

Can't wait for all the threads from hand fisted autismos complaining that the instructions are too difficult.

Ok, some people will have orgasmic fun with this, but what is the percentage of people, let alone kids, who enjoy building stuff? How many people assemble those ship/airplane kits? And after you're done, how fun is the experience? Are the games just tech demo shit? Notice how people focus on the cardboard kit and not on the games.

>why would you build a toy
>why does Lego exist
>why does Knex exist
>why does some kids learn programming

So 60 bucks for 1 2 switch 2: the cardboardening and 20 bucks for nintendo branded cardboard. The spread could be different but honestly that just might make it worse.


at least the main theme was good

Lego exists

>people comparing cardboard with lego
>just for the sake of not getting BTFO

hahahah I just knew this was gonna happen when they announced that shit last night

The shits on par with fucking origami, and they expect children to figure this out? They will just give it to their parents to make. Or worse, give it to their mother, who will fumble around trying to figure it out, and eventually call Nintendo for help.

No dumbass it's the argument that "kids don't like building stuff"
Nice twisting

>The shits on par with fucking origami, and they expect children to figure this out?
Kids can do origami. I learned how to fold a sumo wrestler when I was 10. It's the same basic set up as a fortune teller but with a slightly different end step.

It is clearly intended for 20+ year old men and not children regardless of what nintendo says.

Not everyone was a retarded crybaby in their youth user...

You're forgetting about Minecraft with its building and redstone system that kids love.

Why are his hand so dirty?

oh fuggg, it's been like 10 years since I last even saw those.

i'd rather play minecraft than spend 80 dollars on fucking cardboard and shovelware

I learned origami when I was a little kid by just following guides. You're severely underestimating the intelligence of kids. If they can do Legos and Knex, they won't have any problem following a guide to build a Labo.

Well of course, you're an adult. This isn't designed for us.

>implying MC is for adults and not kids

>Implying that any game worth its salt has a strict age range.

>why build things

This is why modern children are so retarded and have no job skills.

If you want to build something get a piece of wood and a saw you faggot.

Why not the kid friendly version of cardboard and scissors?