Can someone explain to a brainlet like me exactly what the point of making her "ugly" is? What is it about propaganda and having ugly charcaters?
Can someone explain to a brainlet like me exactly what the point of making her "ugly" is...
>We want the SJW audience
I'm confused, she isn't ugly?
She's not ugly though.
>Girl in video game doesn't look like the epitome of perfection
"SJW game"
The absolute state of Sup Forums
If Horizon really is marketed towards Tumblr feminists and SJWs then it would make sense.
Are there any pretty fems/SJWs, like at all?
1) she's really not that ugly
2) animu same-face is cancer, I'd rather have ten different below average looking characters then ten semi-attractive identical ones with different hair colors
It's OK when Japan does it
Bucking the trend of following rigid standards for "traditional beauty".
pick your choice
>it’s propaganda
I hate your gen.
rent free, for 10 months
Her face is really off and reacts to lighting in weird ways. She looks fine during normal gameplay and most of the cutscenes, but then there are times where she looks like this.
Heather is fucking gorgeous mate, and much loved on Sup Forums. the fuck are you talking about?
Yes, there are.
You see, an SJW will give you a trillion of explanations, excuses and cult wackyness.
But the reality is that they're a bunch of ugly booblets that have envy of virtual video game characters.
10/10 bait
1) yes she is
2) this is retarded on several different levels:
a. she doesn't need to have "animu same face"
b. different manga artists draw their faces differently, and most definitely have variance between characters, you just might be too stupid to notice
c. the fact that you'd rather have ten different below average female characters means you're a faggot
Her facial features were intentionally altered to resemble a racemixed person. Initially she was intended to look differently. It doesn't get any more "propaganda" than that.
They fell for the ugly protagonist meme. As it turns out, the people who demand this sort of shit don't play video games anyway.
>Buy this game because it looks fun
>Load it up
>my face during the entire beginning where you play her as a child
Jesus fuck she is so god damn ugly as a child that her adult form looks like a solid 8/10 in comparisons.
Pretty girls make landwhales insecure.
And because some devs believes their own bullshit of tumblr landwhales being biggest the new gaming audience, they try to pander to them.
Can someone explain to me why so many people hate Horizon despite never actually playing it. I keep getting into arguments about this game and the people I argue with haven't played it most of the time. What is this, why would anyone argue about a game they never played. Please, stop.
It's an attempt to make the game a selling point for women who are self conscious about the way they look and get jealous of other women who are more attractive than them.
Keep this in mind: Women really hate each other.
I'm not into corpses, desu.
>aloy will never be a cute ginger with tasteful braids, a slim jaw and freckles
what's the fucking point?
It's nintendo toddlers playing the SJW boogieman so they can keep pretending Sony doesn't have the best games.
>why would anyone argue about a game they never played
She isn't Japanese that's why she's ugly.
shallow as fuck braindead repetitive gameplay
very prominent radical leftist themes
ashly burch sounding annoying as fuck
and there's that special little fact that despite all this sonyfriends want others to be jealous of their game
>the year is 2030
>PS4 emulator comes out
>Sup Forums "discovers" a "hidden gem" from the PS4 era and wonders why normies hated the game so much
This is my prediction. The game is so much better than an average Sup Forumstard pretends it is, it's ridiculous. I don't know if it's better than BotW or not, but if it was a Zelda game, it would be a good one.
This weeb ass nigga is hella salty and can't accept and own up to the fact that all anime waifu bitches literally all have the same fucking face. The only thing that seperated them is haur style/color and eye shape/color.
Literally anyone who makes these "western ug face" threads is always some sad anime cuck who has to pissed that female characters must be anime in order to be hot.
For serious though, who gives a fuck? Let people who like Aloy and like be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't be so insecure about your shit and get over yourself my dude
She has the same jawline as Jay Leno
she is tho, tumblerina.
>very prominent radical leftist themes
How to spot Sup Forums faggots who hasn't played the game.
It's about idealising the collective over the individual.
You can either have a super amazing hero who is super because they are unique
You can have a super amazing hero who is amazing despite not being unique at all
So left wing people like characters that reinforce that even retards and uggos can save the day since competence isn't inherent.
Right wing people like characters that are just better than others since it reinforces the idea that some people are inherently better than others
I think the reason the vocal majority of Sup Forums dislike her is because, if she were real, even with how "ugly" she is they still know they wouldn't be able to smash.
cringe the post
But the gameplay is anything but shallow. For an open world game the combat is excellent. Let me explain to you how it works since you probably never played it: every enemy has multiple weak points that you need to exploit using different weapons. For example, an enemy might have an fuel tank that you can attack with an explosive to blow it up for an area damage, the same enemy has armor plates that you can tear off using one of the weapons with high tear damage attack to expose the "skin" underneath, that skin would be vulnerable to elemental attacks and you would use a flame arrow on that spot. The same enemy could have weapons/ability nodes mounted on him that you can destroy to disable some of his attacks or abilities. Now explain to me how that combat system is shallow. It's great.
what's so cringey about having a perfect ps4 emulator in 2 years time? get off of your contrarian high horse once in a while and work those chicken legs on yours
You weapon doesn't break every other attack and you don't spin in circles. Clearly it's bad./Sarcasm
yeah because the nigel farage parody and gaia being a muslima aren't ham-fisted at all
imagine if you played a game and half the collectibles were about white vs. black intelligence
that's what it feels like for normal people to play SJW games
>gaia being a muslima
here is that thing about not playing the fucking game again. Because she isn't.
>nigel farage parody
2030 isn't 2 years away user...
talk about not having played the game
oh...I thought it said 2020.....well I feel foolish...
Gaia is a hologram of a black woman which kind of works because mother nature is female by default and blacks are the ones closest to nature being the most primitive of humans. It works
They're 'realistic'
because you know, after you're done saving an entire galaxy zipping around in open space destroying evil AI etc. the first thing you wanna do is talk to some 'realistic' woman with one character defining trait. Funny how this doesn't affect the male characters, 16 pack, chiseled jawline with good hairline is completely realistic.
Do you think Azeroth will be a black female titan too?
Or maybe you shouldn't imagine scary boogeymen everywhere. Because there is no such thing in the game.
gotta target the female audience somehow user T-T
>ebil white male!!!
But the real antagonist is a black guy. And the shit the black guy does kind of proves the point of the ebil whitie. Ebil whitie deleted human knowledge because he thought it's too dangerous. Ebil black guy dug up that knowledge and used it to do evil shit. It's pottery
Objective beauty implies hierarchy.
Hierarchy implies superiority.
Superiority implies inequality.
That's why leftism is inherently anti-objective.
>blacks are the ones closest to nature being the most primitive of humans
There's an animal lower than blacks though. They're called Abos.
Azeroth would be a Chinese guy in his underpants
Yeah pretty much, all of media including women's media always tries to get the most attractive person for the role, fashion, magazines, photography, celebrities and so on.
Sjws and feminits are the only ones that do otherwise, so yeah, if something is full of ugly people specially the main chracter, you can be almost certain that the people behind it are Sjws, besides it was made in Sweden, as if Sweden and SJW aren't synonymous at this point.
It wows me that people pretend otherwise, nobody likes looking at ugly women or men not even the average woman.
I'm still waiting for a reply to this. Again, did anyone of the haters actually play the game? Can anyone actually discuss it?
Is this game not fun or do I just not like stealth games?
she will never win a beauty contest
>calling her ugly
no wonder you guys are single manlets
>Original bad guy does a thing
>persons goes behind him and undoes the thing
>that person now becomes evil
is there a name for this trope? possession would seem accurate...but the only thing possessing in this case is knowledge...
Honestly, I don't think SJWs, leftists or political correctness is to blame at all.
If you just apply Occam's razor to the problem - the answer is very simple. The characters aren't made ugly on purpose for the sake of some political nonsense or appealing to wider audience or anything.
There's just a serious lack of talented 3D modelers and animators in the industry. On one hand you have great concept artists, and on the other you have people who can't model, so they just end up 3D scanning a human model and then clumsily retouching it.
It's not a stealth game. It opens up when you leave the tribal areas. Get to the capital, that's when it gets fun, art direction gets better too.
>literally all have the same fucking face.
Wow user, so you're retarded AND gay huh. That must be quite a difficult life, though I know society really uplifts your kind nowadays.
The whole 'target the X audience' is fucking retarded.
It's just as retarded when a game becomes mainstream and the devs decide that they're suddenly going to get more popular if they fundamentaly change the things that made it popular in first place to pander to some non-exsitent 'wider audience', most of the 'gamers' are stuck palying fucking CS:GO, LOL or sports 2k1X
Thanks for proving my point you cute lil insecure bby
this. everybody could do well to not be so picky. if a fit ginger came to me in real life and asked to take a ride on my dick, you can guarantee I would let het.
They want to make it like trannies etc to appear more progressive.
I’m in the desert and it’s still forcing stealth
Wow, you seem really insecure lol
The game never forces you to stealth anything. git gud.
They made her only 56% white to appeal to the American demographic.
Well shit son I guess you're just bad at it or something. Just kill enemies user, git gud
the people who actually play those games will let the devs know with the decline in sales. look at dead space. the devs changed it to be more main stream focusing less on horror and more on shooty bang bang time and the general consensus of the series is that it went downhill.
But how can you make a character based on somebody irl and then fuck up the model so horrendiously? That HAS to be intentional.
Takes one to know one. I can admit it unlike you my sad, in denial dude
Have you seen every bioware game ever? Models and animations have been hot garbage in every single game they've made.
why not 100% white if she were trying to appeal to "americans"? also why not make her blond and give her "DD" tits and blue eyes?
>go to the most powerful empire in the region and meet the king
>the king isn't an evil tyrant that you have to overthrow
Is this legal
it is when you got to when mecha dinos roam the planet
>take blond nordic model
>give her black hair and brown eyes
>say she's genetically engineered to be perfect
>very prominent radical leftist themes
She’s a fucking pig man.
you just need to find people that draw her better ain't that hard....
tfw the more Sup Forums posts aloy, the cuter she seems to me. used to think she was straight ugly. help me
See >realism and believability.
Wait, was this designed by fucking loish?
>gaia being a muslima
bitch what
she is cute when done right...I guess most people are just so caught up on "muh sjw" to see that
To me its like certain fanbase trying too hard to shitpost this game.
how many times do you retards need this thread it's just the same posts over and over
You're actually disregarding ozzam's razor here, you're disregarding the more obvious answer that our industry is clearly being pushed and pulled by political forces who probably made an effort to make the Horizons MC more ugly in a bid to appeal to feminists and their ilk who cry every time they see a woman that's more attractive than them.
Yeah. Weeaboos and Sup Forumstards
have any of you looked at anything in this game