What server are you on, Sup Forums?

What server are you on, Sup Forums?

Tonberry but I don't play anymore

odin, then balmung, now odin again

I forgot, I unsubbed like three years ago. I wouldn’t mind picking it back up but I’m a poorfag wage slave

Diabolos, and I am pretty sure literally nobody (else) on Sup Forums plays there.

It's kinda filled with normies and has harly any players attempting Savage content or the like.

Faerie, its nice


Unsub server






fucking arabs man

>wanting to associate with the faggots from this website



Mateus. It used to be comfy, now it's full of retards. Balmung was a containment server.

Lich, its comfy

>3 new instruments for bard perform
>magitek deathclaw mount
>fashion report, were a NPC rates your glam weekly
as a casual shitter I'm excited

Leviathan but I'm taking a break for a few months or so.

my dude

Hyperion. It's full of shitters.

malboro,its shit

Are people still play this game?

This game sucks. How do you people play this snore fest?!?!?

>DUDE! It gets better after all the snorefest content, I promise.
Do you really expect me to sit through all that bullshit while also paying Square ENIX!? Kill yourselves.

>3 new instruments for bard perform
Don't actually perform anything not from FFXIV good goyim or we'll have to copyright claim your youtube videos ;^)
>fashion report, were a NPC rates your glam weekly
>not other players
I mean yeah who would want to play with others right?

>people are excited for this scam train

Yeah, I wouldn't play the game either

But the rare people I play with from this board turns out either to be degenerated erp slut from /xivg/, or the complete silent type who don't talk much (like me).


I miss Flaming Arrow

Famfrit. It's okay.

Odin but I unsubbed. Time to drop this game forever.

Exodus. Haven't subbed since October and I doubt I'll be back any time soon. The content preview hasn't been promising and SE keeps fucking up class balance.

ultros, it is the best server!

Shiva. Don't come here.

Watch out for PIGS


It's dead.

It's okay

Lamia, but I stopped playing, it's really boring and has nothing to keep my interest.

Balmung of course. They have the best brothel FCs and that's really the only reason I play anymore.

Leviathan, I played a little during the first expansion but never reached cap. Currently leveling a monk in potd

Australian? Is it a good server? I wanna move there.

Its where the majority of Aussies are. Just got unlocked a few months ago so join while you can

>Currently leveling a monk in potd
There really needs to be a better way to grind in this game.

I'm having fun with it now but I know I'll hit a wall of boredom if it's all I'm doing

Also what's with the people on female characters following you around and emoting at you? It's fucking creepy

I've leveled a few classes on their and it does get tiring. I hear that using PVP once you hit level 60 works and you'll generally get like 600k+ exp a match (around 10 mins each).

I think I'll have to join. It's 9:30pm here and the EUserver isn't very active.

>Also what's with the people on female characters following you around and emoting at you? It's fucking creepy
I don't really get that very often. What server?

I have a character on Gilgamesh and a character on Excalibur, but I haven't touched either of them in a fair while. I guess I'll have to come back for 4.2 because I'm in a static with friends, but I'm honestly just disillusioned with the game as a whole at this point. It'll never fill the void left by City of Heroes, nothing will.