What makes a good rpg?
What makes a good rpg?
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Turn-based combat.
Depends on what the game wants to do. There are multiple aspects a game can excell at, some of them can make it an RPG. Trying to find a formula would be silly though. Every game is different.
what makes a good story for an rpg?
Bad guy wants to do something evil for the sake of evil doing. Nothing says quality like a antagonist without reason.
Choice and Consequence. You can choose to play a sneaky deeky dude but if you do that, you should suck at open combat and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you choose to be good at open combat you should suck at sneeky deeky stuff. Choice and consequence. Every bonus should come with a drawback of equal proportion, and if you don't specialize, you should fail the game.
like every other game you just need a self insert Mr Edgeking McSuperLord or Ms TitSex VirginBigAss
[stat based dialogue choices that look like this]
Choice and consequences.
excellent, thank you
how about a good leveling system?
what makes a good leveling system?
RPG leveling systems all work the same, XP grants a level, and the level grants points that you put into a particular stat.
Every 1 level should award you points toward your major focus stats, like combat, stealth, commerce, etc, and you should get perks every (grouping) of levels that grant powerful bonuses to your chosen playstyle.
The ability to solve problems in unique creative ways. As often as possible, when you think, "hey, I wonder if I can do this" the engine should be able to support it.
Like if you needed to rescue some hostages from a town overrun by bandits or something. You should be able to attack the problem in many different ways
Like maybe you want to disguise yourself as a bandit, sneak in, kill a few critical guards, and pull the hostages out. Or maybe you should be able to set a fire on the outskirts of the town to create a distraction to let you sneak in. Or maybe you discover a secret tunnel into the center of the town that you can use. Or maybe you pay or do a quest for the bandits in exchange for the hostages. Or maybe you inform local guards of the hostage situation and they send a squad to help you. Or maybe you just storm the place like a madman, but one of the hostages dies and you get a reduced quest reward.
Good character customization, good narrative, and good combat. Turn based is good as long as it's not as shit as the south park games, everything else is fine as long as it's not as shit as dragon's dogma
A big open world with hundreds of hours worth of meaningless side quests, no real choices or sacrifices to be made in character progression, and being shoehorned into a specific character archetype from the beginning of the story.
Any RPG that lets me shape my character's personality through his actions and dialogue, and NPCs and the game world adapting to it
Top kek
Enjoyable progression. Choice and consequence is second.