Breath of the Wild

>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>ARMS being a success despite all the "dead game" posting
>Switch being a massive success despite Sup Forums saying it would be Wii U 2.0
>Switch getting all the good Wii U games so that people who missed out can play them
>Bayonetta 3 coming exclusively to the Switch
>BotW winning more awards than anything on PS4
>Actual, literal cardboard outselling MHW
>mfw Sup Forums literally can't stop getting utterly fucked and BTFO by Nintendo

What went so wrong for this board? Did Iwata's ghost cast a hex on this place? Is Sup Forums forever doomed to get anally ravaged by anything Nintendo does now? They're living rent-free in user's heads now more than ever before.

Other urls found in this thread:


In Special Olympics?

>Nintendo won
What the laughing stock of the year award not even a full month into 2018? Incredible!

soyconsole of the year

But it fucking cardboard. Cardboard is for transporting shit, not making shit out of.

This actually looks really awesome

Never made a box fort when you were a kid? A cardboard city to play 'FUCK YOU I'M GODZILLA I SMASH SHIT'?

Get ready for this to be used in the new Pokemon games. Watch. Somehow you're gonna make PokeBalls out of cardboard and throw them around with a joycon inside.

I can't help but see sony whenever I see soy now/


I knew I would get to use this one day

yes out of free boxes, not 80$ prints.

>a product easiely can get a knock off version

What kind of retard would pay 80$ for that??

Fuck! Im suddenly reminded of that cringe worthy video
Is it really a knockoff when they give the plans out for free? Most of the cost of the package is the game, not the cardboard. I know you just want to scream and shitpost about it, though. :)

What video are you talking about?

y'all soyboys buying cardboard

don't make me gigglesquee




>the V opinion

>its for kids! its charming!
>its a toy!
>Nintendo does it again!

Haven't you constructed the cuckshed that came with your new overpriced nintendo piece of garbage

Keep crying

I pity the poor aimless souls of the fanboys that would spent 80$ in a bunch of carboard planks.

Is this some kind of fucking joke?

Its a fucking cardboard box

>Implying we're crying and not taking the piss

>Keep crying

>muh cardboard

They still give retards real gold if they're the fastest retard in the camp.

nigga im not gonna spend money for a cardboard folding video game I fold enough cardboard at work

It's finally over. Nintendo fucking killed Sup Forums. Fuck this shithole

Gaming is dead

Not vidya

How long until Sony, Microsoft and PC copy this idea?

All those crying sonynegroes

I wasn't really into the soyboy meme before but it's the only way to explain shit like this

you niggas actually excited about some cardboard toys. if my kid wanted a toy i'd get him a fucking toy that wasn't made of cardboard.

>PC is a company


oh no, the soyboy hurt our feelings

sony developed this for 5 years
microsoft sell minecraft cardboard playsets already

I am fine with kids wanting it. But grown ass 35 year old men and going to be posting this shit all over social media with their mouths open wide. Cannot wait for the memes.


Yall really gonna pretend like you're too good for this? The heck with that, let go of elitism, let go of youre aggressive dedication to what is "cool". Let's have fun. Let's pretend. Let's be kids again. I think that's what Mr Iwata wanted us to get from the Switch anyway.



>Let's be kids again



Why are the sony groids so mad?


c'mon, Mad-kubn. You doN,t have to be upset whenjever nintendo announce anything. You can live your own lif,e play your own games. Why not play another rousing round of FIFA instead of being mad on Sup Forums?

I just woke up from not using the internet for over 12 hours, what is this shit? Is Nintendo really advertising cardboard?


>tfw have switch, ps4 and pc


Nintendo could just release actual shit at this point and it would be a top seller.

the cardboard is optional, its only for lazy fucktards who don't want to get a fucking boxcutter and do it themselves

You forgot
>SMT V is going to be multiplat, Nintendies BTFO!!!11

the segment from 2:19 to 2:31 should have been moved up to 1:57

b-but you need to chose!
how will you shitpost like the rest of us?


I've been out of the loop for a while. Is this a fucking joke? Has April come early this year?

They're about to make a fuckton of money off of this. Kids are going to fucking love this shit.
Nintendo will always be a money printing company.

Feels good, doesnt it? I win any way the industry turns.

No they won't