So... When the real direct?
2018 is full of shits and remastered for switch. Where the fuck arw Pokémon, Smash, Animal Crossing, the fucking Apps and the Virtual Console?
So... When the real direct?
Nintendo said they aren't doing virtual console this time around in order to motivate people to buy e-shop games instead. The nindies.
Ok, where the fuck are th nindies?
The word is filtered because vee is nintendo land.
all consolewar shitposting terms are filtered moron
Won't be ready to show off for at least another year. Ultra Sun and Moon JUST released. They are at the beginning stages of development.
There is no Smash development team anymore. The previous game was stiched together by hiring Namco Bandai and shit. It's not Nintendo's project anymore.
>Animal Crossing
Won't be ready to show off for at least another year. Pocket Camp JUST released. They are at the beginning stages of development.
>The fucking Apps
Apps? What do you think the Switch is? A smartphone from 2008? It's a videogame console.
>Virtual console
Nintendo has no interest in doing this anymore as it just steals revenue from their new games.
except xbot because nobody gives a shit about the xbox
sonybro, nintenbro
Well that explains why I haven't seen those used in forever. I figured people just got tired of them
2018 is DS remastered, DK freeze remastered, TWEWY remastered, Bayo 1 and 2 remastered, a shit game for Yoshi, a shit game for Kirby, pizza box for 70 bucks + 80 bucks for the robot one.
Nice i'm glad i bought a Switch, this year i can (re)play a lot of shits.
no need to filter a word that nobody ever uses anymore since the xbone is so irrelevant
sorry for you user, this is the future of gaming
It's fucking January retard. The games are coming.
Jumped on the Switch at Christmas.
>Mario Kart 8
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
Damn man, I walked into this with some great motherfuckin' games. I never bought a Wii Poo so I'd honestly pick up as many of the great exclusives that console had. Thew Donkey Kong not actually being one of them, because I've never been into Donkey Kong games. I'd dig a Donkey Kong Maker though desu, but what that franchise better than Mario is how many different different gameplay elements they throw into a level, right? Not sure if that'd work. Why am I even talking about that. Talking out my ass.
What games are coming out in the next few months? Seems like a drought.
If you're so upset, perhaps you should have thought about this before buying the console
user I'm sorry...the direct isn't coming.
This was their ringer.
Dude, Pocket Camp is shovelware in terms of development. It's made in fucking Unity and looks like it consists of mostly rehashed assets. I doubt they spent significant time on it.
And they'll definetly make another Smash (or port/remake an old one). It sells too well for them to drop it.
this is the worst, least informed breakdown of anything I have ever seen on Sup Forums. embarrassing. please do not ever pretend to know what you're talking about again.
Every Animal Crossing game has looked like trash. Animal Crossing is the absolute ugliest Gamecube game and it's only like 50 MB in size. Compared to other games that are like 1.3 GB.
Did I hurt your feelings? Don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to play with your cardboard and PS3 ports now.
You're retarded. Please lurk more.
This is some grade-school level intelligence, user. I'm not upset; I am embarrassed for you.