defend this
.20c + $5 mobile game = $80
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it keeps my bitch's husband entertained
Me personally I love the idea, I was watching it with my wife and her boyfriend, the three of us loved the idea and we even widened our mouths as a sign of approval
>stupid cardboard kiddy game will sell more than Bloodborne
Explain why you don't buy games Sony friends
It’s pure innovation. I’d pay $200 if I had to, Nintendo are just geniuses.
Muslims only buy Fifa and COD.
DUDE you don't GET IT.
They had to print ink and cut the carboard, so obviously it's worth at least $50.
Makes me a lot of money since i bought stock
Considering Switch is a massive flop and its numbers are tanking I doubt it
>Switch is a massive flop and its numbers are tanking
um pardon
>They believe in corporate lies and made up numbers
Feel sorry for you and your soy-diet
Would be leagues better if they encouraged kids to use recycled cardboard. Clean and parent approved ofc. As well, the software should be $40 max and only if it actually has shit to do that isn't just a tech demo.
Another one of these? How cute! What's life with crippling insecurity like, user?
versus what? your innate sense?
This as to be an extremely elaborated joke.
What I see everyday you retard, nobody at my school have one equals to fake numbers to milk the consumers and artificially lowering testosterone in western males.
It’s not April already right?
>beating jews at their game
sasuga nintendo
Can someone explain this meme to me?
gotta pay for RnD
>being this underaged
Nintendo are great at squeezing money out of random shit, and being praised for what would get any other company thoroughly shat upon.
It's because a ton of the current corp shills, I mean game 'journalists', are in their late 30s and grew up on Nintendo's stuff back when they were 7-9 year olds. So Nintendo get a pass for what Sony and Microsoft would be criticized for.
One thing surprises me is that they never slapped mario on top of this product to push it's sales.
Any reason why?
Do they have to pay loyalty fees for their own products?
the designs will be available for free to download
Probably something to do with that
Nigga where
>no one in my school has one, therefore its flopping worldwide
You have to be over 18 to post in this board
Okay, the concept itself is actually cool and looks fun but please, HOW can you defend the $80 price? I want a viable a reason and not replies like "h-heh, mad poorfag".
That's a very high price.
That's good.
It means you'll be able to offer the same product for much cheaper, and without having to invest in R&D like they did.
How much do you think you'll be able to charge for your game+cardboard kits?
this nigger is obviously baiting and you retards fell for it
Well at least i got my you.
Thanks fellow negro man
What is going on? 2 Threads in a row about Cardboard boxes? Did I miss something? Anons, eplain please.