This is canon

This is canon.


Well just look at them, the person the like basically tells them "no way fag" all the time, sometimes you just need a friend with benefits too keep going

These games are great. Whens the next one?

so mario a furry now

This, they're both pent-up kindred spirits it's perfect

I mean, they both have hammers and run at above average speeds


i like this

How are the Mario and Sonic games anyway

Are they as fun as the other Mario sports games


op you sick fuck censor that shit

Mario can figure skate with anyone though because it's a fucking sports game.


Never talk to me or my wife's plumber again

They look so cute.

Mario is a furry. I know. Aren't we all?

>hooking up with a girl less than half your age
>and also a furry

one or the other, man
not both

That makes too much sense

Huh? I thought this was already part of Sup Forums's official OTP list. Yes, Mario is with Amy, he dumped Wendy for her since the Wii era.

She's like 180 in hedgehog years.


Rosechu has a dick

Amy's being a thirsty slut ain't new

Every Italian is a little berlusconni at hearth

>one or the other
>actually choosing furry over loli ever
Kill yourself degenerate.