What are some games that show you the effect of entropy on the universe across massive time scales?

What are some games that show you the effect of entropy on the universe across massive time scales?

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>you will never be able to listen to music on that timescale


ur mum

lmao fkn ownt get the chayleb selim in on this haha

>eventually nothing will exist but empty space

>implying people can even comprehend how massive those time scales are

It blew my mind when I learned that we are only something like 1/5000th into our current 'era' of the universe and the length of the era that follow this one are so long it's unbelivable.

The heat death of the universe is so far into the future you don't ever need to worry about it. Ever. Black Holes haven't even started to AGE yet because of how young the universe is, currently the energy intake from just cosmic background radiation is greater than what they lose.

One moment to anybody who cares, I found a good image showing this.

I do

>currently the energy intake from just cosmic background radiation is greater than what they lose.
The mechanics behind how they lose energy still blows my mind

This is the first 'long' era of the universe.

>We are currently in what scientists call the "Stelliferous" (or star-making) Era. This is the time period where the universe will be familiar to us and life as we know it will be possible. The universe is approximately 13.798 billion years old, and if that entire time were reduced to one millimeter on the timeline, the entire Stelliferous Era would be 7.25 meters long.

To be honest I don't fully understand it or black holes. Especially when the discussion of them being holograms and being able to reconstruct 'information' that has entered them when it comes back out due to quantum physics. What really blows my mind, and something I don't fully grasp, is how black holes essentially turn 3d world objects into 2d ones (hence holograms), something that pure mathematics does too. A 2d representation of a 3d thing.

>The next phase will be the Degenerate Era. With no new stars being formed, the last stellar remnants will slowly decay, and then matter itself will decay. Life may exist in some form throughout part of this era, but it will become increasingly difficult, and the universe will be a dark and lonely place. If we use our same timeline (the Big Bang to present day equals one millimeter), the Degenerate Era would occupy a timeline some 72.5 billion light years across.

>For reference, the diameter of the observable universe is currently about 93 billion years, so we would need most of it to make our timeline - again, only one millimeter of which has happened yet.

>I'm not going to bother doing the math on the remaining two phases of the universe (the Black Hole Era in which nothing but black holes remain, and the Dark Era in which nothing but decaying particles remain), because our human brains just can't handle it. (Believe it or not, the timescale gets even more ridiculous.)

is this /sci/?

interesting tho

Dark cloud 2?

>we are only something like 1/5000th into our current 'era' of the universe

Was off a bit, so 1/7250 into our current era.




>with no points of reference all space will become meaningless
>with no heat energy left in the universe all time will become meaningless
>the infinite and timeless void will be no different to a singularity
>the universe begins again

>the universe may have already ended in a cosmic rip and we don't know about it because it's approaching us at the speed of light

is god just entropy?

>the Degenerate Era
>not right this second

uh have you been on tumblr my man?

god is the singularity itself

If you asked yourself 5 years ago, "could things get any more degenerate?" you probably could not have imagined this tumblr shit.

Now imagine yourself 5 years from now asking that.

entropy is such a dumb sci-fi trope, much like nanomachines

Antimatter is a much cooler version of "evil space stuff"

>there are black holes out there with a density less than water

>Higgs field collapsed
>restart it

I had a cosmic rip earlier, beans and broccoli for breakfast will do that to you

>tfw there could have been innumerable big bangs before our current universe formed
>tfw countless empires would have risen and fallen, entire civilisations gone without a trace
>tfw there could have been self made gods wandering those old universes, but they too eventually succumbed to entropy
>tfw alien species of an endless variety which we will never know

>evil space stuff

entropy isnt fiction my dude

thanks for reminding me that we are all just a series of vibrations asshat

Whats so hard about huge numbers? Kek, I will never understand physicists
"Wow guys this number is huuuge /small thats amazing" what kind of autism is it

once you start talking about timescales on that magnitude its just maths, you cant really get a sense of it its just "a really big number" and "an even bigger number"

nigger "get a sense of it" is just physicists once again trying to make everything about their oh so prized intuition.

>when two black holes collide

Literally anime what happens.

The big crunch makes no sense to me; it spits in the face of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. If it's the result of interactions with alternative universes, why don't we see any evidence of that interaction at any other time?

>why don't we see any evidence of that interaction at any other time?

Dark matter/energy?

> If we use our same timeline (the Big Bang to present day equals one millimeter), the Degenerate Era would occupy a timeline some 72.5 billion light years across.

Damn, I didn't think it'd take that long for the universe to die. Oh well, I'm used to playing the waiting game

>dark matter is gravity form another universe

I fucking hate this meme of "our human brains can't understand the idea that the universe will live to be like 10^10^56 years old"

Fucking faggot. You JUST SAID it was 10^10^56. What is so fucking hard to understand about that? Clearly it's understandable if it's able to be reduced in numerical form to something that takes up at most a couple keyboard presses. FUCK YOU.

Yeah, sure, you can't imagine each and every single year of that timescale individually at a time -- only something truly divine could do that -- but considering the fact that ANY mortal life would likely have an extremely tough time even getting within a Graham's Baseball Stadium of length of """"""understanding"""""" something like that, the fucking metric SHOULDN'T BE THAT. As far as I'm concerned, being able to grapple with these enormous concepts with tools as overpowered as modern mathematics, allowing us to take something completely beyond astronomical and shrink it down to a size fit to border on microscopic MORE THAN QUALIFIES as "understanding" it.

FUCK. YOU. And FUCK your endless stream of self-deprecation and worthless pseudo-humility.

they spiral and merge then expel energy. no giant robot from alternate dimension comes through to punish humanity or anything like that

Dark matter/energy is still too much of a meme to be real science, literally just a popular hypothesis.

entropy is a meme

>next big bang

Friend, the projected lifespan of the average proton is 10^34 years. The universe is so long you won't get to wait because things like black holes will simply outlast matter itself. That is, if the lifespan of the proton is actually a thing.

It's not anything exceptional, same reason people just can't understand the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars. Or a billion dollars and a trillion dollars.

A lot of people just don't GRASP how truly rich Notch is after Minecraft.

Reminder that the higgs particle is not in it's lowest energy state. Attempting FTL travel will cause it to shift, creating a bubble that expands at the speed of light shifting higgs particles making life as we know it impossible.

This is why there are so few aliens, and the ones that watch us are waiting to intervene if we attempt to destroy ourselves

>In the last 0.2 seconds they orbit eachother at 60% the speed of light, just 350km apart.

>So traumatic to the fabric of the universe itself that the waves reach us from over 1.4 billion lightyears away

>During the final 20 milliseconds of the merger, the power of the radiated gravitational waves peaked at greater than the combined power of all light radiated by all the stars in the observable universe.

So after that it will just all be black nothingness?

UFOs are human made retard

I'm not sure ever since I read something where empty space is full of countless quantum mechanic things happening.

More energetic events than that happen all the time.

well you know if i asked you to wait 30 seconds or to wait 30 years how different that would be and how those timescales are actually relevant to us, but honestly when you start talking about billions of billions of billions of years its all just changing an exponent and dealing with things on a purely mathematical level

I'm pretty sure we're already in the degenerate era, unless Sup Forums is lying.

>so few aliens

For all we know we could be the only surviving lifeforms in the universe, or if there is life elsewhere, we could quite possibly be the most advanced civilization to be found.

>the Degenerate Era would occupy a timeline some 72.5 billion light years across.
ironically matches the collective waistlines of every tumblr user

Mediocrity principle *teleports begins you*


no, john, YOU are the aliens

I don't buy this as a hard rule. We have no idea what the variance of intellect across the universe is. We could just as easily be exceptional, retarded, or average.

>just as easily

No, statistically we have a high chance of being average.

Mankind is the best
Fuck all aliens

>Sup Forums is lying

who would have thought

>picture of earth on the flag
so terracentric, what about mars and the titan colonies?

I disagree. It's most likely that we're near average, but we have a sample size of one dominant species to go by. If the distribution is flat enough, we could be way ahead of or behind the curve.

le 39% face

>implying humanity won’t find a solution to heat death, provided humanity makes it that far

>born outside earth
>never been to earth
Not earthlings, fuck em.

We'd be gods by that point. We'll just say 'entropy, please stop.' And it will, out of fear.

I can’t wait for that day.

I dont think the beings at this point would be even remotly like humans


I think you would like Space Engine?

They'd probably have removed primal instincts and emotions from themselves

>waiting to intervene if we attempt to destroy ourselves
So we should try and kill ourselves to lure them out?

What happened to the daily Space Engine threads we used to have five years ago? There were always interesting discussions in those threads.

Dark Souls. If a kingdom/nation is big enough for you for heat death.

Calm down user

Fallout 4. It shows the entropy of devs.

There is no game like that, your only hope lies in drugs, DMT to be specific.


I got bad news for you

>not combining dmt with psylocibin and weed

If we're going to make mixes you need to also remember MAOI.

Nigga evidence of aliens is virtually everywhere.

Okay, I don't even know what's MAOI


monoamine oxidase inhibitor, these substance slow down tryptamine digestion and dmt and psilo both happen to be tryptamines

>by the time this happens the human being will have become a god
>right now we are still a retarded species with no hope of becoming immortal soon

>implying I'm not immortal and omnipotent right now
Stay mortal, powerlet

>You came from that empty space and will return to it
>The fundamental essence of reality is nothingness
>You're just going home

>>implying I'm not immortal and omnipotent right now
>Stay mortal, powerlet

Elder Scrolls deep lore

Isn't Anu the "ultimate good" from Diablo as well?

Fuck western devs are uncreative


So it prolongs trip or what?

People can learn to calculate stuff, but there's a limit on how big numbers the brain can handle if you were to rely on built-in mechanisms rather than duly doing the arithmetic. Refer to scope neglect/scope insensitivity research to provide concrete examples, even in cases where people have personal stakes on the matter: The brain just doesn't multiply.

The true terrifying scenario would be a transition from a false vacuum to a true vacuum.

You guys realize that Entropy is the endboss of our universe right? It's literally what it all comes down to.

Every sufficiently advanced AI/Alien species/intelligence in the universe will eventually have to come together to try and tackle Entropy and look as hard as they can for either a way out of the universe or a way to end or reverse Entropy.

In a way the universe through random interactions of atoms over time made conscious entities such as us that can actually understand the universe itself. We are the universe understanding itself to rid itself of the great disease it has, named entropy.

All of our history, cultures, colonization of the universe, scientific and technological progress. Will only amount to 0.00001% of events in the universe. And will be considered an irrelevant portion of history as 99.99999% of the time in existence will be spend trying to fight and solve entropy. In the end that's all that life is about. The goal of existence is literally to solve entropy.