Sup Forums won't defend this

>Sup Forums won't defend this

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>Sup Forums

I won't play that shitty gamemode no

>not playing deathmach with briefcases in it

>best most iconic gamemode is shitty

Doublecross is the only good ctf map

well to be fair, it's actually a great mode to farm contract points because of the amount of clueless retards
too bad you have to wait until one team manages to win, but on doublecross the stalling isn't that bad

worst gamemode

>only good ctf map
>ignoring landfall


I prefer KotH

I'll take "Maps ruined by the Community" for ten hats, Alex.

>ruined by the community
Hightower was ruined from the get-go by making its objective too difficult to cap. It was only ever going to be a deathmatching map.

I've practically done it by myself plenty of times.

>everyone meet in sewers for party
>dont cap
>why'd you shoot im hoovy?
>dont shoot my sentry ive got wrangler
>you're hacking
>can anyone help me do this contract?
>kick him if he caps

>best gamemode
>everyone kicks you for capping 90% of the time
dumb valvecuck

well no shit, unbalanced teams make anything possible. That doesn't mean that in a standard environment the objective doesn't take years to cap

This is why I want hard time limits added to Payload Race and CTF, so this camper/stalemate bullshit is broken up.

Me too but only because I was playing mini engine and killed every soldier

intelligence is for fucking nerds

Yeah but that's just going to change the "stalemate" (as in long periods of waiting) to an actual "stalemate" (as in nobody wins).

The round ending isn't going to stop people from playing in stalematey fashion.
To fix the real problem with CTF you need to alter Engineer, Heavy, Demo, Medic, Pyro and tweak some of the CTF maps.

the problem with CTF is that defending is too easy in TF2.

>Yeah but that's just going to change the "stalemate" (as in long periods of waiting) to an actual "stalemate" (as in nobody wins).
>(as in nobody wins).
How is this not the case now? Maps like Goldrush and Dustbowl admittedly geared towards new players have absolutely unreasonable capture times. After first cap on any Dustbowl it's like +9 minutes added. Goldrush being a multi stage multi point series of rounds where no one from round 1 is still in the game.

The only time anyone wins in Valve pubs is 5cp, and it's always a complete roll of moving in on good numbers and rushing points. No inbetween. Full blown turtling or rolling, nobody wins.

Honestly a good thread concept, nice try OP

>enemy team is filled to the brim with turtles and people barely moving on beyond their front doors to neutral space
>our team goes into an all out attack
>lone enemy Scout/Spy always caps when everyone is too busy at the other base


>Sup Forumseddit
>Playing the objective

the pain train should give a speed boost while carrying the intel

>How is this not the case now?
What I'm saying is that adding a round timer will have no real benefits other than helping people who have to finish contracts (and contracts will finish soon anyway).

Adding a round timer won't stop people from playing in a stalematey fashion, because the team who makes an aggressive move in a game where defending is king is probably going to get its ass kicked and lose anyway. At least by continuing to defend you can hope the enemy pushes you and fucks up; or at the very least, you can force a stalemate.

Stalemates in symmetrical game modes are only going to be fixed by: eliminating the concept of "offensive/defensive classes" and having every class be good both on offense and defense, then: tweaking the maps like 2fort so it's less stupidly arduous to capture a flag

Europartyvan was great, even though i had like 3000 ping the entire time. the map selection was killer

I'm hungry for some grub

I'm not playing Party Van until SLAM fixes their shit

like HLDJ that shit doesnt work anymore for TF2 atleast, best to get VAC as you can micspam in almost any game

I haven't played TF2 in weeks, is it still infested by those stupid fucking cheat bots?

on koth and some payload maps yes, but on most other maps no since the cheat creator is lazy. i see a cheater roughly 1/50 games i would say

that tends to happen because of the "dont cap on hightower" meme. usually results in a kick and everyone revoting hightower

>disguise as our friendly heavy and act like him
>backstab shitloads of people until they catch on
>they start killing him too when mistaking him for me and he gets upset in chat

Fucking pcmustard race, stop emulating nintendo labo

Absolutely most definitely an issue with most of the map design.
ONLY two routes to the flag room? C'mon man, you need freedom to completely move around a static defense when they don't dedicate their entire team to it. Plus it would put a bigger emphasis on soldier/demo/scout passing almost like as if... Pass Time was fixing it...

>Absolutely most definitely an issue with most of the map design.
It's not just the map design.
Any map becomes broken once you get enough Engies or Heavies on it. ANY map, no matter how well designed.

>1 demoman

>missing all those thursday nights

Though I'm not saying map design isn't a factor, but the class balance of TF2 is a lot more important.
CTF actually used to be the main mode anyone played in Classic both in pubs and competitive, it was actually workable since defending classes and attacking classes were equally strong despite the bad map balance.

Like, 2fort used to be even worse than it is now. There was only ONE route to the intel.

Except not true.
Plus if that don't work,
>+ 1 medic
You're not going to see comp level co-ordination in comp but even so a spy or two plus bonking scout sitting in the back/flank to fuck shit up from behind would be cool to watch as well
This is basically what originally got Fortress a thing too, and Valve threw it away for casual pub play design and memes.

Dustbowl was a launch map for the same reason we still have 24/7 2Fort servers today: People are fucking retards and cling to really shit maps because stalling out the game = no stomps because fucking terrible players, no need to learn how to play if one person can stall endlessly.
If they cared at all about TF2 being fun and competitive, they wouldn't have released the original chokefests.

with no bans:
>they short circuit all of your projectiles, while also wrangling their sentries so you can't take them down, game never ends
with bans:
>take down maybe 2 sentries
>you die post-uber because you need to reload everything
>they rebuild within minutes

Holee fuck, tfc is way faster than tf2 is.

Defense was as powerful as offense because literally everyone was spamming grenades. Remove grenades and that's what you get.
The supplemental damage was removed and so was bunnyhopping/conc, so it was easier/make more sense for public players.

Payload race has (or atleast used to have) time limit. At some point both carts started to go forward without anyone pushing them and defenders couldn't stop them

>Except not true.
>Plus if that don't work,
>>+ 1 medic
Let me explain something to you user, engineer has a weapon called short circuit which allows him to delete stickies as quickly as a demo can fire them. He also can choose wrangler which can cut down the damage a demo can deal enormously. He also has, failing all that, rescue ranger, which lets him instantly teleport his sentry to safety to be rebuilt and repaired elsewhere.

Barring all that, one Pyro can knock back any number of ubered Demo-Medic combos, completely wasting the 40 seconds it takes to build an Uber compared to the ~25 it takes to build a level 3 Sentry Gun (max efficiency).

why isnt there a deathmatch mode already? just give everyone gray colors and let them kill each other and instaspawn forever.

clarification from wiki: "During Overtime, both carts will automatically move forward slowly to prevent Stalemates. Pushing one cart stops the other from moving forward by itself."

that would make the medic useless

Ooh yeah. Offense was a lot more powerful then. Unfortunately in making TF2, Valve decided Medic needed to be a healer rather than a dedicated offense class (fair enough) and nerfed his offensive abilities, making him equally good on offense and defense. But they left Heavy and Engineer equally as powerful as they were then, leaving the game skewed in favour of defense when TF2 rolled around.
>Defense was as powerful as offense because literally everyone was spamming grenades. Remove grenades and that's what you get.

Well, I agree. But I'm not necessarily saying we have to bring back grenades; nerfing defensive abilities in TF2 and replacing them with offensive buffs should be enough to fix the offense/defense balance in TF2.

there's a mod for that, team fortress classic

tf2 classic*
fuck i need sleep

A sentry doesn't usually pose much threat to anyone not pocketed and not a scout, as it purpose is. Killing the engineer takes priority always and an uber demoman does that because a demoman is the highest source of damage both burst and DPS in the game outside instant kills.

only because everyone is deathmatching instead of playing the objective

>initiate kickvote against friendly
>it passes

>they short circuit all of your projectiles, while also wrangling their sentries

such coordination is extremely rare. They will usually panic and start mindlesly repairing their own buildings. Engies usually build their shit to close to each other so it only takes a couple of stickies to destroy most of their nest.