From left to right:

From left to right:
Japanese see
>1. attractive young man
>2. looks aggressive makes me uncomfortable
>3. ewww disgusting homosexual hard gay

Westerners see
>1. gay twink loser
>2. attractive young man
>3. true role model and epitome of beauty and manliness


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not Japanese, but I think that third one is bara fetish as fuck, literally designed for gay fantasies.

1 and 2 are the exact same but 2 has less clothes
You are gay

Where is the wolfman?

nope. thread is still too gay


>musculinity is for faggots
Lol. You spend too much time around degenerate faggots.

>not fagbait

. true role model and epitome of beauty and manliness
you mean comically muscular

1. gay
2. homosexual gay
3. homosexual hard gay

>be 6 years old
>Dad brings home a Genesis
>16 fucking bits
>Altered Beast sucks and looks nothing like arcade
>Ghouls n Ghosts whips my 6 year old ass
>Tommy Lasorda Baseball is baseball

I was so disappointed. I think Golden Axe came out around Christmas though and that was good.

This is a fucking stupid post, congrats, OP


I mean Arnold Schwarzeneggers mum thought he was a faggot for having posters of body builders opposed to women, but they were just his inspiration, his heros

Whatever you say bro

>i'm mentally ill and this gets my dick up, so it's for me, masculinity exists for me to jack off too!
Yeah alright man. I have an odder fetish than you do (flowers, particularly anthropomorphic flowers), but I don't pretend I own that very normal thing because of my degenerate broken brain. Just except that normal dudes think buff men are cool, and don't be a faggot about it.

Buff dudes are literally designed for people to masturbate to them, just like beatiful female characters are designed for same purpose.

Can we talk about how fucking good the stage 1 theme is?

I'm pretty sure that you're missing the 4th step, OP.

>literally (probably meaning inherently)
>"people" without specifying gender
>going as far as to say non-sexualized things are for you to "masturbate" to, instead of just saying they're cool/captivating
This post is brilliant satire.

Is this a trick question?

Just say your gay OP.

>the tits on that sunflower in conker

4th) True beauty

Japanese culture finds men that spend time improving their bodies to be homosexual activity. There's a reason majority of them all look like lanklets.

There isn't just one kind of faggot, user. Everybody in that picture is gay as fuck.


The men on the left are hosts, user.
Their entire job is being temporary boyfriends for cute girls.

Left side: fags
Right side: effeminate soyboys

Are you kidding, Japs love huge muscled dudes

sorry I can't help it

But they're actual men not ugly skeletal fucks like me, normal masculinity is fucking gay, r-right guys?