This is the new Undertale

This is the new Undertale.
Try to name a worse (current) fanbase.

Other urls found in this thread:

your favourite game

your second favorite game

Undertale's fanbase.

i havn't seen people making dokisonas yet so no

your favorite game


>game frequently leans on the fourth wall
>fanbase is genuinely austistic
Why is this?

I played this game yesterday, and I have to say It was pretty boring. I was almost falling asleep at the begining.
Aside from the twist, which is pretty easy to see coming, the game has nothing good. Also the "game" is super short.
I like the legs of the characters though.

The only threads I see about this game are people like you shitting on it, the fanbase seems to have died down

Succubus Prison

I thought it was fun. Yuri was super cute!

I saw a ton of fanart of the two skeleton brothers being gay with each other. Like, you'd think there wouldn't be that much because it's combining incest with skeletons, but there was a lot. The DDLC fanbase has a lot of catching up to do before it's at that level of horror.

this is a girl btw


Yes. Glad we're on the same wavelength.

Dark Souls, Sonic, Dragonball Z and whatever fanbase category the people who make threads like these fall under.


but yuri is garbage and all the others are way better

Not all of them. Yuri is at least better than Sayori.

I don't know why you bother posting that in every thread, is this like you first two years on Sup Forums.

Yeah, it's the new undertake in the sense that the hatebase can't stop talking about and spamming it. Once again the hatebase is the most obnoxiois part of a game, who could have guessed.

That's a pretty good list, besides OPM.

>actually desecrating mika with a dokidoki slut
Delete this fucking image now.

OPM is prime ironic weeb
>lol it's shounen anime but it's self aware xD

eh, atleast anime girls are cute. Undertale had furfagotry


>hating on pte
>hating on punchman
>hating on jojo
>hating on fist of the north star
god job 10\10 made me reply

If it's popular, it's automatically shit.
Sup Forums taught me this very long ago.

I'm not gonna delete perfection

it's nit about being shit
they are the usual things that ironic weebs like and spam memes everywhere
like for example, jojo wasn't ironic weeb material before the anime
and even now, you can like jojo and not be an ironic weeb, as long as you don't go around being an obnoxious memer with "lol le manly amime xD lol it made me grow a beard xD" and shit like that

other stuff like DDLC though, is irredeemably stuck in ironic weeb hell forever

sorry wrong girl
this is perfection

pop team epic is way too esoteric to be on that last
good image other than that

what the fuck even an ironic weeb

>puts in JoJo and Fist of the North Star
>not Attack on Titan

whoever made this is an ironic weeb trying not to appear to be an ironic weeb


a youtube comments weeb
someone who tries to "mask" his weebdom with a layer of self-awareness and irony, often resulting in more meme spam than actually talking about anime

Grand orderfags. They're the dark souls 2 niggers of VNs.

Really? Because it looks like rape.

Nobody would care if she killed herself, though


post more Samus drinking things

>Nobody would care if she killed herself, though
like yuri?


>Try to name a worse (current) fanbase.

Nintendo fans. They're literally defending a pack of cardboard for SEVENTY fucking dollars.

Monika would care if they both did though.


tried playing this shit, dropped it after 20 min


No, nothing like Yuri. Do you wanna die?

Yume Nikki

Has anybody made an edit of the puking anime girl but with Natsuki? Asking for a friend.

>when depressed bitch died it was sad but then yurislut died nothing happed

really makes you think

You'd probably drop any VN.

just like Hatsukoi 1/1 its shit

20 minutes are not enough to get an impression of literally, and I mean literally, any VN. Either the entire genre isn't for you, or you're actually being a fucking retard.

See Deadpool

When she died, nobody even remembered, not even 5 minutes later. We had the whole weekend to mourn for Yuri

What could they possibly edit? That's the exact same pose. Just add the background yourself.

No I'm not. I'll defend the cardboard, but not 70 dollars.

No man, other VNs are interesting from the start, this was just boring.

I couldn't believe it when I discovered this game a few weeks ago watching my favourite Youtuber. This game is so deep, like, it's a satire, a parody if you will, of the visual novel genre, indeed of anime itself; it pulls no punches in deconstructing the genre brick by brick and it is utterly merciless in its demolition of the fourth wall. That said, it's still a fanastic game in its own right with believable, three-dimensional characters. Let me go even further and say that DDLC captures perfectly the zeitgeist of the latter 2010s, it's the Rick and Morty generation, the meme generation, the generation, the winner winner chicken dinner generation, encapsulated, bottled up and served for your gaming pleasure.

Now please excuse me, I need to go and bingewatch The One Piece Man on Crunchyroll XD

>shitty yandere ripoff
>sad that she died
i think most people where glad

Complete fucking bullshit, you've never read a VN. Most VN's with decent length don't have shit happening for like 5 hours in their main route. In no world can 20 minutes be enough for you to conclude that a VN is either good or shit.

I don't know man, I'm currently reading Higurashi and literally nothing happened in the first 20 minutes. They didn't even get to the slice of life shenanigans in that time.

Please give examples of these fabled VNs because even the ones I find great have boring ass openings.

Your favorite game's and Sup Forums
You're not hot shit. You're probably just another retard of the bunch

Why do you even care about fanbases? The only time I hear about Undertales or DDLCs fanbase is when people complain about it here
Cool, you're not a part of it but you don't win any extra points for it

I'm not like most people. I have tastes. also a bit of a weak spot for finger licking.

>Shitty Yandere ripoff
How in the fuck can you rip off an archetype? Pretty sure she IS a yandere.

Please stop posting this people are starting to take it seriously

>lol it's shounen anime
stopped reading there


>also a bit of a weak spot for finger licking.
I found your ideal girl for you.

>Lofi hip hop channel

How the fuck did you know!?


Katawa Shoujo is still going strong.

cause you like trash

you dumb nigger I keep telling you to add aho girl to this but you don't do it
trust me, add that anime to your shitty bait and you'll get hundreds of (you)'s

Liking a few anime doesn't make you a weeb you know
Some people just like memes


ddlc isn't even a game, because it doesn't feature failstates

kek, love the flurry of assblasted ironic weebs that always follow this picture

Fuck you it's relaxing!

>tfw I like the game and the meta themes
>tfw can't express liking it because of the shitty fanbase

>i'm totally not a part of the problem guise

This was the first time ever I even mentioned liking it, bruh

Pretending to be retarded isn't funny, but you can be sure that it will always upset people.

>meta themes

>proving my point

The only thing i dislike about this game is that people insist this creepypasta tier shit is good horror

The fanbase would happily discuss it with you though, infact we had a great many threads about the game itself.
You just missed it and now it's stupid shit like the other replies that you got all the time, as usual proving that video game fans are all horrible.


It's very unsettling and genuinely creeped me out more than "real" horror games like dead space or resident evil

An exception being PT. Now that is a scary game.

>creator wants to make a game that's an interesting meta game with a lot of good ARG elements to it
>people appreciate it
>other people hate that people appreciate it
every time

>Unironically using the term normies
user you have to go back

but its not
its gay as fuck

>game comes out
>Sup Forums likes it
>more people find out about it
>Sup Forums hates it

the cycle of life and death continues

Why isn't Dragonball here?

Dragon Ball is spic-core

it's good background noise
as long as it's not the depressing type

At least Undertale is semi-discussable at this point since most people have moved on