Ignore crypto meme for a sec rate my gaming wishlist

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>bequiet meme

noticed the price hike on both the noctua and the bequite dark pro coolers recently. people are arguing over which of the two is the best air cooler so i just went with bequite because I just cant stomach the shitty Æ S T H E T I C theme for their fans.

I already have leftover hard drives and a Large PC case with a sizeable side fan so that won't be a worry.

An option is to get an r5 1600 instead of the 1600x + fan and get a better gpu. The 1600 comes with a great fan that allows for minor overclocking.


You fucking nigger

>male to male


don't spend that much on a 1060 3gb it's just not worth it whatsoever. would be more worth to get a 1050ti. the 3gb doesn't have enough ram to use the 1060 card well

>1060 gtx
Go higher.
Make sure it can be flashed with custom firmware.
Don't buy windows 10 if you have a windows 7 key hidden somewhere.

>1500 bucks
So this is... the true value of PC gaming...

why do we have to keep telling you to go back

You can't run modern games with that tiny amount.

after watching a shit ton of comparitive benchmarks for 1080p max everything i can safely say that I will gladly save ~20 dollars for barely even a 5% difference in gaming performance while also having less cpu usage giving me more headroom for multitasking.

never buy windows. jezes just pirate that shit.

sure you can just not maxed out.

like i said in subject field we are ignoring the crypto meme for a second

If you're running Windows 10 on your current computer you just need to make a Windows 10 boot disk, no need to buy Windows 10 as it is tied to your Microsoft Live account.

this particular windows 10 I can actually transfer believe it or not. I have a roommate who demonstrated this to me so that is why I am buying it. Also windows 7 will no longer be supporting newer hardware that comes along so it is not much of an option anymore. I do keep security tight regardless.

that does not mean anything. stop using the word "meme" and learn to express thoughts, you sound like a dipshit.

>buying windows, ever.

bad list m8 also $80 for a cpu fan is insane just buy a 1600 only get the x if you have a good cooler laying around.

>ugh he used the word meme oh my god please learn to articulate your feelings of revulsion over a temporary bandwagon about cryptocurrency.
fuck off wannabe hipster faggot

let me help you out a bit, op.
first, can the router. what the fuck do you need that for?
second, a box of zip ties can be bought at your local home improvement or hardware store for like five dollars.
third, just opt for a regular sata ssd and a hard drive. you're gonna max that thing out in two game installs.
fourth, Jesus fuck that cooler. you can get a CM cooler and an additional fan for it for $30 to $40.
sixth, just get a Corsair PSU. they're a third of the price, and you will never come close to using 650 with that setup.

>That router
I got a AC68U for less.
Is it because it's also a cable modem? Are americans this kekked?

The router is for my phone
I actually do have other HDD and SSD lying around, the m.2 is going to be my boot drive.
and as for PSU, jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&op=Story&reid=536 for sake of top tier reliability and future proofing. the autistic click clicked really hard for it.

>combo modem
hell fucking no, I use a Motorola surfboard as a standalone modem. this is for my mobile devices and switch.

do not listen to this mong as he has no idea what he is talking about. that or he's a decent shit poster

But it says cable/DSL
Also there's no reason it should cost $100 and not $25

well shit you are right.

>shitposting on Sup Forums
what do you take me for?

Pretty sure the processor comes with a thermal paste tube, so you don' have to buy one. Also replace the meme gaming ram and get a 212 Evo processor cooler instead. Also your powersupply is kinda overkill. A seasonic 500w bronze is enough.

>Titanium PSU
are you running that 365?
and you're better off with a regular 1600 saving you more than 100 bucks

>1500$ cost
>ends up with AMD instead of CPU and GTX1060
Absolute state of mustard race in 2018

I want to survive a direct hit from a nuke without any sort of worry for my computers function user. Last evga 500w bronze let me down hard and I don't want this problem for another 10-12 years.

t. retards who haven't looked at a single benchmark

this for 1600x vs 7600k amd wins price to performance hands down

1060 isn't really my first choice because I used to run a 480 and fucking loved it before the lightning bolt happened. also thisyoutube.com/watch?v=js5cdvbFvAQ

>that GPU

user Radeon R9 390 is still king for everyone not willing to spend 7 million. Or did the R9 390 get a ridiculous price increase due to the miners?

ebay has a few listings in the 280 to 400 but a select few used for cheap however i am worried about the cards that are mined to oblivion or are chink scams